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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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That would be like the Favorite Things audience reaction heard 'round the world. Oprah has said that she doesn't want scripted drama for OWN b/c it's too expensive, but I'm sure the idea will at least flash before her eyes before she humbly passes. Now, Susan getting a show on OWN? That I can totally see.

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I'm thinking back now to my first memories of both shows. With AMC, it was 1976. I was 9 and home sick from school. I remember wearing my blue terrycloth bathrobe and just sitting with my mom watching her favorite show. Next to AW, that is. :) There was a party going on, and the first character I saw was Phoebe speaking with Charles. I loved the comedy aspect, and was immediately hooked. With OLTL, it was a snowy day home from school. Must've been 77 or 78. I remember Claire Malis's Dorian confronting Karen Wolek that she had seen her picking up a john. Claire Malis frightened the hell out of me. I was intrigued. I continued watching on days off from school and summer vacations and then of course into adulthoo. AMC is MY show, but I also hold OLTL very dear to my heart. I'm crying as I type.

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even if she did that, it still wouldnt be 5 million bc each show isnt getting 3 a piece. You are right in that most of these are overlapping viewers. And even if OWN did pick up the shows, the ratings will not be nearly as high as they are now on ABC. OWN is a new network and not broadcast everywhere. Many will have to pay for it via getting a satellite or digital cable subscription if one doesn't already have one. I love my soaps, but Im not going to pay $60 extra a month for them

LMAO! :lol:

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