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I calmed down.

It appears to be turning out that Gus actually is a standup guy but will get the shaft in favor of Jimmy. Should've known! rolleyes.gif

I found it odd Lip wasn't the slightest bit peeved at Fiona when he found out she got married.

Lip shooting up the shop w/Mickey was so dumb and I wish he'd actually gotten caught by the cops for making yet another foolish decision. It's time for him to get a taste of the slammer. Oh, wait, he's going back to school? Let me guess, to avoid making the same mistakes again? rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

Debbie was downright embarrassing. The Actress comes off more and more awkward with each scene. There's no chemistry with her and the boxing boy. I somehow felt bad for the thot bullies that she beat up.

Carl drug dealing continues to be insufferable. The dialogue for the kid he owes money to is wretched. Seriously?

I'm continuously devastated by the dismantlement of Kev & V. Crushed.

Frank weaseling his way into living off his donor family is sick. The "dad" angle is disturbing. Him f-cking the Mom came out of nowhere and was so contrived. Don't even get me started on Sammi.

Ian going off and doing a porno made sense & I was moved by Mickey's reaction and jealousy beforehand.

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Carl to SammiLoser: "You're not a Gallagher." LOL. Why is she still around? I would have been satisified if she had exited in the same episode as Sheila. This 8 year old 34 year old needs to go somewhere with her thot ass. Everything about her is embarassing

Im sickened by Frank taking advantage of that man's grief. Im glad the wife was creeped out and said something, but now she's f--king him so double ewwww

Big WTF to Mickey and Lip shooting up that store with AK-47s. How stupid can they be. Lip especially with throwing the gun with his fingerprints all over it

Im not liking the V and Kevin material. I fear they will split :(


Grossed out by Ian doing some porno without protection. Didnt they say he was 17 earlier this season? Thats child pornography. Im glad Mickey stepped up to him and finally came to the realization that he's sick and needs help


That ending!


Guys, he's BACK!

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Carl to SammiLoser: "You're not a Gallagher." LOL. Why is she still around? I would have been satisified if she had exited in the same episode as Sheila. This 8 year old 34 year old needs to go somewhere with her thot ass. Everything about her is embarassing

Im sickened by Frank taking advantage of that man's grief. Im glad the wife was creeped out and said something, but now she's f--king him so double ewwww

Big WTF to Mickey and Lip shooting up that store with AK-47s. How stupid can they be. Lip especially with throwing the gun with his fingerprints all over it

Im not liking the V and Kevin material. I fear they will split sad.png


Grossed out by Ian doing some porno without protection. Didnt they say he was 17 earlier this season? Thats child pornography. Im glad Mickey stepped up to him and finally came to the realization that he's sick and needs help


That ending!


Guys, he's BACK!

He' going back to run for the cops. I bet they will ignore it but they really should be able to catch him by the prints

At least we have Jimmy to look forward to next week :D

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Not sure how I feel about the Kevin and V thing. Having them be a happy little family would probably mean we don't get to see much of them. So we have this conflict and they decide to reverse gender stereotypes a bit and have V be the one who can't deal with the loss of attention. Then they take it up a notch in Shameless style.

I don't hate it, but I'm not sure it's fair to V's character. She's seen what selfish parents do to kids first hand. I would have liked it better if the conflict came from Kevin wanting his other baby to live with him and V. At the same time, I was on V's side with the breast feeding thing. It looks like she did it for several months, so Kevin was just being kind of an ass on that front.

I do feel bad for Lip. I don't think it's easy to let go of the place and life you know, even if it's for something any outsider would recognize as a better life.

I think it's possible that Gus does have a mental problem. Marrying Fiona was pretty impulsive. We know why Fiona would do that, but why would Gus if he's the stable person he appears to be?

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I think Kevin comes out of this smelling like roses from pretty much the second episode of the season onward. It was one thing when he wasn't with the kids 24/7, and he was at the alibi working and barking orders at Veronica, but she lost her battery for an argument once they had Kevin become Super Mom. Veronica just isn't happy, and there isn't anything that is wrong with what Kevin is doing. What Veronica is doing almost borders on child abuse, it would be one thing if they were showing signs of postpartum depression but she seems inherently selfish and almost angry that she is no longer the only thing in Kevin's world. I was waiting for Kevin to tell her that if she leaves him for checking on his children, that he wouldn't want her to be there when he comes back anyway. Ultimately Veronica wanted this, she wanted this enough for them to have sex with her mother in order to have a child, and she hasn't acclimated well at all.

On to the Gallaghers, why does it feel like no one is parenting these children? I get that ultimately Fiona, Ian and Lip were more responsible teens more or less that kept the house going but it feels like Fiona doesn't have a handle on anything anymore and that is just not what we have seen in the past. Debbie and Carl are running her roughshod over there these days and she just seems irresponsible. Carl drug dealing in and of itself is not cute, yes we have seen Lip, Ian and Kevin drug deal more or less but it always felt it was in a safer environment with friends who wouldn't get too deep. They certainly weren't on drug corners and everything. They weren't interacting with thugs who can and will kill Carl if he doesn't produce and deliver on sales quotas. Debbie is terrifying and she's more or less left unchecked, and it seems as if Fiona is struggling to actually discipline her and it's terrible -- specifically Fiona's earlier dalliance this season seems to be encouraging her to make bad, unhealthy and impulsive decisions. Unfortunately Lip and Ian are no longer a stable presence in her life so they can't adequately temper her with advice like they usually did.

Onto the adults more or less: Sammi continues to find new ways to humiliate herself with each passing episode, she has no self respect it's hard to actually feel bad for her. I'm glad that Lip is going back to school, he seems to have realized way too late that south side is a trigger that is going to make him relapse and will put his entire future at risk. None of what he has been doing has been good for him and there is too much at home to hold him back. I have a feeling that gun will come back to haunt him, and he might end up being expelled from school or lose his scholarships to his school which would be devastating but honestly well deserved considering the fact that he doesn't seem to understand the opportunities he is being given to make his life better. He is literally being given everything on a silver platter. I'm freakin' ecstatic that Jimmy is back in town, maybe Fiona will stop acting like a goddamn pod person now, she honestly hasn't been the same since Jimmy left and she has squandered herself and fucked over herself and everyone around her since he left. Season 4 was pretty much all about how she imploded without him there, and she is not doing a grand job since he's been away. Maybe he can screw her sane again. Sad but true.

Also these things happened:


Shameless is so funny for doing this, confirming Ian's penis size and yet still limiting his screen time to a little over 5 minutes. I question if Cameron is even going to be on this show for much longer? He is getting pretty big recognition for movie roles (The Giver) and also landing stints on other television shows (Gotham) which he has filmed along with Shameless, and I just get the feeling he is preparing to leave when the timing lines up for him. Shameless probably doesn't have too many more seasons left in it, I think. Dexter and Weeds only went for 8 and those were big headlining shows. I wonder if they are ever going to write Ian out? I mean they basically did in season 4, but still. He is one part of the biggest pairing this show has, and this show needs everything it has going for it. I would be sad to see Cameron go, because he is a good actor who is able to give nuanced performances. Is it bad that I still think Ivegeny is in better hands even with a bipolar Ian than he is with his birth mother and father?


I don't really get what Mickey was expecting here, he turned a blind eye to so many things and let it progress this far, and didn't really think of the consequences. Also the cheating thing is kind of weird? Did they ever talk about being exclusive? I guess one can assume since Mickey is so heavily closeted that it should be so, but it wasn't too long ago that he was playing hose with Svetlana, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that they never had this conversation. Also Ian was just going this so they could have money. I get that they are saying Ian is hypersexual, but this is something I don't think was very well fleshed out or understood in their relationship this season, so I can't tell if they had an unspoken agreement or if Mickey just kind of assumed. But we can tell from this episode that Mickey feel's Ian was cheating on him, and reacts as such so I don't even know what to call this.


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The Ian psychotic break scenes were chilling. Reminded me of Carrie's mental breakdown over on Homeland this past season (another Showtime show I highly recommend everyone here should watch). I was slightly taken aback by the baby angle of it all - I guess I didn't realize how much of a relationship Ian had with him. Noel Fisher (Mickey) shined throughout, particularly the scene where he called Ian for what had to be the umpteenth time & said he loved him. The following scene with him & Carl was also very nice and one of the reasons why I love this show.

I seriously cannot, CAN. NOT. with Sammi taking on Fiona's role in the house suddenly. No bitch. Move. The scene when she was wishing Debbie luck and Fiona was in the middle looking up at them - why didn't Fiona speak up?

How did Fighter Thot get enrolled into High School anyway? LOL. What guardian signed her up? Strange but passable I guess. I was immediately turned off by this story when everyone was calling her "Deadly Debbie" rolleyes.gif Oh, there's a YouTube video of what she did? rolleyes.gif The Fighter teen guy is just not a good actor and I hope they keep this all to a minimum - It's not working. At all.

Lip going back to school to be an RA seemed pretty pointless since they immediately had him go back home to retrieve Ian. I didn't know what was going on over there & what we were supposed to get from it. The secretly slutty, spoiled girlfriend & her side story are recycled and not interesting

I'm patiently waiting for V to get it. It's painful seeing her look & sound so dumb when she used to be the best. I need her to straighten up and fix things with Kev. A divorce story for them would be too messy. They were & should always be the rock couple of the show. This is madness. Also I was extremely disappointed when V didn't let Fi vent to her. They ALWAYS vent to each other. What in the world is happening?

Jimmy was revolting and I can't believe Fiona f-cked him twice. I am so irritated with him deciding to come back once he found out Fiona was married. BITCH, why didn't you show up as soon as you got out of Brazil? Did I miss something, what was the point of him cruising around with the lesbian girl watching Fiona's every move? He's sorry about everything that happened while he was gone and wishes he could've been there? BITCH YOU WERE IN TOWN WHEN SOME OF IT WAS HAPPENING WTF?!

Poor Steve Kazee. He's doing so, so good but you can tell his end is near. I love love love him on this show & am glad I discovered him here. Have you all seen his Tony acceptance speech? wub.png

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Last week's episode showed Debbie beating the hell of two other girls while Carl filmed it.

V is pissing me off, she should realize that things wouldn't be the same now that she has kids let alone twins

I really enjoyed Cameron Monaghan in this episode, Noel Fisher as well. I love their relationship.

Sammi surprised me though I kind of was taken aback at how she was taking charge of the house, then I instantly realized how much I didn't like her

Fiona is making such a mistake with Jimmy especially when she has a good thing going with Gus.

I liked Carl today as well

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