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AMC: Tuesday, March 2, 2011

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Really enjoying the Tad-Cara stuff. MEK FINALLY looks like he's having some fun with this and am enjoying the whole family aspect. I was afraid that Tad was just going to be an afterthought in all this, but that looks not to be the case. That last scene where he told Krystal he's doing it because he's a Martin and because Jake never treated him like anything else than a blood relative got me a bit teary-eyed. Nice play on Tad's insecurity about not being quite good enough to be a Martin. Thought that was a nice touch. Yes I'm a geek LOL. Kind of reminded me of a scene years ago between Ruth and Dixie during the embryonic stage of the Tad-Dixie romance in which Ruth explained to Dixie that Tad never quite got rid of the mentality that the apple didn't fall far from the Ray Gardner tree. OK now I'm convinced that Agnes MUST be ghostwriting LOL.

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Who will freakout more about Minks , KWAK ,David or JR?

Is Reese rich or does Binks hold the purse strings?

I take it Binks is a trustfund baby who does no work other an set on the Cambias board and oversee Miranda's interests?

Would Reese have any right to Miranda and her Cambias money?

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JR will [!@#$%^&*] a few bricks! He'll hate it. He's a [!@#$%^&*] about everything else anyway, this will be just another reason for him to hate the world.

If David is written in character, I think he'd be really happy for them both. And heck, it might get him some face time with Bianca and Miranda. Something that can only help the character. Or...maybe not, this is K&S.

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I hate this bitch. Its such a shame bc she used to be one of my favorites


Loved Krystal's "dont look at me" LOL

Seaking of which, now that Tad is getting married, does she move out? Its kinda ridiculous for Tad to try and claim he's in love with and marrying Cara with his ex wife still in the house


You can tell she is not liking this

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I hate how judgmental and resistant Opal and Krystal are towards Cara, I wish they would be a little more light hearted about this. They should open up their arms more and welcome her, no one seems to be doing that and I think that's whats missing. I think it's sad watching Cara so uncomfortable around Tad's family, I hope things smooth out by the time the wedding day arrives.

Seriously. How many times in a day is he going to stalk Kendall and check up on her for her heart? He needs to stay away, he had no business coming to Kendall's house like that. I wish Kendall would get annoyed with him and tell him to back off. He is just to much.

Ricky is an idiot to. It's unfortunate how clueless Kendall is towards him. She really thinks he cares about her, it's almost like she thinks she's special to him...Griffin is the only one who seems to be seeing right through him & I hate that because its only a matter of time until he gets through to Kendall and its to late and she's in danger again.

This S/L is just bad. Only thing that can save it is if Kendall figures things out on her own and takes charge without Griffin being her savior in the end.

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I liked today's--even the Kendall ranting about the box stuff didn't bug me for some reason. Nothing major, but I actually enjoyed all the stuff at Tad's (and miraculously Jake continues to not annoy me, something I never thought would happen), the humour was classic AMC if underplayed, LOVED Opal and the champagne... It's nice that one part of Pine Valley still feels sorta like a family with a couple of generations (thanks to Opal).

Diana is such a cliche, but I find the actress so sstriking, I kinda love her.

Ha! Well Lorraine Broderick is presumably getting paid for SOMETHING--maybe they do listen to her opinions every few weeks... :P

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I think there resentment is understandable though and Krystal made good points. What Tad is doing is illegal and high risk for failing bc he doesnt know Cara. If he gets caught and goes to jail, he has 2 young girls that will suffer. She's raising them and they've had a very comfortable arrangement which is unconvential but works for them. This marriage all of a sudden kinda flips things unnecesarily. . I think she is really thinking about the kids here

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That last Tad/Krystal scene was fantastic, but I was slightly bored during most of the party. On paper, it had potential to be much funnier than it was.

Can we please just end the Kendall/Ricky/Griffin story? Once it was revealed that Ricky killed Zach, this story went downhill and now it's just painful to watch. I'm sorry but what doctor in 2011 makes housecalls? It just makes Griffin seem more like a stalker than a hero.

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