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GH: February Discussion Thread

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I think it was definitely Carly who cut up the dress. She was coming down the stairs before Brenda & Robin came in. I don't see how it could be anyone else...

Carly really is "sad and pathetic" like Brenda & Robin said. Cutting up that wedding dress solidifies it! She has no life and the saddest thing is that she could actually have one if she wasn't so busy going from point A to point B scouting out the next person to bitch at or make an enemy out of. She is a daft cow who is always out on the prowl and can never be happy for one second. She owns a hotel, has a loving husband, & kids and pays no heed to any of it.

Loved the Spencermaine's today. Maya/Ethan, Luke/Tracy & Brooke/Nik were all great today! Always hilarious and fun to watch. Maya & Ethan are so great together...

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Exactly. If that woman was there just waiting for Jason or whatever, she wouldn't have hid once she heard Brenda & Robin coming. She would've just stood there, pissing all over the place, marking her territory, making it known she could come and go from Jason's whenever she wants. She would've picked another fight, bared her gnarly teeth and then galloped out of the penthouse like she's done the last 34 times that swayback nag's been there this past month. And Brenda would've simply been "ugh! That woman!" and that would be that. But the fact that she came downstairs, ran and hid, kept outta sight, and then slinked out of the penthouse without confronting them at all... Hella suspect.

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I heard so much about those scenes I had to go watch them...VMG seems so tired all the time when I see her but she put a lot of effort into that wedding dress cut-up scene. I wonder if she's afraid they will make her go all Betsy's Wedding.

I don't know who wrote the script but the scenes with Carly listening in on Robin and Brenda trashing her reminded me a lot of her early years, when she was more of an outsider and the show's main heroines often barely tolerated or outright loathed her and you'd have those moments where the POV was more about how out of control she was and not so much about her being braveandstrong and so on. It was strange to go back there.

Back then I would have been furious and given a long lecture about self-righteousness and so on, but at this point, with the way Carly has been written in recent years, I think it was probably well-deserved.

It was a very interesting scene...

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I thought Kelly Monaco looked exceptionally beautiful and youthful on the episode


So you think Suzanne snuck into the penthouse to cut up a dress? I dont trust her either, but that seems very immature and highschoolish. Right up Snarly's alley. I cant see some grown woman in her 60s who seems to be level headed and mature stooping to such an amateurish antic. Cutting up a dress is something done in jealousy and rage and I suspect lacked any premidated thought. Carly probably happened to come upon it and flipped. Suzanne doesnt want this wedding to happen but she knows ruining the dress wont stop it. I picture her doing something more intelligently to send a message and halt things

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Kelly Monaco always looks to me like someone who is theoretically pretty but comes off always looking like she was out all night at a club. The bags under her eyes really are a distraction from what should be a pretty face. She doesn't have particularly beautiful features, she just is a pretty girl whose looks seem to be fading. Vanessa Marcil is years older and she has the nicer nose, the more flattering skin color, better hair, higher cheekbones I think we can only guess what Kelly Monaco will look like in ten years, but it won't be anywhere near as well preserved as Vanessa Marcil--let alone Jane Elliot or Constance Towers when she reaches their age.

I don't think Carly would do that. That seems a little too impulsive for someone who sits on secrets about Brenda's baby for so long.

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You're giving that woman way too much credit. The horse is nothing but impulsive. The only reason she's sitting on the Brenda Baby secret is because it suits her. She has a plan to use it at a certain time she feels will cause maximum damage. She wants the secret to be kept so when it does come out, Sonny will view it as... say it with me... "BETRAYAL!" :rolleyes: Because, after all, it's about that time of year for another BETRAYAL story for Sonny.

Speaking of giving credit, I have to say one of the few rare times I was on the same page with Maurice was during that whole period he was having that dissatisfaction with the show (the year he won his Emmy, ironically). I remember reading where he was saying he actually would welcome the idea of playing something other than BETRAYAL. I was like, OMG! I would like you to play something other than that, too!! We're so >>here<<!!

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She is so pathetic. She already ruined Brenda's wedding to Jax by telling him Brenda kissed Sonny. Now she wants to ruin Brenda's wedding to Sonny -- and for what?! I may not like Brenda and find her utterly useless, but this woman is just horrid in comparison. Her only reason for living is ruining other people's lives. Brenda hasn't done a thing to her and has stayed out of her way -- yet she is sooo intent on getting in Brenda's face and ruining things. I wish Sonny shot this version of her in the head.

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I don't think it was Carly either. I can't figure her out though because one point it seems she wants the wedding to happen so she can expose Brenda's baby and then it seems like she doesn't want it to happen at all. Where was Spinelli during all this? Carly could of been visiting him for whatever dumb reason and thats why she was upstairs. Maybe I'm reaching but I can see Spinelli cutting up the dress thinking it would stop the wedding.

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I won't go there about how weird that Spinelli theory is... but if it's not that woman, there should at least be an explanation why she ran and hid from Brenda & Robin, and slipped out without confronting them at all. The only reason I can think of as to why she didn't stomp, neigh, buck and snarl at them is because she knew that Brenda was going to get her comeuppance. It's highly, highly unlike this woman to just let people she hates bad mouth her and her children and her men... and then simper out with tears in her eyes -- without throwing a fit. Even if she didn't cut up the dress, she had to have known what was coming regardless.

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