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GH: February Discussion Thread

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LMAO at THAT GIRL calling Ronnie, "Detective Dumbass"

Brenda is such an selfish self absorbed twit. The atittude she gave her wedding planner was rude and uncalled for

That had me DYING with laughter. The thirsty twit thought he was gonna take her home.

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Luck and Siobhan are back tomorrow. <_<

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I haven't had a chance to read the entire thread, but I have to say, I'm a little disappointed by Sonny. He doesn't seem to be really "tuned into" the fact that Michael was raped. He seems to concern himself about Brenda, their upcoming wedding and whether Carly destroyed Brenda's dress etc.. His initial reaction was fantastic last week, but this week? Not so much. I'm sure it ways heavy on his mind, but I would expect maybe a little more emotion and perhaps spend more time with Michael. Dante seems to care more than Sonny.

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ABC should spend time and money putting their episodes on Hulu earlier than 3AM instead of this stupid "STAY TUNED FOR SCENES FROM THE NEXT ___(INSERT ABC SOAP HERE)___" Let's think about it...we can already predict what the hell is gonna happen on these shows anyway. ABC/Disney should spend their man hours on adding soaps online early.

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Oh dear lord, why are they STILL trying to make Mac and Alexis happen? You cant progress a story if you only feature it during the holidays

Quartermainefan, both Robin adn Sam talked to Liz about her kids when they saw her at the nurses station....haha, I thought of you when I saw that

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I was literally LMHO. What a prince... :P The funniest part is that it was about 7 degrees further south than "Port Charles" is when I was watching it. If Elizabeth got hypothermia while she was waiting, you know that Nikolas would have been more than happy to take care of all of her medical expenses. ;)

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How sad & unromantic will it be if Sam finds out she's NOT pregnant tomorrow in the middle of her and the borgs dinner date? lol. Valentine's Day seems like the perfect time for Sam to find out she's having her miracle baby, but for some reason I see GH doing the opposite since we are talking about Jasam here, ha. But maybe I'm wrong.

Lmao, GH still going at a snails pace with Alexis & Mac. Today we literally had almost the same Kristina/Molly scenes from last Thanksgiving regarding them. I really like Alexis/Mac but GH isn't going to do diddly squat with them, they just need to stop!! This has been going on for over a year LOL.

Why is Lulu even giving Dante the time of day? dry.gif So I guess she's just forgiven him completely now? Why did GH even tease my Johnny/Lulu possibly rekindling things a few weeks ago, then? sad.gif

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