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Basketball Wives on VH1


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SON going down made me forget to comment after I saw the show! I didnt make that gif but was pumped after seeing it. That episode had so many gif worthy moments from Tami and hilarious quotes. I will have to come back and post some later. As for Meeka, someone from another board put it like this







i just saw that and thats such a bitch move to do. He should be ashamed of himself. I expect that mess from the women, not some grown man
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Tami: "Since she had a whole lot to say about my weave, I figured she should not be the one to be talking sicne she's sitting over their looking like a transvestite Mary J Blige"



"Out of the goodness of my heart, I was going to let her have a wonderful vacation. Lo and behold it all goes in vain bc I find out she's still talking sh-t"

"Its not over. I dont give a f--k. If that bitch gets in this car tomorrow, I will bust her in her face everytime I see her"

After Shaunie reads Meeka's letter...


"Child please. Dear Meeka. Write the letter to someone that gives a f--k"


"Such a cowardly move for such a cowardly chick"

"Bitch you're new to the situation. And when you dont know what youre talking about and you dont know how people get down, shut the f--k up, sit back and watch. Thats what she didnt do"



Oh and here's the first promo shot of the LA cast


Edited by Cheap21
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Cheap, you're on a roll! Tam's been looking great lately.

Ugh, most of the new cast look like butt ugly transvestites! Who are they wives of?

I heard Lebron's girlfriend wanted to be on the show but he kept her on a leash.

Edited by Money
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Oh yeah Tami definetly looks good. She looked so ghetto and brokedown last season but you can tell that she used the money to get herself better weaves, some new clothes and it shows.

This was another great one that I forgot!

"I dont like Meeka and she is going to feel the wrath of me not liking her" :lol:

I read that Tami has threatened the producers with not coming back if Meeka is on season 4. She asys she cant be on the same show with someone that is actively suing her and I can see her point with that. The show would be foolish to let Tami go bc she is like the best thing about it.

As for the LA cast....them some big bitches! Talk about thick. So not cute at all

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The LA wives look a hot mess. Hot Mess. As for Tami vs Meeka, honestly, as someone who personally knows Tami, I'm still team Meeka here. I liked Meeka as well as Tami, but Tami was clearly in the wrong and deserves to be sued. Meeka was a gossip, but so are all of them. The show doesn't have any natural real life situations. They simply meet for lunch or drinks and constantly talk about their storylines and only their storylines. It's nothing like the Bravo HWs series. I found Meeka interesting enough to keep on and I think vh1 should keep both of them. Tami is locked into a multi-year contract and can't do anything. Let's get real...

Going back to LA, I can't wait to see the first promo so we can have an idea of how those women will be. I'm very curious about their day-to-day fashions considering how horrendous they look in the promo pic all dressed up.

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Those outfits are so tacky. They look like they are from one of those late night spoof movies on Skinemax, like Bikini Basketball Housewives. The woman on the left even has that look on her face, "Why the hell am I wearing this?"

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Looking at the group pic again, whoever did the photo shoot should be shot. The girl in the middle literally towers over everyone else like the Incredible Hulk. The girl on the left looks so uncomfortable she looks constipated. The stilettos on girls #5 and #7 are clearly two inches too big. Girl #5 looks absolutely ridiculous.

The individual pics are not too bad so that tells me they're not ugly but they're way too thick to be wearing those tight dresses. The ladies in the first and last single pics look nasty and the nasty looking weave... ugh, no words.

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You didnt see the previews? They kept showing that moment. Such a b-tch move. I hate how 75% of the episode focused on them. Where was Tami! I kinda feel that if the season ended on the Italy trip, that would have made for a much more satisfying finale. The Eric/Jenn stuff felt kinda anticlimatic after all the crazyness from 2 episodes ago

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This season flew by so quickly. Has it always been this short?

The argument between Evelyn and Chad was so staged.

Eric is a real piece of work, however that entire argument escalated because Jennifer engaged. The more she responded the more he attacked and she fell right into it. And what man tells a woman he doesn't have to check his mother because she's exactly that. Damn. Eric is a real bastard but I quite enjoyed the drink being thrown in her face.

Royce should asked to be let out of her contract because she's doing squat.

I'm not sure about this season's ratings but the show need to step it's game up. The women need more than just sitting around trashing other because it's beyond redundant and getting boring.

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It must be working because the show is hitting series highs this season. According to TVBytheNumbers, the season finale gave VH1 its best ratings since May 2009. They did a press release and everything, it netted about 2.5 million viewers, and the 10pm repeat got 1.9 million. Its the biggest season yet at least 4 trending topics on TwitterMonday night were about the show.

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