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@Chris B The preview for the season looks good but that premiere was just boring. I liked some of the new girls from last year so wouldnt have minded some of them back. Did they introduce these 3 new ones last night? I cant even recall anyone besides Malaysia's family whom were a blur


@Nothin'ButAttitude Bambi is married to Scrappy, back on LAHH ATL and pregnant so she wouldnt have returned to this. I dont know Brandi but wouldnt have minded her but the issue remains that Shaunie and her minions block her from being on


I see them making Tami out to be the villian this season and dont like that bc I cant stand Evelyn. I want to like Jennifer but she is such a disappointment taking up permanent residence up Ev's ass.

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@Cheap21 They only showed two of the three. I did like a couple of the ones from last year but the new ones definitely seem more polished. As for Jennifer...I never liked her ass. I always thought she was so fake and pretentious. I’m not surprised she’ll be at the center of drama which is where she always was. If Tami IS the bad guy it’ll be interesting to see because she won’t go down without a fight. I know they had to beg Tami to return this season so I wonder if that’s why they’re really upset with her. 

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Really we’re back to Evelyn vs. Tami again?!! I knew that alliance was horseshit last season.


This feels too much like a continuation of last season. I need new stories. Though the preview for the season looks decent.


Shaunie still ain’t loyal to nobody.

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I think my standards have been lower because most HWs shows have been so bad lately, but I love this season lol. I like that they have an actual cast and the newbies are good. If a newbie or two actually sticks for more than one season it would benefit them. I feel like each year is a reset. 


My biggest takeaway from this episode is remembering how I always hated Jen. She’s so two faced and such a snob. I found Evelyn enjoyable last year but Jen is going to drag her down I can tell. Had anybody accused Jen or Evelyn of being prostitutes they’d have flipped out so it amazes me they act like Cici is crazy for being offended. 

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Always some lesbian sh-t with Jackie. She was real thirsty when she met up with OG


I cant stand Jennifer this season either. Im glad she caught heat this episode


Still cant stand Shaunie. Fake ass bitch.


I really enjoy Reggie and Tami together. They work.

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Evelyn: "Im not going to engage with you" while still engaging with Jackie

Jennifer needs to stop saying she's not messy every episode bc she's the messiest one there. I really need people to call her out and not dismiss what she's doing. Tami acknowledges it but isnt come at her how she should

Jackie, ALWAYS talking about sex. Im glad she is seeing a therapist bc maybe this will help her come to admit she was a sh-tty mother and understand why

OG and Kristen feuding is too much. I hate when this happens. New girls smell blood and instantly come for each other out of fear that they might get axxed

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You gotta commend OG though b/c she rattles these girls with the quickness. You also gotta commend her confidence level too despite her looking busted. 


Do I think OG needs a boob job? No. However, she needs to leave that low cut mess alone. If she is gonna reveal her breast, she needs to invest in a great push-up or something. 


The one newbie that annoys the f-ck out of me is Kristen. She wants to be part of Ev, Shaunie, and Jenn so bad that it is crazy. 

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Best episode of the season!


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Shaunie looks terrible


Why are Jackie's titties out?


LMAO at Evelyn saying she aint in the sh-t, when its all about her


DEAD at Tami exposing Jennifer's messy flip flopping ass. YES!


The role of Porsha Williams will now be played by Jennifer Williams



I want to like Kristen but she brings nothing to the table besides being a pretty face. CeCe also does nothing for me. These two try to hard to fit in. I dont like OG, but I appreciate how she isnt scared to shake things up and isnt worried about being liked

Edited by Cheap21
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Kristen and Cece haven’t done much but I like them enough I’d keep them next season. I’m just tired of the turnover on this show. I could see them doing better next season once they actually know the girls. I think they’ve done decent for newbies. 


Now onto the big secret OMG I loved it! Jen was so much fun last season obviously because she wanted to get back in. I was so happy to see her flip flopping ass called out! She has done nothing but stir up trouble this season. 

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but she's NOT messy! I loved Tami gathering her together all while taking a shot at Evelyn and Shaunie for their fake ass sh-t. Killed 3 birds with one stone. She dont care bc she's out with this season anyway. Her final f--k you to these hoes

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Shaunie should be thankful with Tami. She finally gave her a storyline


"Girl, you have got to stop lying through your crusty ass lips" LOL....DEAD. Jennifer is dumb AF. What does it matter if Tami asked her or not? She could have denied it instead confirming it. Jen's not a liar, the same way she's not messy


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Malaysia's date looks good! Sexy voice and a hot older man. Come get it zaddy!


Im salivating at Jennifer being exposed. Dumb bitch called Tami a liar only to own up to things later


Sad sorry bitch...HAHAHA

"You look like Chyna, the wrestler, bitch!" LOL

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Wow!  Just wow!  Jennifer is lying trash and Evelyn should not want anything to do with her no matter how many apologies come out of her mouth.  You start a lie because you're mad at someone?  Is she 16?! 


And Tami is the reason I started watching this chit, so she disappointed me greatly.  That lie didn't have to surface now, and the only good it did was expose Jennifer to Evelyn.  Not sure how Tami feels she is better than Jennifer when she pretty much did the same thing.  The only difference is Tami didn't start the lie.  However, she brought up some trash that could not be substantiated to get Evelyn on Shaunie's bad side.  Save the croc tears for someone else next week, sis! 


When Jackie is not the weekly embarrassment, we have a problem!  

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