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I remember Jack coming to the ranch and finding Nikki in a pool of blood..being frantic and cradling her in his arms as he called Nikki.

You're right..soaps don't do these beats anymore.

@Taoboii think Bell was trying to introduce a new family the Dennisons through Jill.  It worked in the early 80s with Jill so why not try again...but it didn't work sadly.  Kay Alden made the sisters matter..not sure how she did it..but she did.  

Tricia alone became an important character..and her slow descent into insanity started because of her guilt over getting pregnant with Ryan's baby by scheming..and when she miscarried, the guilt was the spark that lit the insanity fire for her.

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okay, because I've always wondered just exactly how Tricia went crazy. i'm about to rewatch that storyline where she raped Victor and then accused him of the act. It was surreal seeing "almighty" Victor taken down down by this small young woman, but then I remember Eve back in the day, and Mary Jo.  

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It's worth repeating that Sabryn Genet was absolutely brilliant in the role. It's just a shame she barely gets a mention these days (or an episode during the COVID classics) because many characters directly impacted by her are off the canvas now (Megan, Grace, Matt/Carter, Nina, Ryan, and HT's Victoria).

Edited by ChickenNuggetz92
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Y&R went off track Fall 1994 (the aftermath of OJ) through the first half of 1997. It rebounded during the second half of 1997 to lead into the 25th anniversary. 1998 was the last year I'd say Y&R was truly excellent.

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Don't know if this has been discussed somewhere in the previous 800 pages but Beverlee McKinsey was offered a role on Y&R by John Conboy. 

Bev was 38 at the time. So what role would have fit her?

Maybe Liz Foster based on her performance as Emma Ordway on AW where she played a drab older woman. Juliann McCarthy was 6 years older than Bev.

Any thoughts?

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Depends when they approached her. If the Henderson's were still part of the show when the offer was made, it could have been Regina Henderson. 

I do wonder what Bev would have been like on a Bell show. I don't think this fact was ever brought up before. Thank you, very interesting to wonder what might have been. 

Edited by will81
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Bev said in the interview that it was after she joined AW initially as Iris.

She had a 3 month contract, as at first Iris was just there to be Alice's employer in NY until Alice and Steve reunited.

Then they decided to make Iris an ongoing character so Bev was offered a longterm contract.

That's when Conboy approached her about Y&R.

Bev first appeared on AW in Dec 72 so March 73 is when she would have been out of her initial contract and available for Y&R.

So it seems an original cast member. Maybe at that point Bill planned to introduce the Hendersons soon after the premiere but as he got into it, found there weren't needed. So in that case, the character of Regina could have been the one  offered to Beverlee.

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Yeah I am pretty sure Bruce Henderson was introduced in May/Jun 1973, so that timeline would work. Regina might have been set for the same time or there abouts, since the Bruce/Jen affair was established around that time and Regina would have fit in well to that storyline. The writers strike might have also derailed the plans too. Not sure. 

It is still so odd how Liz doesn't seem to have ever had anything to do with the Bruce/Jen affair, at least as far as I can tell. Seems right up her ally to give her bother an earful for breaking up a marriage. The whole paternity thing I get, since barely anyone knew about that, but by 1975 the affair was very much out in the open, yet no synopsis detail about Liz or the Foster's ever acknowledging it.

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Yes that is puzzling but as we know from later, Bill kept the storylines very separate at times.

The sibling relationship between Liz and Bruce and Mark's relationship with the Fosters doesn't seem to be explored.

Same as Lorie's connection to Philip. When he died did she have any reaction?

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So Lorie was actually a cousin to Snapper/Greg...and was Liz's niece?  If so, that isn't ever brought up or explored.

With Bill Bell, he never did storyline crossovers...but I think off screen..characters interacted.  At least that became the case when Alden took over.

I recall once Alden took over, Nina and Sharon started interacting on screen as if they knew one another for years.  Same with Vicki with Neil/Drucilla....I even think Neil/Ryan would talk about Vicki and Nina..but we hardly saw Neil/Dru around Vicki or Nina all that much onscreen till Alden took over.


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Back about 1980, Liz was getting cold feet about marrying Stuart Brooks, because she thought the Brooks family was so high-falutin' and socially prominent. 

Lorie sat down with her and basically said, "Don't worry about not measuring up to my mother's *sterling reputation*, because she was FAR from perfect. In fact, she had an affair that resulted in my birth." But I don't recall she mentioned that Liz's brother Bruce was the co-adulterer, although he obviously was. 

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