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Thank you both for your compliments! I’m really hoping to narrow stuff down and to get us the episodes we’ve always wanted to see, as it’s the best alternative to audio or video! Being able to put the correct airfares with the right episodes would be amazing!

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It’s so exciting!! I’m also kind of hoping the July 1979 scripts have some of the Katherine haunting Suzanne stuff too! I think they are occurred within Jill saving Stuart’s life!


I’d be in heaven getting to access the entire script collection! It would probably do more research and take more notes on Y&Rs entire archive then I ever did with my school work!

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Yes! I'd also like to see the debut of Col. Douglas Austin. In the recaps some references were made to him and Victor having served together, and I've never seen Victor otherwise mentioning any military service. I'd like to see how that was explained. And the duel! Imagine how they wrote the stage directions for that! Haha.

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I'd also like to put to rest Jeanne Cooper's first air date. I am 99% sure it is Jan 28, 1974. But there will always be a tiny bit of doubt in my mind. Bill Bell himself said she started in Jan 1974 when they were on Donahue and it makes sense that the reason the Jan 28 episode is out there is because it is her first. However, Nov 73 has been said so many times that I would love to finally clear it up. 

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I feel like it might have been her first real appearance? Maybe we saw Katherine the first couple months at the salon, not really having much dialogue and just being studied by Jill? She was probably built up more in the dialogue by Jill and maybe her colleagues at the salon, kind of like how we see Jill talk to her boss Hazel about Katherine in the episode, before we see her.  Jeanne herself said William Espy welcomed her, the first day, but Snapper is not part of that January 28, 1974 episode. 

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Bill Espy may have been on set that day but not taping, he and Janice Lynde were already dating at that time apparently. So he may have been just there to see her, or Jeanne could be remembering wrong. Maybe he welcomed her that week, or maybe she was on set prior to actually taping her episode for whatever reason. 

I just feel Bill Bell was firm when he corrected Jeanne and said Jan 1974. I always felt prior to his illness he had a pretty sharp memory. Plus in 2004 she celebrated 30 years on Jan 28, 2004 with Joe LaDue there, though many said maybe it was a delayed celebration. Variety also doesn't announce Jeanne as joining the show until Feb 1974, though they may have been delayed in announcing it. 

This is also why I really want to put it to rest. There is at least some circumstantial evidence for Jan 28, 1974. Nov 1973 has never had any strong evidence at all. Even Jeanne said she started 6 months after everyone else, even with pre-emptions that would put her first air date in Oct 1973. She goes to say this again on Donahue in 1990 and that is when Bell cuts in and says "You started in January 1974"

I don't care which day is right, but it annoys me, haha. I really want to finally figure this out.

Edited by will81
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I believe you'll discover Nikki's killing of Nick Reed is handled in an especially disjointed fashion.   My recollection is that she killed him on some random day -- a Thursday, I think -- and the episode concluded with Nikki standing horrified that he was dead.  The following day's episode didn't address the storyline AT ALL.  There may have been one more "reprieve day" as well, such as a Friday and Monday.  Then the next Tuesday or whatever picked right back up with the aftermath of Nick's death.  I remember being awfully confused as a kid as to whether I'd missed a scene or an episode, I called one of my friends, asked him "Have you seen Nikki or Casey since the daddy got hit with the lamp?", and he said, "Nope!  I don't believe they've been on a single time since then."  It was strange.  (But it was the C-level storyline, and Bell was only addressing it when he didn't have something important going on with Lorie/Lance/Lucas/Leslie).   

Thanks to the poster who added the script from "Young and Restless Years", along with the awkward line of dialogue, "How awful being stuck in Genoa City during our young and restless years."  I'm sure the girl playing Sally McGuire was relieved the line was changed before taping, lol.  

Edited by Broderick
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I know there has been a poster who addressed that situation before - those weird instances where time stood still in one story while others progressed.

That was a little quirk of Bill's writing in those years.

I wonder if it was one of those things that came up every so often in mapping out episodes and he'd say to Kay-'Darn it, let's just do it and the audience won't even notice and if they do so what'

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Sometimes he seemed to take a rather "fluid" approach to time and space.  He'd have Lorie and Lance eating lunch, and a few scenes later it would be dark and they'd still be lingering over their food, then dancing the night away and entertaining the crowd with an impromptu midnight concert, indicating their lunch had turned into dinner without them ever taking a break from the table.  And I never figured out where the hell Jonas and "Pris" were supposed to be.  In some scenes, they appeared to be on the outskirts of Genoa City, receiving the Chronicle with pleas about Leslie's whereabouts ("Have you seen this woman??"), and in other scenes they seemed to be a million miles away somewhere, and Lucas would have to board the Prentiss jet to visit Jonas's club.  

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