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"You're a powerful man...but so are we Abbotts."


If only that had turned out to be the case, the show might not have gone to hell. 


The Amy and Tyrone scene when he told her who he was was such a beauty. Really enjoyed it. They had such good chemistry and Amy is such a special character. Bell was smart to contrast such sweet love amidst darker plots. 


I didn't know Betty Corday was involved with Y&R...

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The people up in soap heaven, must think we have been angels, for getting to see all of this great rare material!!

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I didn't even realize Jill was powdering Katherine with acid powder (I guess) until I saw the scars on Katherine's face...that was terrifying yet hilarious.....I do like this darker period where Jill hated Katherine so much, she had these fantasies....this time period for Y&R is interesting in that regards as it's a tribute to the 70's gothic era, in mix with the newer elements...

It's great to see some of the "whiteface" story with Tyrone....I'm glad that so much of the Jazz/Tyrone/Amy stuff has been shown with the other 84 episodes and this one.....I know the story probably had problems, but it's definitely something we really don't see today...I still feel like Amy along with Jazz and Tyrone could have been the main stay AA cast.....
I think this is the first I've seen of Alana as well....she kind of reminds me of Genie Francis, but she's very pretty, I thought for some reason though she was a tad more frumpy and annoying....I guess kind of like how Jazz pictured she would be....

isn't that photographer Joe Blair?? I didn't really think of him being perverted, he was just "There" to me....I'm not really a fan of either Nikki and Ashley's hair here.....I know this is the era of experimenting with the hair though.....

I always love seeing Liz, and it's great to see the original Foster House set...I guess this is one of the last years they used it....Liz and Stuart were divorced right?? I guess I would think she got some money off of a settlement if Jill was that desperate to ask her? I wonder if we even saw the Brooks house after 82?

Jack and Victor were actually very refreshing to watch! TL was just a strong enough actor for Braeden, I definitely believed Jack when he said "Us Abbotts are strong too" Braeden looks like he's having fun with Lester too....


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Maybe it is Joe. It was just the way he was standing so close to Nikki, and how much he wanted to do more photos with her. Just seemed off to me.


I kept hoping they would mention Stuart, as Liz was obviously alone and mostly just getting by (I wonder if that's why she went back to working for Katherine a bit after this - didn't she?). You'd think marriage to Stuart would have helped her. 


Was Eric friendly with Terry and that was one of the reasons he had issues with Peter? I can never remember. 

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Victor and Jack initially got in each other's orbit due to Victor taking over Mergeron Enterprises from Dina. I think the feud really began when Victor got involved with Ashley, leading to Jack becoming involved with Nikki. "Ruthless" and the Jabot takeover came afterwards. I'm going by what I've pierced together from recaps and clips over the years.


Something I've always wondered was how Eric Braeden and Terry Lester got along with each other. Eric never really commented to the soap press after Terry passed away, and Eric also never mentioned Terry in his book.



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Thanks so much as always for sharing the '85 and '92 episodes @YRfan23!!!!!


 I did get a kick out of Jill fantasizing about using acidic powder on Katherine's face! The makeup job and mirror shot of Katherine's face was killer. Nothing has yet to beat Katherine's electrocution in the bathtub, but every time I come across these wildly vivid "Jill or Katherine kill each other" fantasies they're thrilling to watch. I must say I would have been extremely shocked to have watched them as they first aired. 


First time watching the "Black/White" Tyrone story as well, I found the Tyrone and Amy scenes to be great. The Alana scenes were funny. Every-time I see Jazz I wish he had been kept around and later been involved with the Barber sisters. I must say young Phil Morris was quite sexy shirtless there!


I'm going through the 1992 episodes at the moment, I gotta love how every time there is a Sheila scene ominous music gets played. Funny how Christine had kept around her "Miss Holly Hollywood" wig from the previous fall's costume gala. Nice to see Rex and Katherine's second wedding and Jill's attempt to steal the thunder, it's interesting because by the end of 1992 Ashley, Victor, Jill, Nikki and Jack will be in a completely different dynamic than seen here. Nice seeing Leanna still hanging in there too even though she won't be given much to do in '92. 

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Such wonderful uploads. The 1985 episode was so interesting, especially compared to later Y&R where they always tried to portray Katherine as some saintly victim of Jill's. It really sucks the later writers took Katherine's edge away and made her little more than a Victor Newman cheerleader. 


Classic Y&R is a treat to watch. There's a lot of classic AMC and ATWT, but Y&R takes more effort, so I am grateful.


I'm curious about Liz not having much money. Wasn't she the widow of the wealthy Stuart Brooks?

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Like you all, I enjoyed seeing Alana for the first time. I instantly recognized the actress Amy Gibson from one of my favorite movies Airplane, where she had 1 scene as a woman so anxious to say goodbye to her soldier boyfriend that she kept running into airport radio towers

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Seeing both Amy Gibson and Bond Gideon has been eye-opening to me. Previously, just from knowing that actors like these were let go after short stints, I assumed they were bad. But both of these ladies gave good performances. I guess sometimes other factors lead to being let go. Amy G said she was fired bc she had weight fluctuations.


Re: Liz and her finances - I think I read a synopsis circa early '83 that said Liz told Stuart she wanted none of his money in the divorce settlement.


The first time I recall seeing Miguel was in summer '84 when Victor's mother was around. Victor's first butler was named Charlie, and of course in '83, crazy Eve took over the household.

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Amy Gibson is very pretty so I don't get the weight issues at all....I swear sometimes the BTS BS on the show....

Thanks for that tidbit @yrfan1983 RE: Liz and Stuart!

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 that makes a lot of sense now.

Your welcome!   again, this must be our patience (and some complaints things hardly get posted) paying off!

It's crazy that they didn't do some sort of close up of Jill reaching for "Acidic Powder" but I guess that would ruin the suspense....You just gotta love these twisty dark but campy fantasies, both women have had of killing each other...."Goodbye Tramp!" is still my favorite though!   

It's really fun to fill in the missing January 1992 gaps...I think I may just do a "January 1992" episode count since I can figure out their episode numbers for that month/year!

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!!! I love Airplane and I had no idea that was Amy Gibson! It's funny I do know that a good number of actors have done both Y&R and have memorable comedic roles. Phil Morris himself is probably best known for his recurring Johnnie Cochran spoof character on Seinfeld. 


An odd bit of background on Miguel is I do remember reading in 1984 synopses was that he was interested in Esther and the two went out on a date but the show never followed up on it at all. 

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Finally too! I'm grateful we've been able to see a lot more of 1990-1994(the show's third golden age!) material to point so many gaps have been filled up. 


I had actually thought of you I had not too long ago re-watched the farmhouse week from May of '92 and was a little taken aback this re-watch of how marginalized the story felt in terms of everything else going on back in Genoa City with Jill/Katherine, Neil and Dru, and Newman & Abbott family and corporate drama taking up the bulk of most of the episodes. It was like watching two shows in one. 


She left town by late '87/early '88, I don't think she had exit as her role was basically replaced by Fay Hauser's detective Salena(who was given nothing to do) but actually came back to visit Nathan in early 1990 right before Olivia and Dru came on.


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