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We definitely have been spoiled by so many of these early 80s episodes surfacing!

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 I guess the longer we wait patience is a true virtue! I’ll gladly wait another 5 years for more of these episodes to start surfacing lol.


for me, I get winded thinking of the combination of characters in this transition/fade out era....u still kind of get a glimpse of the original Y&R with the Leslie/Lance and even some of Jill/Andy scenes but when they show Jack/John and even the Katherine/Nikki/Bancroft dinner it’s clearly the “newer” Y&R...it seems like the music was even being experimental there with some crazy 80s sync music I’ve never heard before on the show and which obviously faded quickly (maybe that was all Wes Kenney) 


Dennis Cole appears a lot more cheesy then I’ve seen of his other clips, I thought he was fine in the March 82 episode...he kind of sounds like he’s trying to imitate McCook too...I’m always amazed that Victoria Mallory lasted this long, she was out by December that year I believe?


DAs Jill is really soft compared to Brenda and Jess but she still pulls off the somewhat snobby upbringing (“mac n cheese for dinner??...) and sexual part that Jill is known for....for some reason I was half expecting them to show the original John during the lovemaking flashback...I wonder if the Jack/Jill’s scenes itself were from 1981 or they reshot them too??


its so refreshing to see Victor being played by Lorie and Braeden not having any say, or as u say not trying to overpower his co-stars as he did later on...

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Thanks for the heads up, @YRfan23, awesome find!


Nikki scenes: was that Esther at the very beginning? It was too quick for me to tell.

I read in a SOD article from the time that Katherine/Allison/Earl were supposed to develop into a love triangle. IMO this was poorly conceived. Allison is so arch and brittle – so clipped in her line delivery. I don’t see her as a rootable character. Mark Tapscott as Earl seems dull as dishwater. I’ve seen MT in a few ‘70s Days eps in his role as Bob, and he seems very bland there as well. I don’t get the appeal.


Jill scenes: just fantastic. DA does a amazing job of portraying Jill’s insecurity and desperation to escape poverty. Jill wasn’t supposed to be in this situation. Phillip married her and was going to provide for her and little Phillip, but Katherine took Phillip away. Ever since then, Jill has been trying unsuccessfully to escape this waking nightmare.  This situation with John and Jack is a perfect example – she was so close to the life of her dreams (meaning both love AND wealth... sorry Andy!) but circumstances again robbed her.

So awesome to see the ’81 flashback of Jack and Jill’s tryst. We had been posting on this board a few months ago, trying to figure out if there was an actual Abbott house set before 1982 – now we know there was at least a bedroom and hallway.

Jill made a comment that she’d “never done anything like this before”… meaning a one-night stand. I had to think back on her history, but I guess that is correct.

John’s letter, where he talked about the reasons for being so closed off, expertly set up Dina’s arrival. But I guess Bill Bell hadn’t yet come up with Ashley and Traci, since John just refers to “my son” in his letter.

Loved the “split screen” effect of John and Jill’s phone call – I think the special effects person was having fun with the latest technology

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Leslie and Lance: what a gorgeously expensive looking concert hall set! I wonder where they filmed that. Dennis Cole is totally wooden. I could see him multiple times looking up at the cue cards. Victoria Mallory is a charming presence but too one-note to be a YR leading lady. She would have been perfect as a Disney princess.


Victor and Lorie: well-done but confusing scenes… what exactly are they arguing about? Victor keeps saying “you don’t know what I’m talking about” and Lorie says “you don’t believe me”. I think this is the beginning of Lorie and Lucas’ scam to win back the Prentiss Industries proxies from Victor.


Cast credits, yay! Interesting that they still are not listing the full cast – only the cast appearing in this episode. By 1983, they will have switched to listing the full cast even if they’re not in that ep.

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Would Victoria Malloy have worked on the show as the 80s continued... the 80s was less about grit and angst.. and more about glitz and glamour... I could have seen her Leslie fitting into the 80s version of Y & R.. moreso then Lorie, Peggy, or Chris would have..imho.

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I actually asked this in the monthly thread but I think someone in this might have a better answer. Do you guys know when it was re-written that John and Katherine were life long friends since they clearly met onscreen for the first time at Victor and Nikki's wedding reception?

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I really need to find the clip because now I'm annoyed. I know what I saw and I know I'm not crazy. If any of you have the video of the reception or pre-wedding party or whatever it is that I'm thinking of it would be greatly appreciated.

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They were friends but definitely not the same way Katherine was "old friends" with Earl Bancroft. John definitely did turn the tables on Katherine to her surprise when revealed to her and Jill that he knew everything about them and Phillip. If I recall right John felt Phillip was solely responsible for his own predicament and demise and believed Jill and Katherine had been mistreated by him. 

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