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Wow thanks!   It's great you were able to see something from the last year of the show's first decade! haha 

First all, that seems like a lot of cast members, I know the show was soon going to an hour, but it's interesting that they seemed focused on 4 stories going on...I feel like in the earlier years there were at least 2-3 stories being told for 30 minutes...

I would be in heaven watching this, with all those disturbed women in one episode...Vanessa, Rose and even Katherine! I had know idea Casey and Vanessa interacted....I always thought it would have been fun to see Nikki mix it up with the Prentiss's brothers, because I can see Vanessa loathing the site of her like Lorie...LOL 

Is this when Leslie was having a breakdown? or did she just have some sort of amnesia?


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We were speculating a few pages back when Jeanne Cooper might have gone to rehab. I would guess this ep was pre-rehab. She didn't look very healthy.


As others have commented, I find Victoria Mallory to be lovely, but not the strongest actress. Her acting isn't layered - she just plays the one emotion that the scene seems to be about.


i think this was right before Brenda Dickson exited, and I could tell...she seemed unengaged. And I don't get the appeal of Joe Ladue, looks or acting-wise!


The episode highlight was definitely the creepy Nikki and Rose scenes. MT was already demonstrating great acting chops.

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Victoria Mallory is beautiful and I wish there was more of her, but I take it from what others have said is that she was a little miscast for Leslie? (I like her In the 82 compilation though)  I've only seen like 2 clips of Janice Lynde to really be able to judge both Leslie's..




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I find that odd as well.


In general, even with everyone having to use unlisted playlists, I find it weird to that Y&R is nearly impossible to find. Y&R was growing in popularity during the 80's, at least the late years, which means the others were decreasing since Y&R went to number one in, I believe, 1990. Yet so little Y&R, except for your great uploads. 

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I know. So much of the 1980s I would love to see in its entirety but it looks like it won't happen unless CBS/Sony decides to launch a streaming service or release some DVD compilations.



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I love the summary of the 1979 Paley episode!! Sounds like it was definitely worth the trip! I, too, wish there were more episodes in circulation from what I call the "Lost Era" (from 1977-1983). There are so many episodes of pretty much ALL of the other soaps from those years and yet none seem to surface where Y&R is concerned. I think those were the best years, to be honest. Think of all the Kay/Jill scenes we're missing out on!

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Here’s a recap of the other episode I watched at Paley – “Danny and Cricket’s Wedding in Maui” from November 1990. I actually found this ep pretty boring, bc I’m not a big Danny/Cricket fan or a Rex/Leanna fan. There wasn’t much content to the wedding scenes… just how happy and lucky D&C are, and D&C reminiscing about their moms, which isn’t too meaningful as we never saw Danny’s mom, and Jessica wasn’t around that long. Also, the Jack/Nikki/Victor/Ashley scenes were just filler, no new developments.


The highlight was definitely all the gorgeous Maui scenery!

= = = = =

Nikki crying, with Jack. She has a big decision to make about her back pain. The medication isn’t helping any more. Dr. Noah told her surgery is the only option. Nikki can’t discount the risks associated with surgery. Jack comforts her. Victor arrives at the door.


Rex finds Danny at the Maui seashore.  Danny talks about how happy he is. Rex says Danny has a better idea of what love is than Rex does. Danny says Rex should be proud of what he’s made of his life. Rex says his proudest accomplishment is his two children, and that Danny will be a great father. Danny wishes his mom could be at the wedding.


Nina and Gina help Cricket get her makeup on.


Rex putting his tux on in the hotel room. Leanna upset that she still doesn’t have her luggage.  She calls a luggage rep at the airport and is so rude. The rep says they’re still looking for her bag. Two hotel workers bring in a mysterious package that Leanna had requested.


Jack lets Victor in, reluctantly, and leaves Victor with Nikki. Victor wants to confirm what the holiday plans are, re: the children. Victor notices that Nikki is upset but she deflects. Says it’s nothing to do with her marriage to Jack.


Limo pulls up to beautiful seaside church – Scott opens the door and helps Cricket out.


Rex offers to buy Leanna a new dress.  She refuses – she doesn’t want to be obligated to Rex. She reluctantly agrees to buy her own dress.


Victor proposes that everyone (Victor, Ashley, Jack, Nikki, and the kids) spend time together for the holiday. Nikki says she’ll think about it.


Scott and Cricket inside the beautiful church, talking about how happy she is, blah blah.  She believes this marriage “is forever”. Scott agrees it will be forever (more like 4 years). Cricket sad her mom won’t be there. Cricket feels her presence. Cricket brought a pic of her. Scott leaves her alone to reflect on her mother. Cricket looks at pic and “talks” to her mother. Nina and Scott come in with the ring.


Someone bangs on Leanna’s door. Big intimidating muscly man has her suitcase, which looked similar to his. He yells at her that she took his bag. They switch bags. He doesn’t trust her that she didn’t take his stuff. He finds his wrestling cape and is happy - his cape reads “Jumbo Man”.


Danny, Gina and Rex before the ceremony.  So happy blah blah. Reverend walks up, and the band members as well. Nina, David and Leanna arrive. Leanna acts dramatic and Danny makes a face.


Ashley greets Victor back at the apartment. He fills her in on the conversation with Nikki. Ashley counsels that it’s not Victor’s role anymore to solve Nikki’s problems.


Gina sings the wedding processional song (don’t know the song… “Starting here, starting now..”) Ceremony takes place.


Nikki tells Jack she doesn’t want Victor to know about her back issues.


Everyone arrives at the luau reception.  David wishes Cricket and Danny well. They don’t look suspicious or bothered by him. Rex gives a toast. Luau dancers perform.


Jack tells Nikki they’ll have a great Christmas.


Ashley asks Victor if he’ll spend the whole evening thinking of Nikki? Victor says no and they start making out and head up to take a shower together. END

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 I know you didn't really enjoy the episode but at least the gap is filled since that's the one missing November episode from my collection. 


I didn't know the luau reception started towards the end of the Actual ceremony episode, always thought it was one whole episode afterwards...and weird they ended an entirely segmented episode on Danny/Cricket with Victor and Ashley.

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