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Not being entirely black and white is really truly what made the Katherine/Jill rivalry over the years so great. Jill was a prideful, selfish vixen while Katherine was a wicked, bitter old hag. They both were wrong but believed they were right. Whoever anointed Katherine sainthood(I think it was either Latham or MAB) had a very horrible misunderstanding of who Katherine really was.

Edited by soapfan770
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Especially compared to Lynn Marie Latham and MAB.

And if anything, Kay-is-Jill's-mom should have intensified their feud, not douse it and turn their relationship into something illogical and lame.

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I haaaaated every time I heard Jill tell Katherine "Oh mother..." I can understand them trying to at least build better relations, but it was stretched way beyond belief.

I haven't seen much of the feud over Derek, but the triangle with Rex was fascinating because even though he was used for deceitful purposes they both really did genuinely fall in love with him. Rex was a voice of reason for both of them.

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Watching that Memorial Day episode...

That Danny/Lauren duet...oh my! That may be the whitest duet of all time. I think my favorite part was Danny grinding against the guitarist.

I hadn't seen some of those Jill/Philip flashbacks. It was nice to see a rebuttal of the idea that was often peddled in later years (and by Katherine here) that Jill was a devious tramp out to get money and men. And the final scene where Katherine makes Jill think she's declaring a truce, only to all but wave that puzzle piece porn photo in her face - perfect. And perfectly played by Jeanne Cooper. I miss her so much.

Poor Kate Linder trying to act in the background...

Nice Paul/Andy scenes. And nice tight pants on Paul.

I really liked the John/JoAnna scene too. SSH fit in well at Jabot - good breezy attitude. I wish they'd done more with the character. And I love that hilarious WWF World Champion belt she's sporting. Only in the '80s...

I also like how seriously Bill Bell took national holidays like this and July 4th. To him they weren't just an excuse for a pool party. I guess that's cheesy and today would be associated with uber-conservatism, but it's something we need. And, as we see here, it leads to good drama.

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It was the last 20 seconds of a 2003 episode, and a preview for the next one. Diane loaning Jabot money and then a preview of Diane gloating to Phyllis and Phyllis blowing up at Jack.

Has their account been terminated yet again sad.png

This sucks - they posted some great CBS soap stuff. I think I saved most of it, but it still sucks.

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