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Thank you for the reveal scenes. I like the contrast between JLB and Victoria Mallory there - Lorie has a complete meltdown (and as with many of JLB's performances along these lines you can see just how much she lost herself in the moment), while Leslie is still and solid and doing whatever she can to hold herself together. I like how they soon realize Vanessa is their real problem, and again we see Lorie falling apart while Leslie tries to be calm. It's a nice show of sisterhood, but not a false or cloying one.

Tom Ligon is so strong and powerful in his supporting work here. I wish they'd kept Lucas around. I wish they'd had more Lucas/Lorie. He seems "real" to me in a way Lance doesn't.

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Such Powerful Stuff!!! I'm beginning to wonder what might have been if JLB and Lorie never left....I feel like after watching all these scenes she truly was the "Erica Kane" of Y&R......

Loved getting to actually see Victoria Mallory as Lesle...she is very pretty, though a more subtle type of actress, she was more calmed then I think she should have been during that whole scene....but Man JLB should have won some emmys back then as well....

This indeed aired around January 1979, I looked it up from this website that has some old Y&R recaps for newspaper articles


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I agree about Tom Ligon. I like him as Lucas better than John McCook as Lance. Lucas loved Lorie, but did what ever he could to help her keep her marriage to his brother.

When they phased out the Foster/Brooks, I wonder if Tom Ligon was given the option to stay ? He had a brief pairing with Casey Reed. He could had been set up as a long time rival for Victor. Maybe Lucas could have hooked up with Nikki or Jill at some point.

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There is also a 1979 audio clip on youtube of Nikki and Greg Foster after they are first married. Nikki tells Greg she wants to be a model and mentions an ad in the paper. After Greg goes to work, Nikki calls the number and it is a fake modeling agency ran by Rose DeVille and her partner Vince. What Nikki doesn't know it is a front for a prostitution ring.

On the TV Guide web site, there is a page of Melody Thomas Scott's 35th Y&R anniversary. There is a 1979 video clip on there where Rose sends Nikki to meet a Mr. Addison in a motel room about a modeling job. When she figures out he wants to sleep with her, she locks herself in the bathroom. As he pounds on the door, he suffers a heart attack and dies. The starts off a chain reaction that costs Nikki her marriage to Greg.

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Yes I remember those Nikki ones, I think I have them saved on my old computer but I don't know if they are still online.....I do think the one with Addison is still on the TV Guide site.....

I guess Bill Bell had a handful with these battle of the Divas during this era....Lorie and Jill then with Nikki added on....I always prefer to think that Katherine and Jill will always be the man "stars" of Y&R but like I said I think if JLB could've stayed she would have been the show's "lead" The Erica Kane/Viki Lord of Y&R.....Katherine seemed to be more of the "Phoebe Tyler" type during that time though in our hearts she will always be Y&R's Grand Dame....

I guess that's what so great about Bill Bell's Y&R is that anyone of these ladies could have been the "lead" We have sadly lost that now....

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Question but was Casey and Nikki's mother ever on the show? I was glancing through some 1978 summaries (when Erica Hope was still Nikki ) and I didn't realize that they said their mom died in a car crash and this was late 1978?

Edited by YRfan23
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Interesting to compare the SOD summary with the newspaper summary from the same weeks.Some plot points are mentioned in one but not the other.

Summary of SOD synopsis from July 29th 1979.This would have been onscreen a few months earlier.The SOD synopsis were quite detailed in those days.

Leslie,Lucsas and Vanessa are back in Genoa City. Lance welcomes Vanessa alone as Lucas and Leslie have gone to show Stu his first grandchild. Lance is looking forward to meeting his nephew and Vanessa wonders to herself if Lance will realize he's looking at his own son.

Stu tells Greg he's going to see Liz that his marriage to Jill will be annulled and that he only married Jill as she was pregnant.

Meanshile Jill is speaking to her attorney in an attempt to stop the divorce. Stu plans to get an annullment claiming she tricked him into marriage with lies of a pregnancy.Jill says she didn't trick Stu – she really believed she was pregnant and had a spontaneous miscarriage,but has no doctor's proof.

Hew lawyer responds that the burden of proof is on Stuto prove she committed fraud. He can't force her out of the house and they can force him to continue to provide support until the court makes a ruling.

Stu tells Liz the whole story and she understands and forgives....they kiss.

Jill is pleased to hear that Stu will have to testify he slept with Jill before their marriage as she believes he will never reveal t his daughters he had a one night stand.

Greg is at the Allegro where Nikki is working. She is angry he was a no show for their date.Greg says her father told him she was sick. Nikki can't believe he would do that so Greg challenges her to call him. Nikki is unable to reach him. Later when she confronts him, Nick admits he didn't trust Greg,He says he was only trying to be a good dad, but messed up. Nikki forgives him.

Casey tells Brock she has had a breakthrough regarding her feelings for her dad. She has let go of her hatred and believes he is a different man today. But Nick is drinking again and vows Casey and Nikki will always be his little girls. . .and his alone.

Suzanne smugly watches Kay sipping her drugged tea. Soon it will be easy to get Kay to stab Liz.

But in her drugged state a confused Kay plunges the letter opener into Suzanne by mistake.

Liz calls an ambulance and tells Casey and Brock it was an accident. Kay is in deep shock.

Jill tells Derek that her marriage is in trouble and they need to think about getting back together.

Stu gathers his daughters together and tells them he made a huge mistake in marrying Jill but he is taking steps to rectify the situation. Jill will be leaving shortly. The Brooks girls are delighted by the news.

Jill is listening in and later tells Stu he isn't revealing the whole story to his daughters or Liz – the fact that they has a one night stand. Keeping that a secret will hinder his chances of an annullment.

Derek is shocked when Brock tells him what Kay has done and tearfully agrees to have her committed. Casey tells Brock Suzanne sustained minor injuries and will be released soon.

Jill tells Stu he is the one who will need to leave the house-their marital home. Stu is furious with Jill's attitude.

Nikki finds Nick drunk and is ashamed of herself for believing he's changed. She goes to Greg and asks they give things another try. Greg agrees and the make a date at the Allegro.

Vanessa tells Lucas she will ask for Lance's resignation today. Lucas responds that he now wants nothing to do with this. Lance is annoyed when Lucas tells him he won't be joining the business. Lance says Lucas is still an immature child. That reaction has Lucas going back to Vanessa with a change of heart.

Derek is told that Kay may take years of intensive therapy to recover.

Vanessa tells Lance that as of today he is out of Prentiss Industries and she and Lucas are now majority stockholders so he can't fight the move. Lance is in shock.

Nick pretends to accept Greg but seethes to see him kissing Nikki.

Lucas tells Les he is going to join the business and he's doing it for Leslie and Brooks. Lorie is stunned when Lance tells him of Lucas' betrayal.

Suzanne visits Kay with a box of drugged chocolates to ensure she never recovers.

Lorie realizes Vanessa plotted this as revenge against her. Lance says they will move forward, beginning with a romantic world tour.

Stu offers Jill $25,000 but her lawyer Mr Price says he may be able to offer a lot more. He tells Jill not to have such discussions without lawyers present.

Lorie rails against Leslie for what she and Lucas have done to Lance. Les is blindsided, having no idea what has been going on. Les blames Vanessa for manipulating Lucas and Lorie agrees. Leslie tells Lorie she'll get Lucas to undo all of this and not let Vanessa manipulate them.

23rd – 27th April, 1979

(Monday 30th April – Toledo Blade)

When Jill refuses to agree to a divorce, Stuart seeks and annulment. Leslie, Lucas and baby Brooks arrive in Genoa City. Vanessa keeps telling Lorie how much the baby resembles Lance. Feariong Liz is going to tell Derek about her emotional problems, Kay is about to attack her with a knife, but the life of the unsuspecting Liz is saved when she turns away to answer the phone. Upset that Nikki has agreed to go out with Greg, Nick tells Greg she has broken the date, then comforts Nikki when she thinks she has been stood up.

30th April –

7th – 11th May, 1979

(Monday 14th May – Toledo Blade)

Snapper is displeased to discover Greg is dating Nikki. When Nick sees Greg and Nikki kissing, he fumes and thinks to himself that Nikki is his and nobody else’s; giving Nikki a goodnight kiss he is more than fatherly. Lance realizes how his brother must still hate him when Lucas, prodded by Vanessa, decides to take over Prentiss Industries. Released from the hospital, Suzanne stops by to see Kay on her way to the mansion, leaves behind a box of chocolates into which she injected a substance.

14th – 18th May, 1979

(Monday 21st May – Toledo Blade)

Jill turns down Stuart’s offer of $25,000 for an uncontested annulment when Derek makes it clear he is going to stay with Kay. Stuart tells Lorie he can fight for the annulment but that means letting everyone know Jill said she was pregnant before they married. Leslie is aghast at Lucas’ plan to take Prentiss from Lance. Lucas finally admits he’s motivated by more than a desire to take care of Leslie and baby Brooks – he also wants revenge against Lance. Snapper and Casey argue over his opposition to Nikki’s dating Greg. Nikki plans to tell Greg about her promiscuous past.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Those 1979 recaps were fun to read. They go into more details than what was in the Y&R book. Erica Hope was let go around December 78 or early January 79 and Melody Thomas Scott started playing Nikki in February 79.

I never knew that Snapper was that dead set against Greg marrying Nikki, but you couldn't blame him. Chris seemed to accept Nikki instantly and helped her plan their wedding and reception in the Brooks house. Chris even loaned her wedding gown to Nikki. I also thought Greg & Nikki married in November, but it was September.

Another thing that was surprising was that Nikki was forced by Rose to help her dump Mr. Addisons body along the road. In the Y&R book they said it was Vince who helped Rose and that it was an alley they left it in.

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