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This cannot be stressed enough.

Thank you so much for sharing these episodes!!! :)

Before I will comment on anything in the primetime special, I just wondered whether there is a list of the 4 (?) of them out there, meaning when they are aired etc.???

Did they count as regular episodes numberwise or did they air in addition to the regular afternoon show and hence got no episode number? I know thats how DAYS did it. I don't know about CBS though as they sometimes aired some specials (Soapbreak or sth. like that?) during the daytime hours.

Anyone able to shed some light on this?

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I'm really sketchy on the details but the main issue with Ryan and Vickie for most of the 90s was his involvement with Nina - and LITTLE PHILLIP who later became "Chance". If recall correctly evertime either Vickie or Ryan were facing marital issues, the other clinged on to his/her respective partner...

The quadrangle lasted from 1994-1996 I'd say. This turned really weird when Nina ca. 1995 became Cole's research assistant (that's how she later became a writer) and through a mystery letter - where it was NEVER resolved who wrote it (it made no sense but was GREAT drama) - set a four-way-date at the Colonnade Room.

The Cole/Victoria relationship lasted that long that I wouldn't say Ryan/Vickie were the ultimate endgame. It was moreso her first true love and after Cole was gone in 1999, of course they could only show her affection for Ryan.

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Cole and Victoria were together until around 97/98. But they were more off than on towards the last year or so. I think 96/97 was pretty much the end of their relationship. Ryan was Victoria's shoulder to cry on, he was married to Nina, but every time one or the other had marital problems they would lean on each other with plenty of flirting. I am pretty sure Nina and Cole slept together at some point in 1996, not sure if Ryan and Vicky did. Ryan left Nina for Trish Dennison the psycho who ended up killing him during his re-marriage to Victoria, I don't think putting Vicky and Ryan back together was such a good idea to be honest.

@Sheilaforever - we must have posted at the same time.

The prime time episodes aired

March 3 1994, Oct 26th 1995, May 22 1996, Mar 10 1998. Not sure about production codes or if an episode aired that day, I assume it did.

Edited by will81
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Ryan and Victoria never slept together.

I hated the whole thing with Cole/Nina sleeping together because I don't remember that ever happening oncamera. They later claimed it did so that Ryan would feel more justified in leaving Nina for Tricia.

I felt like Victoria just saw Ryan as the one that got away, and as someone she could flirt with, someone she cared about, not someone she would have actually wanted a reunion with.

I'd stopped watching by the time they reunited, but I hated Ryan so I'm biased.

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Thanks Carl for clearing that up. Yeah I didn't like Ryan either. I later found it amusing that Nina would give Victoria a hard time about her sexual problems with Ryan as I distinctly remember that Tricia (who may have been a virgin when she slept with Ryan) was completely underwhelmed by Ryan in bed. The first time anyway.

Ryan always came across in the writing as a jerk and complete douche. I wonder if Bell meant it that way or it was just accidental.

Edited by will81
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Thanks for clearing that up guys! How did Nikki fit in all of this? She suddenly had a crush for Cole? Though I have to say she really looked wonderful.

I liked Ryan a lot back then, but I have to admit watching these clips he comes off as a real jerk. What was the deal with him and sex?! Did I hear him correctly when he told Nina 'You know, we are not having sex every night..."? LOL

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Everyone thought Victor had died and Cole had recently been hired by Victor to do work at the Ranch (he really hired him to find out if he was his son) Nikki being alone after Victor "dying" and separation from Jack led to Cole/Nikki hooking up, however Victoria also fell in love with Cole thus beginning the bizarre Nikki/Cole/Victoria triangle.....the catch was that it was believed that Cole and Victoria were brother and sister. After Victor returned from the grave he told Cole and Victoria about Cole being his son which ended their relationship (He had chosen to be with Victoria over Nikki and Nikki became a complete bitch to Victoria when she found out Cole left her for her own daughter.) However it turned out Cole wasn't Victor's son so that's how Cole and Victoria got their "happy ending" and Nikki became this miserable shrew, flirting with Jed Sanders and making a spectacle out of herself during Victor and Hope's wedding reception.

Actually it was Nina who told Ryan during that clip that they didn't make love or anything, and Ryan responded back saying "we don't make love EVERYnight".....I don't think he meant to put her down, haha.

Here is Part 3 of 11/8/93....sorry for the delay.


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Uggh........it won't let me make it unlisted because I have 2 copyright strikes........I would have to delete those current uploads to get the unlisted feature back, but I don't wanna do that.......what should I do?!? sad.png

Edited by YRfan23
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