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I have a hard time envisioning Elizabeth finding a gig as successful as The View. Of course everyone guesses that she'll be a talking head on FOX news or something like that, but honestly, I think she's better off doing lighter fare, like hosting a show on the Style network (which I believe she did pre-View).

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She's too old. I think they got rid of Elizabeth bc she no longer qualifies for the "young" slot on the roster. EHP is about the same age so she wouldn't suffice either. I suspect they will go back to featuring a 20 something when they name Elizabeth's replacement

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Yay at Elizabeth being fired. After nearly 10 years on this show she still is horrible. Never had a problem on her view points but the way she conveyed her thoughts and acted towards certain guests just turned me off of her. They need to dump Sherri next and tell Babs' to step down and go back to the 20's/30's/40's/50's format with a woman in each age range. I would keep Whoopi but if ABC wants a complete reboot I wouldn't be that upset.

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You know it started as an old soap opera set. Aparently it was a set used on The City and they just changed it a little to put The View on it in August of 1997. Now of course it's all changed but it's still the same area.

The Elizabeth stuff i still think is just a rumor. I expect to hear more on Monday's show. It should be a big one since Joy should offically announce that she's leaving and i hope Barbara clears up the Elizabeth stuff.

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I remember when The View premiered... 1997... the good ol' days of soaps and daytime :) I remember hearing that The City's sets were used on The View. The most recent set change for the past couple years is way too small; I don't know why they decided to encase them in such a small surrounding.

I liked the years when Lisa Ling (although she wasn't right for this show, but she went on to be a fabulous in-depth reporter) and Meredith Vieira were on. And then the controversial Rosie season which put the show in the mainstream press on almost a daily basis!

I always liked Joy's personality, whether she had a valid point or she was just gearing up for a punchline.

Elizabitch just grated on my nerves. Not just because of her Republican viewpoint (I get that there needs to be other points of view on this show, hence the name), but because of the way she came across when discussing her viewpoint as though it was fact. And that voice.... Oy!!!! Nails on a chalkboard. Never understood what credentials she really had to be picked to be on this show. A Survivor contestant? Wow, what an accomplishment. Good riddance.

This is like a talk show version of Melrose Place. All the original residents are eventually moving out. Only Michael Mancini Barbara remains. :)

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Why do they need a big set for five busybodies just sitting around chatting? Of all things it is talk shows that don't really need a set.

My opinion of the view is these people hosting it were often clueless about the things they were talking about which is why they often wound up in the news. That one host who couldn't state whether the world was round or not, Whoopi saying dog torture was a cultural thing for southern black america, and then again her defense of Mel Gibson. And of course the breakout star of the View: Star Jones. She wound up actually becoming famous thanks to her ridiculous wedding and her lies about weight loss. Joy Behar comes across as the most normal of the bunch but admittedly I have probably seen the show less than ten times during its entire run.

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