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DAYS: October Discussion Thread

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Loved the brief Justin/Adrienne scenes on Monday.

I'm a little uncomfortable with the way Louise Sorel is sputtering through her lines in the sarcophagus. I don't know if she's trying to play "overwhelmed" or if she's ad-libbing a lot or what, but I feel a lot like I'm watching an actress struggling with her lines rather than a woman buried alive.

As for the Sami issue: I firmly believe there's a way to do these stories in a manner more true to the character. My biggest problem is when they play Sami as passive, because Sami Brady is not a passive character. (And if she's going to be passive, it needs to be a major plot point.) Shooting EJ was the most Sami thing she's done probably since the baby switch was revealed. There's a fine line between a character being active and just being a heartless bitch, but I think there'd be value in a story where Sami tried to frame someone else for EJ's shooting, or let someone else take the blame, or something that gave her an active goal besides muttering to herself and having guilty looks all the time. I wish they'd at least foreground the fact that she's lying through her teeth because she's terrified of losing Rafe, the only "good man" who has ever loved her in this way. Rafe is basically a watered-down version of her ideal, heroic man (Roman; what she took Austin to be) instead of the guys who have loved her, who were kind of schemers (Brandon, Lucas, EJ). When this whole thing comes out, I'm excited to see a Sami left at the altar and put on the warpath again.

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I absolutely LOVE those clips - they're in my collection. Renee Jones was at her best when Lexie was a DiMera, and even though it's an unpopular opinion, I absolutely LOATHE her with Abe and much preferred her with Brandon. DAYS had a goldmine with the Lexie/Sami feud and it got dropped because Lexie must forever be known as a Carver. The tokenism is absurd. Lexie is way too sexy to continually be paired with Abe who looks like her father :rolleyes:

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I also agreed. He always looked gross next to her. I really wanted the show to make her a couple with Brandon and Tek, but they kept putting her back with old ass Abe.

Yes. I LOVED Lexie when she was evil. She is definetly one of my favorite villians. She rocked her storyline and I loved when she was deying Abe and messing around. I also thought she was much better wtih Brandon and wanted Theo to be his son. I found this promo from her party. I always loved her dress and how they made her out like some villian straight out of a Disney film. She looked so ridiculous yet Renee sold it

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Yeah, I'm enjoying the tentative Kate/Sami peace -- plus the fact that we aren't on that ridiculous merry-go-round again -- but getting Sami involved in that subplot would at least shake things up.

Honestly, a lot of what's been happening with her could be deepened just by adding some psychological discussion to the mix. Rafe took off and EJ, whom she tolerated at best, was there for her. She felt rejected by Rafe because she's never felt like anyone's first choice, so she had this compulsion to give in to EJ's advances, even though she knows he's terrible. That, to me, is Sami Brady: constantly seeking approval, constantly trying to make sure she won't be left alone.

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Renee Jones is 51 and she certainly doesn't look it. Lexie is definitely NOT 51 and her pairing with Abe for all these years is ridiculous. He's Asexual, brings her down, and just sucks the life out of her. The only reason they're continually paired together is because they're both Black. I thought she should have been free of him (finally) when they made her a DiMera, but alas, they kept her in her place.

Cheap, LOVE those clips... again :lol: DAYS was must see tv for me back then. Lexie OWNED being a Dimera and RJ was fantastic! She should have won an Emmy especially when she lost Theo. Abe threw her in jail and she had a breakdown. Chills!

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I mean, the Vivian buried alive stuff is fun and hilarious and all, but...it's getting kinda stale for me. IMO, something needs to happen soon to shake things up a bit if we have to endure watching Viv in this coffin any longer.

I'm going to say this again, why won't Melanie make up her mind on what she wants to call Daniel?! She calls him both Dad and Daniel. I just find that so annoying!

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Love Nicole and Vivan's banter! LOL at Vivian saying "She couldnt take 2 minutes out to call the cops!" I absolutely am enjoying this plotline

NuGabi. I was wondering where I recognized her from and its that annoying Lola from OLTL

Adriana...I hate this ho. She is WAY too opinionated for her own good. Shut up and speak when spoken to. She erminds me of Olivia from GH

Ciara! You are the best little worst actress on soaps.

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