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I thought they had a lot of chemistry and the relationship worked perfectly as part of the cloud of doom consistently hanging over Melanie Smith's Emily. Hearing that Smith did not get along with Beecroft sort of made the tension onscreen more believable.

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I didn’t even watch ATWT when Grant was originally on but I still thought it was weird that they made him a suspicious character when they brought him back. Like it was possible that he would be trying to kill Lisa or drive her crazy or whatever. He was an established good guy for many years on the show. 

Melanie Smith had so much sex appeal, she would’ve had chemistry with Pa Hughes. 

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That's what I meant, but do we know why he was so difficult? 



Which is sad b/c KMH's Emily lacked it. While she was "my Emily," she didn't possess the sexy siren that Melanie Smith had. 


I always wondered had MS stayed in the role of Emily, how she would've been in stories opposite Scott Holmes, Ben Hendrickson, Roger Howarth, Grayson McCouch...

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Can't speak to Beecroft but Melanie Smith did have easy chemistry with just about every actor on the show at that time. 

In my retro-viewing of previous storylines via YouTube, I did see her in a few scenes, here and there with Hendrickson and platonic though they were, I got the distinct impression that they had chemistry and MS could have easily slotted into the storyline that KMH had in her Emily's relationship/marriage to Hal.  In fact, I think it would've had even more resonance, given the fact that it was MS' Emily who Paul lost his virginity to, so if Barbara raged that this was the woman who seduced her son and wants every man that ever belonged to her, it could resonate simply because we would've seen Emily involved with James, Paul and then Hal. Hal would've been far different than any man Emily had ever been involved in and that would've been the attraction, the level of comfort and emotional security and Smith would've played that convincingly. I think she could've played well off Grayson McCouch as well and that could've convincingly drawn Lily into the picture, especially during the time that she briefly rekindled her relationship with Dusty and again, given Lily and Emily's past as Holden's first wife, it would've resonated even more since all of three actors were in their respective roles at that time.  It might've made me miss Brian Bloom though, lol.

As for Roger Howarth, well, they're both professionals, is all I can say. I'd have to see some good writing for that but I could see MS being less inclined to go along with his schtick, that's all I'll say about that one.

Would've loved to have seen Smith play off Terry Lester though and see Elizabeth Hubbard be drawn into that one but the writing would've been essential


I think MS could've played off Scott Holmes but it probably would've been far more interesting had Gregg Marx stayed in the role.

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Maybe it's a good thing. That Melanie left when she did. After Doug died most of Emily's stories were awful. I couldn't see Melanie playing Emily and Tom's awful affair. The only story i liked was Emily and Hal. Who fell for each other while investigating the explosion in the boat house. Which badly disfigured Babs for awhile. Which is one of the few Hogan Sheffer stories i liked.

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Lisa had a lot of fun stuff to do during this time, right after Fulton's return and Whit was killed off. She got to scheme against Lucy, investigate the murder, fall in love with Bob again, meddle in her children, step children and various young people living at the mansions life, etc.  The show was sloppy and all over the place at this time but fun...(Betsy's hair made her look 45.) Also, Lisa was about to call Lucy a bitch in that line about the dog.

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Once Marland came in she seemed to tone down so this kookier persona was fun to watch. 


Lindsay Frost was too butch for the Meg Ryan hair - at least they let her transition out of it. Lindsay's a wonderful actress, which is why I prefer her Betsy, but I'm still a little surprised they cast her as she's so different from Meg. Even here she's so much more serious. 

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I liked that Lisa was acting "kooky" to disarm people, including that guy who she bribed...(I love it, thats a Alexandra Spauling move right there.) I think it was wrong for Marland to take away her family...it was cool that she finally had one of her own to meddle with. But really Lisa, that mansion is uglier then hell!


I never understood why no one questioned how Betsy came back with not only a new face but an actually brain!

HA...interviews with the cast say that Santos Artega was the opposite of Pa Hughes and always had younger women and married one. Now THAT would have gotten Oakdale riled up

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Melanie Smith will always be Emily to me. KMH only worked well with Terry Lester. The rest was horrible. Wasn't it Laurence Caso who replaced MS with KMH? I think Richard Backus mentioned that and thought it was dumb that they recast with KMH. RB said that LC wanted someone sexy as Emily.

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