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That's because for most of his existence, he was a limp presence on a shoulder or "sleeping". While Emily was married to Hal, we saw more of Emily with Parker than her own kid. 


The entire "Hughes man with Stewart woman" feud the last ten years was made up crap, but Dan Stewart's grandson should've had a presence on the show. 

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Another munecojim upload that didn't seem to already be on Youtube.


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Another episode reminding us that Marland-era Oakdale is the politest place on Earth, as various characters apologize to a bratty teenager for not wanting to attend her sham of a wedding reception for her sham marriage to a sleazeball who treats most of them like crap on his shoe. And Dusty trying to have a party with her after she schemed into his bed and faked a pregnancy? He's very forgiving. I found Meg intolerable to watch when she spent all that time going around whining to people about Tonio. Was it the strike writers who broke that up by pairing her with Josh or was that always planned? I wish Lisa had gotten her claws out but by this time Lisa was too nice a lady...


Find a man who looks at you like Seth looks at Sabrina, or just find a man who looks like Seth, period. At least this episode helps fill in the blanks of why they fell for each other. Watching episodes like this I'm reminded of @Mitch saying Sabrina should have been a schemer - it would have added some spice to the story and made sense given her past. Julianne Moore does a pretty good job in that scene near the end when Sabrina is trying to deal with her feelings for Seth. 


(I love the music they use in that fantasy scene...so classy and quietly heartbreaking) 


I just have to shake my head at Lily getting a brand new location and a guest cast who are all there to do what the old faces in Oakdale were already doing, like pining over her or worrying about her. And of course she has a big birthday celebration, even with strangers. Martha Byrne did a good job in the scene where Lily couldn't cope with the birthday celebration. Holden is, as usual, worth punching in the face.


Tom really comes across as a prick when trying to "win" Margo back. I wonder how viewers at the time felt, as it seems very alien to most of what Tom had been, and Holmes lacks the natural charisma of the last few Toms. He is better when they put him more into family mode in 1988. 


Whenever I watch the episodes from this era I appreciate the way they handled Craig's disappearance - never trying to convince the audience he was 100% dead, instead playing out, in real time, the pain and numbness his loved ones felt from not knowing. 


The Shannon and Duncan material always sticks out like a sore thumb when going back and watching these episodes. 

Edited by DRW50
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I think Emily made it look as if Eddie and Margo were hooking up.. in order to make Tom turn to her.


@DRW50 I think how you described the 1987 is probably one of the reasons I wasn't a huge Marland fan,... too polite and refined.  And his propping of Princess Lily was sickening.  I think the only reason Meg and, to a lesser extent, Iva were so popular were due to the actresses playing them.. than to the writing.  As a kid, I remember liking Meg and loving it when she would stick it to Lily.


For some strange reason, even though Marland was still writing the show, I found myself liking Lily much more when Heather R played Lily... and yes.. I even liked Noelle Beck as Lily.  Both of them made Lily less spoiled.. even though both were playing Lily during selfish/spoiled periods for the character... if that makes sense.

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I think they were both colder, which suited Lily more. Martha was just kind of weak and whiny, especially in the earlier years. (I do think Heather became more vulnerable as time passed - Noelle never had the chance because the writing was so poor)


Sometimes I sound like I am trashing his era of the show, which isn't fair of me because I love a great deal of it (it's also the time period that got me hooked on ATWT in the first place), but episodes like this one can make my teeth clench. You need more characters like Lucinda who get in there (I think that's probably one of the reasons Lucinda was such a fan favorite even though she could sometimes be a terrible person - that and Lucinda always paid for her sins). 


I do think that by the early '90s the ice had begun to crack and characters were allowed to be more open with their anger, more snippy, etc. I'll always wonder what would have been...

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LOL..I actually remember watching this episode in college...but now I can't remember where my keys are...


Lisa DID mention..."Oh she is taking it out on the world, I used to be just like that..."  and I did like how she just laughed at her.. but yes, she should have ahd a bitchy comment on "Well from the looks of things, it wont be your last" to her or something. Just when I think Lucinda is going to save the day with a "Oh Lisa..." (which you know is usually the start of some good catty fun.) its to report that Craig called... and then Lisa doesnt even give Lu any heat about besmirching Whit....I would have loved a firey Lisa saying that if Lily and Iva get hurt...."It collatoral damage...and its all your fault.." but no..lets !@#$%^&*] foot around... I always loved GL at this time as people got to be catty and snarky and insult each other..even when they were "good"...

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AsTheWorldStillTurns already has that episode from September 8, 1987.  It's been uploaded to YouTube since 2016. 

I don't think that Lisa was so polite with Lucinda Walsh or John Dixon and she was fairly combative during the times she interacted with James Stenbeck, which, given James' notorious reputation, seemed a little risky on Lisa's part.



I'm watching an episode from January 1990 and something I can really appreciate is that the relationship between Lily and Lucinda is much more complex. 

In a conversation with Lucinda, Lily very bluntly tells Lucinda that she plans to ruthlessly poach Kirk Anderson away from Walsh Industries, even if she has to use Iva to lure Kirk away.  The best part is when Heather Rattray's Lily, in a voice dripping with honey, tells Lucinda "It's just business", which is phrase that Lucinda often used to defend even her most cut-throat actions.  The look on Lucinda's face is priceless.  The scene is great, it's like a game of verbal chess between Lily and Lucinda.

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Some of the videos are oddly labeled, without dates, although this one wasn't one of them. 

I think I watched that episode about a year and a half or so ago because I most remember that odd 1980s gothic style bridesmaid dress that Julianne Moore as Sabrina was forced to model. 

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I liked a lot of Broderick’s run. She did Camille/Brad, Eddie Silva/Georgia, and Samantha/Lucinda, right? I followed her from AMC, where she was brilliant (until she wasn’t), but she never really caught fire at ATWT.


I do remember watching some of Marland’s stuff live when I couldn’t wrest control of the TV away from my mom. Holden’s amnesia and Lucinda keeping his whereabouts in NYC a secret? The Neal Alcott/Royce Keller story? Courtney and Andy? Darryl Crawford? Rosanna and Hutch?


I have vivid memories of a lot of it, but I didn’t watch day-to-day like I did OLTL around that time. OLTL had a young coming-out story and AIDS quilts and edgy college stories and then the Dorian/Viki feud reignited.


I was also young, so I tended to watch whatever Michael Logan praised in TVG. He loved Carly/Rosanna/Mike and Lily/Damian/Orlena, so I tuned in for those stories. I watched a lot more when OLTL got really, really bad in the late ‘90s, but then ATWT also got really, really bad until the first year of Hogan, which seemed like a breath of fresh air at the time.

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My favorites from Broderick was bringing back Holden and Lily's wedding to Umberto and his murder....after that her writing went to hell. 


Yes, all of those stories were from the early 90's. Loved them all except for Courtney. I hated her and the brother until they recast the roll of Sean when Burke Mosses left the role or was let go. 

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I liked Camille, Brad and Denise.  I hated David Stenbeck. Never ending reign of terror. So much of LB run was blah. But i think that the reason it was so terrible was that TPTP didn't let her write what she wanted. 


I didn't hate Courtney for most of her run. It wasn't until the very end of her run that she became totally unbearable. Everything poor Andy did was wrong. By that point i wished that Hans had killed her.

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