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Thanks for sharing this.

This was such an interesting time for the show, as much of the material here didn't carry on to 1993. I wish we'd been able to see whether Marland would have picked some of this back up. There's some really potentially great stuff here, especially Scott attempting to unthaw a rattled Lucinda, and then Lisa's fear of this happening (I loved her minor freakout when Lyla said she didn't want Scott to do what Craig did - then Lyla has to hastily backtrack/cover).

I was a Caleb/Julie fan, but hadn't really remembered why in watching their material back (what is available of it). This episode is a good reminder of why. MDM and SMS, when they had the chance, gave Caleb and Julie such a tenderness and longing and pain. You could see why they were drawn to each other. Thanks so much for giving me the chance to see this again.

The party scenes are a great example of why the friends and home and family aspect of ATWT made it so special and so real. Little things like Andy and Frannie hoping that Margo is pregnant, as a somber Lyla tries to get them off the subject. Or Andy saying he's going to go out there and be a little [!@#$%^&*] (and how rarely by this time did Andy ever even get to be an annoying kid brother?), and Lyla tells him that's a bad idea. Or that heartbreaking scene where Margo is overcome with emotion at the fear that she may not have many birthdays left to celebrate with Adam, and Lisa has to step in.

Iva's makeup is awful here.

I liked Susan and Larry at the time but sometimes these episodes make him seem like such a pill. Still, Marie Masters and Ed Fry worked well together, and it was smart to use his past with Frannie to cause tension in their relationship.

I thought Frannie already knew about Jennifer at this point. Yikes at that last scene (and wow did Mary Ellen Stuart remind me of the wonderful Mickey from Friday the 13th the Series).

Such beautiful scenes with Hal and Barbara, and all of Barbara's neuroses on display. This night of course led to a little Will 9 months later. Hal's venting about all the confusing suspects in this murder mystery feels like a viewer complaint.

This episode reminds me of why I had such a hard time accepting KMH as Emily. She just seems superfluous and bratty and has no real spark. Throwing her in scenes with Hutch and Rosanna doesn't help. (as always Rosanna's more-lethargic-version-of-Lily material feels out of step and oddly out of date with what was otherwise a very contemporary show).

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Mitch, I kept thinking of your Marland criticisms when I watched that Larry/Susan scene, as it amounted to:

Larry: We have to talk!

Susan: I don't want to talk! I'm TIRED of talking!

Larry: Don't you see? Even when we don't talk, we're talking! We have to talk!

It cracked me up.

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This is when I thought Richard Culliton helped turn around an aimless show, and without firing a dozen people and throwing crap against the wall. Even things that annoyed me to no end, like Lily's nonstop whining, were put in proper context here, as were Damian's own demons. Using their childhoods to explain why they feel the way they do goes a long way.

It's great to see more of Julie's stolen money story (one of my favorite Julie stories and the story that along with Janice kept me from walking away from ATWT completely at this time), and her complex relationship with Pete, who was a great character.

I'd forgotten that Jef (another great character dumped for no reason) was involved with Snyder family stuff before he got involved with Emily.

This woman Holden was - I always had a hard time telling her apart from the doctor he was involved with. Oh well, boring either way.

Love Claire Bloom and the classy maliciousness she exudes in every scene. Her death glare when Lisa and Eduardo arrived gave me a chill.

And Janice's manipulations and games (doing her best to stop Kim from realizing the truth, and to try to get Kim's loved ones to support her) were riveting to watch.

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I wonder if ATWT asked Suzanne Davidon to reprise Betsy for Don's funeral in 1991 or Dani's re intro as a teen in 1994. I know we got recasts. I always liked Suzanne as Besty.

I was hoping she would be back for Dani's 2009 stint or for the finale, but knowing Goutman I am not surprised. Im still shocked he gave us john Dixon back.

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I know that all HW have their specific characters that they enjoy writing for but I feel like towards the late 90s and after, it just got way outta hand where the writing started to defy the history and often logic, often to accomodate a few chosen characters.

ATWT could've brought back Betsey and/or Steve, even for a brief story arc but it seems like Goutman, in particular, had his own vision for characters and he wasn't about to let history or logic or fan's desires get in the way of that.

Such a shame.

I would've liked to see Dani return at the same time Bryant returned. If they could've gotten back Betsy and especially Steve along with Craig and even Sierra, that could have been a good story. I remember a scene where Bryant was a newborn and Craig introduced Dani to Bryant and asked if she liked him.

Those words could've had resonance in a big way, especially if they brought Dani and Bryant into the same circle and if Bryant was anything like Craig in his young adult life, it could've created all sorts of problems. Steve would certainly not have approved.

It may have lured Frank Runyeon back if he had another chance to tell Craig how he wanted nothing to do with him and didn't want his son to have anything to do with his daughter.

Oh well.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I don't think the smaller sets could take FR's huge flaring nostrils...(or ego, or scenery chewing.) As you can see, I am thankful FR never came back.

Speaking of..that 93 clip showing Kim's office and its HUGE..how far the show's fell after that.

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