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Gabrielle Upton/Gillian Houghton, final writer of The Secret Storm,  has passed away.


Gabrielle Upton, ‘Gidget’ Screenwriter, Dies at 101

She also worked on several network soap operas as well as primetime series like 'The Loretta Young Show,' 'Ben Casey' and 'The Virginian.'





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Gabrielle Upton, who wrote the screenplay for the classic California surfing movie Gidget, starring Sandra Dee, Cliff Robertson and James Darren, has died. She was 101.

Upton died Sept. 13 in Santa Rosa, California, her daughter, Greer Upton, told The Hollywood Reporter. News of her death had not been reported until now.

A three-time WGA Award nominee, Upton wrote for such network shows as The Alfred Hitchcock Hour/Alfred Hitchcock PresentsBen CaseyConvoyOne Step BeyondThe Bold Ones: The New DoctorsThe VirginianThe Big Valley and The High Chaparral.


She also worked on several daytime soap operas during her career, including Guiding LightAs the World TurnsEdge of NightSearch for TomorrowThe Secret Storm and Love of Life.

After Frederick Kohner took a crack at adapting his best-selling 1957 novel Gidget, the Little Girl With Big Ideas for Columbia Pictures’ Gidget (1959), Upton came on and received sole screenplay credit.

Directed by Paul Wendkos, the coming-of-age movie spawned several other Gidget movies and a 1965-66 ABC/Screen Gems comedy starring Sally Field.

Upton also provided the story for Robert Siodmak’s Escape From East Berlin (1962), based on a true story and starring Don Murray, Christine Kaufmann and Werner Klemperer. She lived in Germany while that film was in production.

Born in British Columbia in 1921, Upton acted and wrote radio plays for the CBC. She and her husband, actor and sound man Julian Upton, then moved to Los Angeles and worked at what is now known as Theater of Arts on Hollywood Boulevard.

Upton served as head writer on CBS’ Guiding Light for many years starting in 1952 and held a similar position at many other (soap operas).

In 1953, she wrote and starred on an episode of the CBS anthology series Schlitz Playhouse, then wrote for The Loretta Young ShowFord Television Theatre and the drama Wire Service early in her career as well.

Upton also co-wrote the screenplay for the German-French thriller Tender Sharks (1967), starring Anna Karina, and came up with the story and script for Brown Eye, Evil Eye (1968), starring Hugh Griffith.

She often wrote under the pseudonym Gillian Houghton and specialized in medical, legal and suspense shows.

Survivors also include her son-in-law, John. Her husband died in 2016 at age 94.

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I could get my hands on some Secret Storm from early 1969. Here are some recaps. I will post more if you guys are interested.

#3886 – Monday, January 6th 1969

                Amy and Susan were back from the appointment with Dr. Hadley. Susan wondered if Amy knew she was pregnant as Susan had guessed her sister’s pregnancy. Amy assured she didn’t maybe because she didn’t want to know as Paul didn’t love her anymore. Susan wondered if Paul would still be infatuated with Belle once he learned Lisa would have a little brother or sister.

                Belle arrived late at her office and Karen realized who she was with. Belle talked to Karen about new apartments in a modern building she could move in and Karen wondered why her sister wanted to get rid of her. At Paul’s office, he asked Jill to take the day off as he wasn’t up to work. After Jill left, Paul called Belle : he didn’t know how to break news to Amy that he wanted a divorce.

                Jill visited Amy and Susan and didn’t mention Belle’s earlier visit to Paul. She wondred how Amy’s visit with Dr. Hadley went. Amy assured her health was excellent. Meanwhile, Belle was exultant Paul would be hers soon. Alone, Amy wondered why life was so ironic – she was finally pregnant but Paul didn’t love her anymore.

#3887 – Tuesday, January 7th 1969

                From her home, Susan phoned Amy. Amy agreed Susan tell Frank about her pregnancy. After she hung up, Susan told Frank that Amy was expecting. In his office, Paul received visit from Ken Stevens who had a night off at the club. He wanted to pick Jill up but Paul mentioned she left early. Paul questioned Ken about morality and conscience and an unaware Ken encouraged Paul to follow his heart.

                When Paul finally came home and before Amy could tell him about the pregnancy, Paul admitted he didn’t succeed in breaking up with Belle. He wanted a divorce to marry Belle. A very silent Belle told him he could have his freedom if he wanted it. Paul packed his bag and left home as Amy remained silent about her situation.

#3888 – Wednesday, January 8th 1969

                Paul met Nick Kane at the hotel and told Nick he had left home. He finally faced the fact he was in love with Belle. Nick understood how painful the breakup of a marriage could be. Nick said Amy suggested him to get an apartment and he was thinking about it. Nick asked Paul if Amy had another fainting but Paul assured she was fine and he was okay with Nick visiting Amy.

            In the Kane’s living room, Archie Bowman congratulated Stan for the way he brought Joan around to sharing her settlement from Nick with them. Archie said he had always liked Joan and was happy she finally agreed to divorce Nick. Joan arrived and said Nick wanted ger to sign papers. Stan encouraged her to do so.  Joan arrived in Nick’s hotel room. Joan had to sign she wouldn’t ask for more money and wouldn’t contest the divorce. Joan wanted to bring the suit herself. He relented.

                At the Water Hole, Paul told Belle how reasonable Amy was when he told her he wanted a divorce. Belle thought they could be seen together but Paul didn’t agree until he was legally divorced. Belle promised to find an apartment for herself.

                Back at her apartment, Joan told Archie and Stan she didn’t sign and wanted to bring the divorce suit herself. They didn’t get why she would spend $1.000 when she would only get $2.000 as a settlement just to prove she was a lady.

#3889 – Thursday, January 9th 1969

                Jill told Sam she was relieved the doctor gave Amy a clean bill of health. Ken came downstairs and told about his encounter with Paul who was questioning his life. Sam left for a business meeting with his old friend, Wilfred Hollister. Ken gave his father $50 as his first paycheck.

                Amy visited Susan who was worried she couldn’t join Amy by phone last night. Amy told Susan and Frank that Paul didn’t know about her pregnancy and that he broke up with her. Amy tried to explain her decision not to tell about the baby as she didn’t want Paul to remain with her just because she was pregnant. Frank and Susan opposed but Amy didn’t want to hear more.

                Jill told Ken she didn’t like working with Paul since what was happening between him and Belle. Ken suggested she quit as he was making a decent living at the club. Jill didn’t like Ken paying Sam for room and board. He could have kept the money to pay their creditors.

                At the judge’s chamber, Wilfred Hollister appeared and greeted Eleanor. They had known each other over the years since Wilfred and Sam had often been involved in joint legal or philanthropic ventures. Wilfred confessed he had trouble with his daughter, Laurie, who had started college in the fall, but was already threatening to drop out. Sam made Wilfred join in his office. Wilfried was shocked Sam let his son tend bar in a place all friends gathered so often. Wilfred talked about Mrs. Ames, whom he saw Sam dance with at New Year’s Eve. Sam admitted he liked Valerie and she was scarecly responsible for the Kane trial. Eleanor was displeased with what she was overhearing.

#3890 – Friday, January 10th 1969

                Karen was not very happy with the apartment Belle wanted her to see. Belle said it was for the better as she thought about having the apartment for herself. Belle told her sister that Paul had broken up with Amy and moved into the Woodbridge hotel. Karen was shocked but Belle too happy to quarrel. Paul had asked Belle to live in some inconspicuous place until the divorce.

                Frank visited Amy. He wanted her to tell Paul the truth. Would she at least consider telling Val ? Amy refused. Nobody would convince her otherwise and she was holding Frank to his promise not to tell a soul.

                When Paul arrived in Belle’s office, he urged her to rent a place immediately. They passionately kissed.

                After Frank left, Nick arrived. He admitted he saw Paul at the hotel and heard the news but also that the doctor gave Amy a clean bill of health. He told her he had an eye on an apartment as she advised him to do. Amy agreed to have a look before he took it. Near the phone, Nick saw the name of a doctor Amy wrote down – it was indeed a ob-gyn Dr. Hadley advised her earlier. He confronted Amy : was she sick ? She broke down and made him realize she was pregnant but she forbade him to tell Paul. Nick understood and agreed with her.

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I have episodes until early March 1969.

#3891 – Monday, January 13th 1969

                The following morning, Sam was exasperated his car wouldn’t start and Jill said Ken could drive Sam. Jill said she needed to have news from Amy while Ken drove Sam at his chamber. At her desk, Eleanor questioned Ken about his job. He said he liked it but Eleanor showed her disapproval – he made his wife unhappy and his father look foolish. Sam’s old friend, Winifred Hollister, told her himself. Ken said many respectable people approved of his job, such as Valerie Ames, which unerved Eleanor.

                At his office, Paul refused a dinner invitation from Professor Marlowe. He said his wife was unwell. Jill heard and worried about Amy but Paul admitted he lied on the phone – he and Amy had split up.

                Eleanor noticed Sam was slowly accepting his son’s new job. She was sure it was Valerie’s doing but Sam assured she had nothing to do with it.

                Jill felt very bad about the situation and thought she should quit out of loyalty for Amy. She would see her to know what she thought. Back home at the Stevens’, Jill told Ken about Amy and Paul. Jill was very shocked and begged Ken not to never let it happen to them.

#3892 – Tuesday, January 14th 1969

                Jill visited Amy. She said she had just learned from Paul. Amy didn’t want pity. Jill was ready to quit her job but Amy stopped her. Amy said she could have Paul back but she didn’t want it. Amy finally confided into Jill that she was pregnant.

                The Country club bar was really quiet. Wally the bartender told Ken one of them could get the axe and Mr. Lockwood wanted to see Ken in his office. Ken entered Alex Lockwood’s office and said he knew he was going to be fired but wanted to know the real reason. Meanwhile, Nola Hollister, Winifred’s wife, had drifted up to the bar for a drink. She wasn’t pleased when Wally hinted that Ken might be fired. Alex told Ken the reason was only financial but they were interrupted by Nola’s entrance and Nola accused her husband on putting pressure on Alex to fire Ken. She refused. Alex asked if Nola was ready to explain to her husband. As she assured she was, Alex was ready to keep Ken. Ken realized who Nola’s husband was and wondered if it was wise antagonizing him. Nola laughed and kissed him.

                Amy refused to listen to Jill’s arguments about telling Paul she was pregnant. She already heard them from Susan and Frank. She said only Nick seemed to understand her feelings.

#3893 – Wednesday, January 15th 1969

                Joan had contacted a Mexican lawyer who would meet her in Juares the following week and she would be divorced 24 hours later. Nick would sign the agreement, not the contest. Archie and Stan didn’t approve her pride which made them lose half the settlement money. They secretly planned to steal a car and bring it to New York to a friend running a garage – he could paint it over – before going to Mexico.

                Nick phoned Amy and was ready to ask her to come and see the apartment. Joan arrived and asked for a check he should endorse for the apartment security. Nick signed without protest. She told him she still believed he was unfaithful to her with Valerie. They disgraced her and drove her only friend out of Woodbridge. When Joan came back home, Stan was alone. She admitted she thought her brother Archie was stupid and arrogant. Stan said he felt the same way. They should leave him in New York and head to Mexico only together.

                Amy and Nick visited the apartment he was thinking to rent. Nick said he admired her independence. Stan arrived back at the Kanes’. He said he had a car but they had to go quick.

#3894 – Thursday, January 16th 1969

                Belle was directing men who brought most of the furniture from the Clemens house to her new apartment. Karen found the apartment dull and colorless. Belle said it was her intention.

                Susan dropped with Grace Tyrell to see Amy and cheer her up. Grace wondred if Amy told Lisa of the breakup but she didn’t. Amy thanked Susan for not telling their grandmother she was pregnant. Meanwhile, Paul phoned and asked when he could come to pick some things. Amy told she was herself helping Nick moving into his new place. After Amy hung up, Grace wondered if that was a way to raise Paul’s interest.

                Paul arrived at Belle’s new apartment. He brought champagne and they kissed. At the Brittons’, after Susan and Grace had left, Karen called. She told Amy she was ashamed of her sister and she did anything to dissuade Belle to pursue Paul. Amy assured Karen she didn’t blame her and they could still be friends.

                Paul explained Belle he had to pick things up at Amy’s and Belle wondered if he was jealous over Nick Kane as he had learned Amy was helping him with his apartment. He assured he was not and Belle pushed him he would come back for the night.

#3895 – Friday, January 17th 1969

                Ken called his father’s chamber and told Eleanor on the phone that he had much work and couldn’t come and pick his father up as planned. Sam assured it was not a problem as his car was repaired. Eleanor was curious as Ken was on the verge of being fired at Wilfred Hollister’s requet but his wife Nola intervened. Sam said Nola was charming but inclined to drink too much. She was 20 years younger than her husband.

                Ken asked Alex Lockwood if Wilfred gave him a hard time for not dismissing him but Alex said he didn’t mention it. Nola arrived and said Ken she wasn’t drinking because she had brought her daughter Laurie with her for lunch. She asked Alex if Laurie could fool around at the piano and he gave his okay. Nola asked Ken not to mention to Laurie that she was used to drunking.

                Sam left early from his office to meet with Valerie. He wanted to check on her since her step-daughter’s marriage broke up. Eleanor mentioned the Ames family seemed to attract trouble after what happened for the Kane divorce.

                Laurie Hollister introduced herself to Ken who was intrigued when she played the piano. She said the made up the lyrics herself.

                In Alex’s cottage, Nola was nervous. She told Alex she shouldn’t have come but Alex assured Laurie had no suspicion and he tried to embace her. He kissed her and the resistance went out of Nola’s body.

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Laurie became one of the show's main characters only after she reformed.

I remember and will never forget Labor Day of 1968.   Robin drowned, and Belle blamed Amy and swore revenge on Amy.


Valerie - Lori March

Grace - Marjorie Gateson

Amy - Jada Rowland

Susan - Judy Lewis

Sam - Terry O'Sullivan

Joan - Christina Crawford

Nick - Keith Charles

Paul - Nicolas Coster

Karen - Beverly Hayes

Belle - Marla Adams

Nola - Rita Morley (Mrs. Kenneth Harvey)

Laurie - Linda DeCoff




I have absolutely no memory of the characters of Eleanor, Alex, Stan, Alex Lockwood or Wally.  Who played these roles?


Who was playing  Ken during this time?    Who was playing Jill at this time?   Who was playing Williford at this time?   Who was playing Archie at this time?



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Thank you French Fan. An amazing contribution. Looking forward to reading these rare treasures.

This was a few months before CBS took over production from Roy Winsor.

Lou Scofield/John Hess most likely writing at this time.

Edited by Paul Raven
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@FrenchFan  Wonderful to see these summaries.   Here's the most recent cast list I have assembled for SECRET STORM, @danfling







Nurse Adams       Kimberly Vaughn

Eileen  ____ Alvarez   Vivian Ferrar     68

Dr. Marco Alvarez       Michael Baseleon         68

Ellen Tyrell Ames       Ellen Cobb-Hill...54

Hope Crandall Ames         .Pamela Raymond...65-66...Jerry's wife, met in Paris 

Jerry Ames    Dick Trask ...54    first actor in role

                             Robert Morse...54...                    

                      ...Warren Berlinger...54-56 

                       ...Ken Gerard...57-59

                        ...Wayne Tippit...59-65 

                          ...Peter White...65-66 

                           ...Michael Zaslow...?Temp...

                              Stephen Bolster           May. 1968-69

Kate Lodge Ames...Polly Childs...March 61-64...married Jerry

Myra Lake Ames.     ...School teacher, Peter's wife #2

                                  ..June Graham...59-63

                                 ...Joan Hotchkiss ...58...

Peter Ames...Peter Hobbs...54-62... patriarch... 

                       ...Sheppard Strudwick...Temp... 

                        ...Cec Linder...62-64...

                        ...Ward Costello...64-66 

                           ...Lawrence Weber...66-68 

Rose Angelino    Antonia Rey 69-70   Neighbor in New York(Laurie)

Casey Arnold... Konrad Matthaei...9/65-67...crime reporter +Susan,  drug rackets,  +Rocket.

Nurse Martha Ann_____ Ashley.    ..Audrey Johnstone   ?/?/  1972 - 4/10/1972    helped Dan's campaign

Thomas Austin     ????    2/4/69




Chuck Bannister...John Cunningham..65 

Captain Barton   Jay Barney    6/1962-1964

Artie Baxter    ????     1960  Molly's greedy brother; revealed truth about the baby

Molly Baxter   ?????      1960  pregnant by Fred Taylor; claimed Jerry was the father; went to jail with Fred

Louise Belafonte    Josephine Premice      1974

Frank Bennett...Robert Fitzsimmons...59-60...gang boss

George Bennett...Dan Frazer...66...TV talk show producer, alcoholic

Marian ___Bennett...Gloria Hoye...66...wife 

Nelson Bennett       John Connell  early 60's   representative in Tyrell's takeover    

Peggy Bennett         Gigi Anderson...66 ...daughter G&M...

Mrs.  __ ___  Bisby           Dortha Duckworth    71   

Mr. ___ Bisby      John Cecil Holm      71

Sam Bloom    Louis Sorin     1959-60

Archie Borman...Ken Kercheval...68...brother, Joan, paid The Petersons to lie about Brian/Val 

Mrs. __ Borman..      Elspeth Eric      ...68 mother 

Corey Boucher (McGonagle)       ...Terry Kiser...71...faux Sean Childers Jr.,+Amy 

Barbara Bradford...Liza Chapman...67...had illegal abortion  

(Ms. Chapman died in a car accident after filming 2 episodes.)

Oscar Brandt     ?????     1962   head of gambling ring; killed Harry and framed Jerry Ames.

Tim Brannigan          Country club owner, head of drug ring

                         Nick Lewis...71...

                         Anthony Herrerra...71-72

____Briggs       ????.         owner Sam's, a drug front

Lisa Britton...         Candace Coster...68

                      daughter, Nick Coster

                        ...Diane Dell...69

                         Terry Falls?Falis?...70

                         Judy Safran...71-74

Paul Britton...College Professor, married Terri, Amy,& Belle 

                     Nicholas Coster    1964, April 1968-69.

                      Jed Allan...64-666

                        Ed Kemmer...     66.

                         Ryan MacDonald...66-67... 

                         Conard Fowkes...69-70... ..

                          Linden Chiles...70 

Terrence Britton.  ?????   .64-65     son of Paul and Terry

Terry____ Britton   Marion Brash  64-65 shrewish first wife, Paul

Dr. Ira Bromfield...George Rose...73-74... 

Dr. Joe Brownell       Kenneth Harvey..65...psychiatrist Ann

Andrea  Browning   ...Roberta Ricketts    73

"Aunt" Bridie Claybourne Burke   Lovelady Powell ...69-71 helped raise Didi



Judge  ____   Cable..???...55...Peter's custody trial

Vic Carelli        Alan Castner   71... friend, Tim Brannigan   

Herb  Carruthers          Michael Higgins      1964

Sylvia __ Carruthers    Olga Bellin     1964

Frank Carver      reporter, +Susan, killed a guy in Mexico  

                            ...Laurence Luckinbill...67-68

.                      ...Jack Ryland...71 

                        ..Robert Loggia      February 1972- April 27 1972

Mary Lou Glenway Carver...Joanna Miles    November 1967-68..       ex wife, Frank 

Susan Ames Dunbar Carver

                                   ...Jean Mowry...54-56 

                              ...Rachel Taylor...56-57

                              ,..Norma Moore. 57-58

                               ...Mary Foskett...58-64  

                               ....Frances Helm...64 

                               ...Toni Darnay...(TEMP)... 

                               ...Gretchen Walther...(TEMP) 

                                ...Eileen Letchworth...(TEMP) 

                                 ...Diana Van Der Vlis (TEMP) 60s 

                                  ...Mary MacGregor Jackson...68-69

                                 ...Judy Lewis..12/.64 or 1/65-68,69-71 

Sean Childers, Sr...Never Seen...had affair with Ellen Ames before her marriage, father, Sean, Jr.

Sean Childers, Jr. ...James Storm...71 ...illegit son of Sean/Ellen, died 

Didi Claybourne    Judi Rolin...70-71...Hugh's spoiled daughter 

Hugh Claybourne       Peter MacLean...69-70 publishing magnate 

Jill______Stevens Claybourne     Friend Amy      +Ken, +Hugh 

                                    Irene Bunde ...68

                            ...Audrey Johnstone...68-69

                             ...Barbara Rodell       September 69-70 

Fred Clearwater...  Earl Rowe    1971     friend covered for by Matt Winthrop

Charlie Clemens...Jeffrey Lynn     11/30/1967-68   ..publisher after Peter 

Karen Clemens...Beverly Hayes...68-69 daughter too attached to niece, Robin 

Robin Clemens...Marya Zimmet...68...daughter, Belle, drowned

Freddie Cochinos         secretary, Dan  

                                      .Kipp McArdle    71

                                 Roberta Royce     71-73

Toby Coleman...  Lon Steele     .68...Belle's Acapulco boyfriend

Kingsley Collins...Will Hussung...1969...elderly publisher

Stan Collins...  James Antonio ..   68- 69...buddy, Archie

Spike Conklin..   Dick Trask.  ..hoodlum

Dean Conroy ...    ???   3/5/69

Phineas Cook...  Basil Langton  ..67..Ames lawyer

Harry Crawford..    James Dimitri ..62 - 64 ex, Kate Ames...killed her; Kate's boss at the Clinton Inn

Nick Cromwell    .Byron Sanders...63...Myra was attracted to him 

Ronald Curley    ????    1962    took over the Clinton Inn with Arthur

Skip Curtis     Martin E. Brooks...58...escaped convict, first hubby Jane Edwards 

Emily  ____  Cushman      Abby Lewis       1972


Evelyn__ Dark       Lesley Woods..63-.64...mother, Julian, vendetta against Ames family 

Julian Dark           Jordan Charney...63-64..tutor, Kip psychopath, poisoned Grace 

Leona__ Davies..Lilia Skala...?60-61 or 63...

                          ...Gillian Spencer...?60-61 or 63 

John Dayton       Ben Yaffee       1960     superintendent of Woodbridge schools

Eduardo DeGama.....Mexican Protege, Pauline

               Carl Bellin...62-63.

                Joseph Della Sorte...63..

Bill Derrick       Richard Anders        65

Will Derrick        Russell Gold          65

Carol ________Devereaux    Lois Markle...66...wife, Matthew...

Matthew Devereaux    John Colicos...66...NY gallery owner, affairs, younger women 

Nina DiFrancesco..    knocked up by Kip, knocked down/killed  

                        Ann Tallon    62     

                        Nita Talbot..62-.63...

Professor DiFrancesco... Court Benson  ...63...father, Nina

Frances ___  Dobbs     Connie Lembcke   66-67

Jimmy Dobbs..    John Fink      65-67   ....shy student, friend Amy, drug addict... 

Dr. Mark Dobbs...  Whitfield Connor  ..66-67   ...father,Jimmy

Tom Dodge      ??????     3/2/67

Jim Donner    Gary Campbell    1971

Jack Drew       ?????    2/13/67

Alan Dunbar       .politician, MIA Vietnam, affair with Ann,  returned from the dead 

                    ...James Vickery...57-67..

                   ...Liam Sullivan...   April 9 71-Dec 15 71

Petey Dunbar... Mike Kearney   1965    .son, Alan/Susan 

                        .Mark Kearney...60s...

                          Donnie Melvin...70-71 



Bruce Edwards         ..Biff McGuire...55 ...second hubby, Jane

                                     Ed Bryce...55-56 

Davey Edwards...???...son, Jane/Bruce...]

Jane Andrews Curtis Edwards  housekeeper, Ames, +Peter   

                   Barbara Joyce...55.       8 months      

                    Virginia Dwyer...55-56

                     Marilyn Monk...58

Mary Edwards   ..?????....55-56...mother, Bruce

Johnny Ellis      Nicholas Pryor...  62-63     student; liked Amy



Father Farrell...Barnard Hughes 60.. 

 Freddy Fay     ..Dennis Patrick...66...supported by Brooke L, gigolo...
Bart Fenway...Whitfield Connor...54-55...Tyrell employee

Officer Ferris...???...55...policeman, arrested Peter Ames

Lt. Vince Firelli... James Dimitri 67-68...cop, caught Erik Fulda

J Lawrence Fluellen...  Richard Janaver  .68 ....lawyer, Joan ...

Phil Forrester...Pat Fox...73...

Judge Foster   Doris Rich    1966

ADA Freeman...Gary Campbell...71-72 assistant, Ursula

Erik Fulda...George Reinholt        .November 1967-68 affair, Mary Lou 

Bryan Fuller...Carl King...58-60...married Pauline, +Lucy Stokes 



Eleanor Gault..  Chase Crosley...68...secretary, Judge Sam Stevens

Mrs. Giddens       ?????    2/7/67

Wes Glenway...Clifton James...67-68...father Mary Lou Carver 

Dr. Alex Gordon....boss Paul Britton at the University

                           .Paul McGrath...64-65.

                               Roy Poole     65

Doris___Gordon..  Flora Campbell   .64-65.  ..wife, Alex, friend, Amy

Eddie Grant...Todd Everett...64...+Wendy...rich and spoiled

Danny Greer      Einar Perry Scott    1950s   juvenile delinquent

Tom Gregory   law partner, Kevin 

                                    Jess Adkins  ?1971

                                ...Richard Venture...71-72   



Louise ___   Hadley      Rita Morley    65-67?

Dr. Spencer Hadley.  family doctor, couldn't save Ellen 

                         ..Jay Jostyn...54 

                        Carl Low     1954-59

                               ...Roy Poole...60-64                    

                                ...George L. Smith...64-66         

                            .Addison Powell...  66- 73

Andy Hall           George Hall     

Henry Hall..   Ken Kercheval  ..66...drug pusher, hooked Jimmy Dobbs

Gene Hampton     Charles Baxter   late 1950s

John Harris...Never Seen...first husband, Pauline

Reverend Harris     Karl Weber      1963

Mrs. Hawthorne     ??????     1954

Jeff Hewitt...Bruce Weitz...1970                                

George Hewlett...Otto Hullett...60-61  father Nancy, friend Grace

Nancy Hewlett     +Jerry 

                            ...Jane MacArthur...7/59-61 

             ]          ..Barbara Lord...61

Bob Hill.               Val's son, dated Belle, Susan...divorced         

                                   Roy Scheider...67

                                 ...Justin McDonough...67-68

                                   Ed Winter...69 

Tim Hill      Michael O'Donovan             1967                        

Nola _____Hollister   alcoholic wife, Wilfred, killed him; Laurie's mother, 

                   ...Rita Morley   68-69

                 ...Rosemary Murphy...69-70       

                   ...Mary K. Wells...71                            

Wilfred Hollister murdered by wife, tyrant

                         ...Alexander Clark...69...

                        ...Barnard Hughes...68-69             

Ken Jacobson      attorney when Peter and Grace bought the tv station  

                          Carl Low   early 60s

                               Basil Langton   

Dr. Martin Jerrome      ?????     3/7/69



Joan Borman Kane...  money hungry wife, Nick

                         ...Christina Crawford...68-69

                      Joan Crawford...(temp)...68  

Nick Kane...  Keith Charles...68-70...reporter, fired by CC, liked Val, Amy 

Tom Kane...Coe Norton...68...father, Nick, wealthy businessman    

R.B. Keefer...Troy Donahue...70...ex husband, Belle, +Irene Sims                         Teen idol in his day

Judge Kimberly     Donald Symington     1972        

Amy Ames Rysdale Britton Kincaed.

           .Beverly Lunsford...58-60                       

                        ...June Carter...60                     

                       ...Lynne Adams   9/21/1971-73                     

                        ...Jada Rowland  (54-58; 60 or 61-67; May 1968-71; April 1973- February 1974)     

Belle Clemens Keefer ____Britton Kincaed    Marla Adams    ...68-74...rival Amy, mother, Robin dated Bob Hill      

Dan Kincaed        Bernard Barrow...70-74...old friend, Nola, racketeer. politician    

Danielle Kincaed   ????...73-74...Amy's baby by "artificial insemination"

Kevin Kincaed... +Amy, paralyzed... 

                        Dennis Cooney...70-71  

..                     David Ackroyd...71-74         

Julius Klepner...Philip Bruns...    1972 or 73.                             

Eric Kovac...David Wilson...73-74. .fix-it-man...killed wife, Georgina    

Georgina ___Kovac...Stephanie Braxton...73-74 ...ghostly vision seen by Laurie, murdered by husband            


Ezra Lake         forceful father, Myra

                      ...Wendell Phillips...58...

                      ...Don McHenry...59-63

Baby Morrison-Landers...???...73-74...child Robert/Joanna

Naomi Russell Landers      ????.  73...mother Robert, +Dan K

Robert Landers.       ..Dan Hamilton...72-74...+ Joanna M,  illegitimate son of Dan Kincaed               

Rose Latimer...Marcella Markham  ...67-68...worked w/Robin C @ Lenox House...spinster

Brooke Lawrence.       ..Julie Wilson...66...assistant, George Bennett...

Stan Leader   ...????...        2/27/67

Nurse Pam Leighton...   Carol Cole   nurse, Dr. Neeves   71-72

Connie Leland...     Abby Lewis ...murdered landlady, Frank 

Harry Lewis...     ??...60...      employee Peter

Alex Lockwood..  Jay Lanin    68-69...+Nola Hollister, gave Ken job at country club

John  Lodge       ??????    61-64...alcoholic father, Kate

Katie Logan       maid, Pauline

               ...Margaret Boylan...64-65...

                ...Margaret Hamliton...63-64 (she mentioned in an article 53-57)           


Mrs. MacGovern      ...Betty Wragge    60s       

Charlotte  Makin   ...Susan Sudert...72-73  secretary Kevin .

Dr. Markel...Richard Brenda...73

Sally Marshall... Judy Kercheval   ...66...student, Hope, +Jerry

Henry McGill        ...Bernard Barrow...67-68...Best friend, Frank C, president, Woodbridge University           

Harold McGonagle      Donald Moore...70-71 father Corey Boucher, gardener, Didi Claybourne

Joanna Morrison (possibly Landers??).(+) Doug Winthrop, Robert Landers     

                              ..Audrey Landers.    9/1971 -73...  

                ...Ellen Barber...73-74...also a singer             

Joe Mulholland...Mike Galloway       1971

Ethel __  Murdock....Henrietta Moore 61-62  waitress  +Alan Dunbar  

Van Murdock      Basil Langton    1961-62




Dr. Brian Neeves., fertility doctor, Amy ...possible father of  Danielle K?  

                 ...Jeffrey David Pomerantz...72-73     

                            ..Keith Charles...73-74

(Da)Niele Neeves...Betsy Von Furstenberg...73-74...overly attached sister, Brian...      

Mrs. ______Neeves     Never Seen...first wife, Brian; lived in England

Son ___ Neeves  Never Seen       Brian's son

Son ___ Neeves  Never Seen       Brian's son

Kirk Nelson    Tom Everett    71

Debbie Ness...Patti O'Neill...?55...dated Jerry as a teen

Jeff Nichols...James Pritchett...60-61...author, +Susan    

Ben Norris..  Horton Willis   ..68..brother, Martha

Dr. Ian Northcote       institution, Amy, 

                           .Gordon Rigsby...69-71...i

                            Alexander Scourby...71-74                  

Mary Lou ____ Northcote   Clarice Blackburn...70...crazy         ex- wife, Ian

Owen Northcote...Gordon Rigsby...69-71...twin brother, Ian, killed Billy Watson

Valerie ______Hill Ames Northcote   Lori March...64-74...mother, Janet, Bob    .

Karl Novick..   Richard Kuss....66-67...petty thief, husband, Stella       

Stella ___Novick.    Katherine Sergava  .66...maid, Brooke L.

Martha Norris Novotny(Warren)     .Gretchen Walther      August 1968-?    .reporter fired by Charlie   


Father O'Keane     Harry Orzello    1973   Priest with Mark Reddin

Iris Ocasek          Robin Strasser...64-66??...        


Aggie Clemens Parsons...Jane Rose.. August 18, 1969-71...        aunt, Belle and Karen           

Cassie___ Peterson... ..sheltered Nick/Val in storm 

                               Anita Bayliss     1969

                             Mildred Clinton...1969.

George Peterson... Daniel Keyes   ..1969... husband, Cassie

Janet Hill Porter...Bibi Besch...  10/64-67   ...daughter Val.

Dr. Tony Porter...Arlen Dean Snyder...66-68...widower, +Janet,              heart attack   

Wendy Porter       .teenage daughter,Tony     

                        ...Rita MacLaughlin...?- November, 1966..

                        ...Julie Mannix...November, 1966-69       

Doreen Post       ...Linda Purl...73-74 stepdaughter, Lurene, +Stacey Reddin    

Lurene ______Post Sue Ann Gilfillan 73-74  church secretary, sister Georgina K.

Malcolm Post  Christopher Lloyd  ...73...missing husband, Lurene

Mickey Potter...Larry Block...71...partner, Corey B...        

Ella Prentiss...Never Seen...ex, Alan Dunbar

Mr. Prentiss        Harry Millard

Olivia ____Prentiss...???...66...neighbor, Brooke L.

Jim Price    Northern Calloway    71


Bill Quinn        Vincent Carroll      1963

Monsignor  Joseph Quinn      Sydney Walker.72-74..., advisor, Mark R.; to exorcise the Old Orchard Road    House    



Jessie ______Reddin...   Frances Sternhagen   ?/?/1973 - April 15, 1973...fell on pitchfork...   .

Laurie  Hollister Stevens Reddin.....wrote songs with Ken

                   .Linda DeCoff  ..January 17, 1969-70

                               ...Stephanie Braxton...70-74    

Mark Reddin...      David Gale...72-74...former/future priest...     

Stace Reddin..      .Gary Sandy...73-74...gambler...+Doreen     

__ Reilley..       .Joe Ponazecki  72-74...lonely carpenter neighbor, Amy;  kidnapped Clay

Lydia Latimer Reynolds..    Marian Winters    67-68...sister Rose L., lost job, blamed Grace

Emily______ Rodabough...???...72-73...spread rumors, Mark/Laurie

Sid Rodabaugh          Mark Weston      72-73

Ed Rutledge...   Ed Crowley ...72-73...+May Morrison

May ___Morrison Rutledge   . Ruth Baker...73...mother Joanna

Arthur Rysdale        newspaper publisher, Country club president                       

                  Lester Rawlins   62                    

               ...John Baragrey...62-64                      

                 ...Frank Schoefield...66-67            

Kip Rysdale.+Amy,   +Wendy    

                      ..Don Galloway...62 ...

                   ...David O'Brien...10/64-65              

                    ...Ed Griffith...65-68                 

Pauline Tyrell Harris Fuller Rysdale     Haila Stoddard...54-61; 1962-68; 1969-70



Dr. Robin Sawyer   ....    2/28/67

Annie___Share...  Frances Foster...71...publisher, Clarion    

Wally Sikes      Joseph Warren   68-69    Bartender   

Ellie Simmons...???...66...secretary, George

Dr. Simon...???...1/73...NY Specialist

Irene Sims...Jennifer Darling...70-71  singer, +Nick K., +Keefer     

Baby Smith...???...73...child, Chester/Laverne

Chester Smith...???...1/73 ...former priest with family

Laverne____Smith    ???..    1/73...wife, Chester   (possibly Blanche)

Mary Stanley...Melinda Plank(Cordell)...63...  neurotic, nasty girl    

Jimmy Starzo       ..W.T  Martin ...73...shot by Mark Reddin

Clay Stevens...Steven Grover...73-74

                       ...Stephen Gatuso...72-73

Ken Stevens...     ...night club...knocked up Jill/Laurie at same time                                         

                                    Gordon Gray...68-69             

                               ...Joel Crothers...69-71...                 

Judge Sam Stevens     Terry O'Sullivan     September 1968-69...old friend, Valerie  

Lucy____ Stokes    Joyce Barker...59-60...secretary, girlfriend Bryan Fuller

_____Stone...     Jerry Lacy...    66                                 

                    ...Stephen Elliott...66                           

Felicia Stringer...      Elizabeth Wilson..66-67                  

Jonathan Styles...Scott Medford...73                     

Kitty ___Styles...friend,Amy, +Alan, left son with Amy 

                       ...Diana Millay...71  

                         Diane Ladd...71-72                                 

Joe Sullivan       .reporter, ex-Susan 

                          ...James Broderick...60..

                      ...Frank Sutton...60-61...                           

Mrs. Sullivan          Mary Michael   60-61


Fred Taylor...     ???????   60-61    loaned Jerry money; got Molly B pregnant; jailed

Laraine ___ Taylor    ???    1960-61  crippled wife of Fred; wanted to adopt Fred and Molly's child

Mr. Travis     ...    ????    2/5/69

Grace ______Tyrell...  Matriarch, owner Tyrell's Department Store                                     

                          Marjorie Gateson...54-69    

                               ...Margaret Barker 69...                               

                             ...Eleanor Phelps    69-72

Judge J.T. Tyrell.          ..Russell Hicks...54...Judge                 

Melissa Tyson...Angela Thornton...67-68...English secretary, Tony Porter  


Mac Underwood   ..    ????    2/6/67


Herbie Vail...Noel Craig...67-68..son, Henry McGill  

Nancy Vallin         .Iris Braun


Sharon Walters   Sylvia White        66    Sally Marshall's friend

Andy Warren...???...68 ,..husband Martha N, died in fire

Billy Watson..   Never Seen, maybe (FB)       young boy killed by Owen N

Edith West   ...   ???          3/1/67

Anne___ Wicker      Diana Muldaur     .65.      .barren,TV personality +Alan   

Tommy Wicker...???...65...ex- Anne

Ed Winslow...???...54-55...drove Ellen off the road

Marge ___   Winslow   ????    1954    wife, Ed

Douglas Winthrop...Robert(Bruce)Sherwood...71-72...+Joanna

Matthew Winthrop...   Whitfield Connor  ..71...husband, Ursula, let Fred Clearwater off the hook,D.A.  (flashback)

Tom Winthrop   Norwood Smith    1969

Ursula_____Winthrop...Jacqueline Brookes...71-72                     




Ada        Enid Markey      

Alden...Cliff DeYoung...72...flower person, friend Joanna        

Bunny ....  Jessica Rains       1967    friend Wendy Porter   

Carmen...Madeline Sherwood...  72- March 1973...Pete's diner owner, Joanna Morrison's boss

Cecilia...Kathleen Cody...70...                        


Ellie                  Suzanne Granfield       1970

Gloria                    K Callan     1964

Hank        Hash Howard       71

Harry ....   ????    ....    2/27/67

Isaac...Hugh Hurd...73

Julie...???...56...ex flame Bruce

Leonie...68...Holly Hill

Lupita...Olivia Barash...68     

May     Ruth McDevitt                   

Mike...Devin Goldenberg..    .???? - July 15, 1972

Odette, Odette Myrtil    65  Proprietress of the French Bistro  

Polly...Susan Oakes...72...hippie friend Joanna

Rocket...Donna Mills... 1966 - 67 ...singer, gun moll,+Casey Arnold     

Tommy...Tom Paxton...63...guitarist's bar

Tommy...Billy Stamatakis...68

Wendy...Katherine Houghton  niece, Katherine Hepburn




Boyfriend(Amy)...Craig Vandenburgh                         

Cab Driver   ...???  ...    2/13/69

Copy Girl...Joanne Dorian                                                

Dancer...Janice Nichol...65

Desk Sergeant..????....arrested Peter...55

Detective...Floyd Levine                                  

Doctor      Franklin Cover              71

Foil...(Amy Ames)...Jacqueline Courtney...50s           

Housekeeper (Ames)     Jane Rose

Jailer...Stanley Brock  7/70                     

Mafia Man...Les Damon...59...   

Maitre'd      Fred Porcelli        (The Bird Cage)

Modeling Agency Manager  Jay Barney 1961                     

Moving Man   ...   ???      ...   1/16/69

                          ...   ???   ...   1/16/69

Narcotic Addict     Grover Dale    65

Neighbor in New York(Laurie)...Francesca James...69 or 70     

Newspaper  Journalist    Michael Higgins    1959

Orderly/Rapist...Robert Gentry...possibly 1970??              

Party Guest...Louise Steneck     73

Reporter       Rex Robbins      1965

"Suave" Country Club Steward    Erik Rhodes       63       

Superintendent  ...   ???   ...  2/21/69   

Thug...        Dustin Hoffman...                                             

Troubled, Kookie Teen...pre-66 ...Gaye Huston    





Italics denote actors with soap opera  experience.

Michael Arlen                     cocaine smuggler IRL

Candace Azzara     *

Marian Baer...  

Rod Browning    *

Mona Bruns  *                             

Lisa Cameron...      

Paul Carpinelli     *               

Marian Carr...                            62

Mimi Cozzens...                                   

Jenny Crimm   cameo   1967    Reporter from Cleveland.

Irene Dailey...          

Les Damon     *

Christian DeFrank... 

Anthony Eisley     *       

Gene Fanning     *     

Sharkey Finnerman  66 girlfriend of actor  John  Fink

David Ford     *

Gil Gerard       *

David Groh     *

Susan Harney...                         

Hilda  Haynes  pre-1969

Jane Hoffman     *

Paul Jenkins                             

Robert Jundelin..

William Keene     *

Ruth Klinger                   

Raymond Laine

Jeanne Lange    *

Bethel Leslie    *                      

Richard Liberty...

Margaret Linn     *                       

Kathleen Maguire...6/66             

Jane Manning ... 

Alan Manson    *                         

Nancy McKeon...

William Mooney     *

Claudia Morgan    *                            

Patricia Neal ...                             

Jenny O'Hara...                            

Harry Packwood...                  

Bill Parker

Dorothy Patten    *

David Paulsen    *

Ben Piazza...       11/65                 

Roy Poole...1973   

Pamela Powell    *        

Elaine Price    *

Doris Rich      Mid to late 1950s

Arthur Roberts      pre-1968

Virginia Robinson    *

Joanna Roos    *

Michael M. Ryan      *

Lanna Saunders...                      

Lillian Schaaf                       1956   

Thurman Scott

Roger Serbagi      *

James Shannon      *

Robert Sphatt...      

Leora Thatcher

Michael Tolan    *                        

John Travolta... 

Dick Van Patten     1966

Paul Vincent       *                      

Lois Wilson...      

Ed Zimmermann      *




Ken Roberts   



Charles Paul

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For those needing information on writers, here is some info I captured from Newspaper articles, can post articles if people want

Tony Converse (Producer) and Lou Scofield (writing with John Hess) came on around December 1968

Gillian Houghton was listed as new HW with EP Charles Weiss and Assoc Producer Bernie Sofronski - From an article dates Aug 23, 1969. I believe Gillian Houghton is Gabrielle Upton and she did return to the show at the end

Gerry Day and Bethel Leslie are announced Sep 06, 1970

Feb 01, 1972 The HW is listed as Bob Cenedella with Frances Rickett and Joe Caldwell. Producers is Joseph Manetta


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#3896 – Monday, January 20th 1969 – missing ?

#3897 – Tuesday, January 21st 1969

Ken woke up early and rememberd the melody Laurie played on the piano. Jill was surprised he was whistling. Susan phoned and asked Jill for lunch to talk about Amy’s baby as she learned Jill knew. Jill remained evasive towards Ken.

At Paul’s office, Bob Hill appeared and Paul introduced Bob – Valerie’s son – to Jill. After Jill left, Bob told Paul he didn’t want to get involved in his marital situation because he liked Amy a lot and was once interested in Belle. He wasn’t giving legal advice but as a friend, he thouth Paul should go back to Amy. Paul was angry at first.

Ken phoned Laurie. He was interested in her song but was frustrated there were no lyrics. She suggested he had to do some and he said he would try.

At The English pub, Susan told Jill she thought Amy’s attitude was absurd. She hoped Jill would be able to change Amy’s mind. They were interrupted by Paul and Bob who exchanged greetings. Jill was uneasy. Paul wondered why his secretary was at the pub with his wife’s sister and why she didn’t mention it to him. When Jill returned to the office, Paul assured her Susan and she couldn’t bring him and Amy back together.

#3898 – Wednesday, January 22th 1969

Sam and Eleanor planned to work in the Stevens’ home and Sam invited her to dinner. Ken told Jill was late and couldn’t fix dinner. When Sam answered a phone call, Eleanor question Ken again on Nola Hollister’s good deed when he was on the verge of being fired but Ken departed. Eleanor offered to cook leftovers for Sam. When Sam complimented her, she felt very proud.

From a cabin booth, Ken called the Hollisters and Nola answered. Laurie wasn’t home. Wilfried heard and wondered why Sam’s son – the hippie bartender – was trying to reach for his daughter. When Laurie came home, Wilfred informed her she had a phone call from a married man. Nola assured Wilfred Laurie met Ken at the club when they were having lunch and they talked music.

Eleanor told Wilfred about her tenant problem. Her tenant was a divorcee who entertained men and Eleanor didn’t approve. Sam said she might be a little too rigid. When the name of Valerie appeared in the conversation, Sam took offense. He knew she didn’t approve of Val but she should keep her opinion to herself. Sam was growing more and more attached to her. Eleanor was appalled.

After Wilfred left, Laurie asked Nola if Ken said more on the phone. It was probably about the lyrics but Nola shouldn’t say Wilfred. Nola assured she wouldn’t, Wilfred would not understand.



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Here are some statements prompted by some recent posts:


Slick, you mention that Kitty Styles left her son with Amy.   I am almost certain that she left her son with Laurie Hollister Stevens.

The year on which Robert Gentry appeared was probably 1970.   I think that he was on the show at the same time as Kathleen Cody.

Alexander Clark, who played Willifred Hollister #1, later became the theatre critic for Vanity Fair magazine.

The actress who played Luurene ______Post,  Sue Ann Gilfillan, was the wife of producer Converse.

I am glad to know that Chase Crosley played Eleanor on The Secret Storm, but I still do not remember her.   I was watching during this period.

I had known that the late Olga Belgin had appeared on The Edge of Night, but I was unaware of her role on The Secret Storm.

The team of Gerry Day and Bethel Leslie wrote for The Secret Storm after the purchase of the show by CBS.   They were responsible for the Sean/Mickey/Corey storyline in which Amy fell in love with a man that she thought was her half-brother.    Also during this time was the Hugh-Jill-Ken triangle and Didi.  (This period of the show was tremendously good!)




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