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Hawaii 5-0: Discussion Thread

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HAWAII FIVE-0 is a contemporary take on the classic series about a new elite federalized task force whose mission is to wipe out the crime that washes up on the Islands’ sun-drenched beaches. Detective Steve McGarrett (Alex O’Loughlin), a decorated Naval officer turned cop, returns to Oahu to investigate his father’s murder and stays after Hawaii’s governor persuades him to head up the new team: his rules, her backing, no red tape and full blanket immunity to hunt down the biggest “game” in town. Joining McGarrett is Detective Danny “Danno” Williams (Scott Caan), a newly relocated ex-New Jersey cop who prefers skyscrapers to the coastline but is committed to keeping the Islands safe for his 8-year-old daughter; and Chin Ho Kelly (Daniel Dae Kim), an ex-Honolulu Police Detective wrongly accused of corruption and relegated to a federal security patrol, who is also a former protege of McGarrett’s father. Chin’s cousin, Kono (Grace Park), is a beautiful and fearless native, fresh out of the academy and eager to establish herself among the department’s elite. McGarrett vows to bring closure to his father’s case while the state’s brash new FIVE-0 unit, who may spar and jest among themselves, is determined to eliminate the seedy elements from the 50th state. Peter Lenkov, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are executive producers for CBS Television Studios.

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I plan to record it. It'll be on opposite Castle and there's no way I'm giving up Nathan Fillion at this point. ;) But I do love me some Alex O'Loughlin so I do want to see it. I hope the show does well, since this is the 3rd one he's done for CBS. (They should have never canceled Moonlight!)

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I'm going to watch this. Apparently thee was an "early" version of the opening credits previewed... and people HATED IT, so CBS wised up and went back in and re-did it RIGHT with a freaking orchestra. Thank GOD. You just can't have that theme start with anything but those timpanis.. here's the video from the re-recording session. Sounds like they got it right!!


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Three episodes in and I just turned this one off before the halfway mark. I'm finding it kind of boring. The actors do nothing for me and, with that, the show becomes just another dime a dozen for me. Alex OL reminds me of Joseph Fiennes in Flash Forward and is about as interesting. I did watch the original so there are definitely comparisons going on in my head, particularly of McGarrett and Williams and it just ain't happening for me and it's not merely a nostalgia thing (I liked the original well enough but I couldn't name you a single episode). I mean, I love the original Star Trek and Shatner and Nimoy yet I enjoyed Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto portraying those iconic roles. I'm not against remakes if done well and have some semblance or spirit of the original. With H5O, I feel like they're using the theme song, the names and the gimmicks (Book 'em, Danno) and they've just slapped it on an otherwise generic cop show.

Just don't remake Cannon with Jim Belushi, please, or William Devane as Barnaby Jones...

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