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OLTL: Discussion for the week May 10

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The problem isn't teen storylines, IMO. Soaps have had storylines based around teens for decades. The first ten or so years of ATWT were based a lot around what Penny and Ellen were doing. Early AMC was based a lot around Phil, Tara, Erica, and Chuck. Younger characters in that age range have a place and should have a place in a show, but it should be in line with what the show's particular tone/focus/style/theme/etc is. Changing everything up just to match whatever the current flavor of the month is is so destructive. The people who tune in will tune in for however long what they're interested in is on the screen, then they'll tune right on out. They might get some prepubescent eyeballs because of this musical junk (prepubescent, because adolescents/high school students aren't interested, trust me) but once the smoke clears, and it's back to Marty and John or Todd and Tea or Rex and Gigi or Charlie and Viki or whoever, they'll no longer care.

I say just stay true, shows. Pick a damn identity and stay true to it! It's kinda strange, I think, when we can look back and say that Rauch's OLTL was like a completely different show from Gottlieb's or the 70s OLTL when Agnes was writing. Shouldn't the goal of every writer or producer be to keep the show's identity and integrity firmly intact? Sheesh. And when whatever said show's identity is suddenly falls out of favor, swing the cancellation axe so that something new can come along. But please, let's not ruin a show by trying our bestest to turn it into another show because that show is what's currently popular.

Bah humbug, let me shut up and get back to the sidelines in this thing.

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Yeah. But, they never broke into song. It may have been boring (well, with Erica AMC was never boring) but, they *NEVER* broke into song.

You're right. It's all about the flavor of the month/week/generation.

I know one thing. I'm not watching Monday or Tuesday. I made it through the whole show today but, I almost threw up in my mouth a little. By Tuesday I'd be spewing pea soup like Linda Blair.

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Not that I noticed. Then again, I didn't even know that Greg was in the opening so perhaps I'm the wrong one to respond. :P

I agree with the earlier poster that the editing needs work. Shots look out of rhythm, some way too short, almost crowded...

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As long as Brian Frons chases a youth demographic, they could put Agnes and Linda Gottlieb back in charge - absolutely nothing will change. Because no one and nothing that does not service Frons's preferred demographic and characters will make it through with anything but one or two days a week, tops.

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The show with this musical is worse than I imagined. I have a vivid imagination too. I can't do this for 2 more days. There has to be a laugh track somewhere so the show can go on the Nick at Nite reruns.

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Which is so stupid because most tweens/teens will miss the show or catch the tail end of it at best because of school, will never think to seek it out on SoapNet at night (or during the summer if they've got cable) when they've got Disney and Teen Nick, and I can't imagine anyone over 11 not finding this mad cheesy to begin with. Older teens and college kids are lost on something like this. The show is just barking up the wrong tree, a tree that doesn't even grow in this forest. This seemed more self-satisfying to me, something they wanted to do, less about the fans which, whatever, is fine if you're not trying to delude yourself into thinking you'll win ratings and new younger viewers with this. :rolleyes: I'm not saying that NO 13 year-old girl will take a new interest in the show, but the goal should be keeping and satisfying loyal fans rather than trying to make new ones.

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"What's even sillier about this is. I grew up watching soaps. When I was a teen they didn't do stuff like this to draw my attention. I watched for the stories of the adult characters."

This is what I've never understood. When I was 12 years old, I was entranced by the stories of Rachel, Mac and Iris on AW and Doug & Julie on DOOL. I had no interest whatsoever in Jamie, Dennis, Michael, Marianne or any other teens. Why today, when teens grow up much, much faster than 30 years ago, does daytime try to appeal to the youth audience with juvenalia?

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