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OLTL: Discussion for the week May 10

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Marty has never been a vindictive bitch. Marty's been part of OLTL for a combined total of about nine years, and she was only a bad girl for roughly her first year and a half. Marty is with John and she should do what it takes to keep homewreckers like Natalie away from her man.

Natalie's a nasty skank who should be mourning her dead husband, a man who's not even cold in his grave. But she's ready to jump in the sack with someone else's man.

That being said, I don't like Marty and John as a couple---I want them to break up and for Patrick to return for Marty. But I want Marty to dump John's lame ass, not for the Ginger Whore of Babylon to come between them.

It's not a stunt. It's entertainment. There's no reason to whine and complain. Just relax and enjoy it. It's only three episodes, not three months.

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Payback sucks. Marty had no problem putting herself in the middle of John's marriage to Blair. Yes, it was a sham of a marriage, but they were still married, and she had no problem making out with John in motel rooms while Blair was laid up in the hospital, not to mention she couldn't wait for John and Natalie be break up so she coudl go after him.

As for Patrick, the last thing we need is another unnecessary return that will flop.

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No I didn't. There is a difference between being a bad girl and being a vindictive bitch. Checkmate, Cheapie!

Unnecessary? Hell no! Marty needs her soulmate back and Cole needs his father. Patrick's return is the one OLTL needs the most right now.

I am right, and your bitching later will prove it. ;-)

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um were you even watchnig the show back then? She was infatuated with Andrew and threw herself at him. When he rejected her, she wanted revenge so she lied and told everyone he was gay and molested Billy. She ruined his reputation and standing within the church and the communitity at that time, not to mention outing Billy who did nothnig to her. How does that not make her a vindictive bitch?

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Brown Penny needs to stay gone. This isn't the 90's anymore. Marty is nothing more than a glorified dayplayer these days. Characters come and go and life goes on. Neither one is part of a major family or has any real ties to the canvas. What OLTL needs is to bring back Joey and Kevin, not someone who was only on the show for a few years and whose only connection was reciting "Brown Penny" over and over and over again.

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Natalie never wished death upon an unborn fetus. She simply stated the truth...if Marty wasn't pg, John wouldn't be with her, which is the truth.

I was unaware that a soap character who is raped means you can no longer call her out for her actions. Jessica was raped (as a child no less) and posters call her out for her actions.

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Not really. Marty's a great character and Patrick's return would open up plenty of stories for her and Cole. As I said, having Marty on the show without Patrick is the equivalent of having Hope on Days of Our Lives without Bo. It just doesn't make sense. Only Marty and Patrick's onscreen reunion can set things right for Marty, Cole, and Patrick.

Posters can certainly bash rape victims, but it reflects poorly on the posters. Just sayin', Marty haters....

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Do you understand what the word vindictive means? Here you go courtesy of Dictionary.com: disposed or inclined to revenge. What Marty did to Andrew was an act of revenge, hence why she was vindictive.

So the fact that she was raped makes ehr a saint which purifies any past sins she made prior to the rape? Marty's cleaned up her act and she's become a better person since, but that doesnt erase the fact that she was a downright nasty piece of work when we were first introduced to her

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