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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If this is true, then that's crazy on Bravo's behalf. They usually like to film mess/drama, and I'm sure Luann's breakup with Jacques would've been messy. Regardless her position and how I feel about her, Luann deserves her apple back next season. She also made being a "friend" of the HWs a good position. Especially, when you were previously hated. It's a good way to clean up your image since you're shown in a less and you're in less drama. Nene might wanna follow suit....

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My only issue with that is I think LuAnn only worked this season bc she was a friend. She was played out as a housewife. She had little to nothing to offer in season 6 and I don't think her life is interesting enough to be featured. She worked as a friend, messy and playing a supporting role in other people's stories but she really has none of her own. With that said, I cant argue that she doesn't deserve her apple back bc she did work for it and It worked. I think she does deserve a raise based on that. Cant she get one as a friend? LOL

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If you think about it, Luann missing the first 2-3 episodes doesn't really matter in terms of whether she was intended to be a housewife or just a friend --- they've introduced new housewives after 2-3 episodes (i.e. Alexis and Lizzy from OC) --- plus Avivia is a housewife this season even though she was cut out of the opening for 3-4 episodes right in the middle. I think Bravo waits until the end, after editing, to determine who gets to be housewife vs. friend vs. cut out altogether. Remember Fernanda from the OC? She was filmed as a housewife the entire season, with her very own storylines (i.e. becoming a citizen) and even had promo shots with the other ladies, but was dropped last minute to just a friend. I think Luann is just a friend because the only non-group storyline she had was her relationship with Jacques (her kids are so angsty, dare I say a mess, and hate to be filmed as teenagers)... and her relationship with Jacques was so last season (that's all she had last season), and with them breaking up, which probably wasn't filmed... they just decided to make her a friend and cut out all her non-group scenes. She's never featured outside of group settings.

Marysol from Miami was very similar in that we saw her every episode and was filmed in most group scenes, however her solo storyline really wasn't there unless you include scenes with Mama Elsa. So Marysol is even more of a mystery I guess as to why she wasn't a full housewife...

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In the end LuAnn will appear in more episodes than Aviva, plus Aviva also held out and wasn't there when filming first began. That was very obvious in the very beginning. You could tell the ladies were hoping they wouldn't have to deal with her except in the past tense. I too think the only reason LuAnn was demoted was because of the Jacques thing, but it was stupid. She's a major presence and an original cast member. They needed her.

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Kandi's Wedding:

Can I just say that I LOVE Todd's mother, Sharon. I loved how she didn't back down to Mama Joyce, and she left Mama Joyce with nothing but egg on her face. I was glad to see Carmon coming for Kandi's other friend, who kept bringing up with bridal shop situation. And I'm seriously over them (Bravo) trying to make Reco Chapelle work. He's just not. I'm glad that Andre Leon Talley dissed his basic ass designs by saying that Phelony's bridal dress looked like a dress to be worn at a evening dinner party. Not a bridesmaid dress.

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You guys are disappointing me. Why is NO ONE watching Kandi's Wedding? This show is giving me life!



Go Sharon! Mama Joyce is acting like a damn fool and I love that Todd's mom tried to check her.

That Tan is such a hater. I gotta say, Im digging Carmon here. Almost makes me want her to hold a peach or at least appear more regularly bc she is bringing the drama with her fabulous self and showing much more personality here.

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I see tonight is the start of catalyst that is going to occur down the road, which is Tamra FINALLY being dropped into the hot seat. I loved how Vicki 'woman'd up' and apologized to Heather. I'm glad that Vicki also admitted her insecurities when it comes to Heather. If Vicki would've done this with past HWs (e.g. Gretchen & Alexis), Vicki would actually be well liked. It's good to see that the light bulb is starting to turn on with her, and she's slowly (but surely) is detaching herself from Trampy Sue's hip.

Trampy Sue continues to strengthen my hatred for her as she over analyzes everything. Her whining about that segment and how Heather was "cold" to her was stupid. Again, this bi*ch should be happy that Heather featured her on the show. Heather needs to wipe her hands clean of her. And for Tramps to saying that Heather was 'acting' during the segment was pathetic seeing as she was acting with those fake ass tears.

Shannon.... Please don't renew this looney broad's contract next season. She is missing a screw loose and it's not even funny; however, I am gonna love next week how Tamra telling Heather about Shannon's husband e-mail (David wanting to get a divorce) is gonna be tossed in her face and land her in the hot seat.

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That was real big of Vickie to confide in Heather. I loved their scene as it shed light and improved their friendship. The snoring was fun and I liked how Heather called her out on it yet had a sense of humor about it

Tamra does need to get over herself. Considering they were going into the segment with tension, does she not understand that Heather might feel uncomfortable and nervous? IMO, its Tamra's fault for going off on her last week and setting this all in motion. Expecting Heather to go to her green room and prep her? No. If this was so important to you, you should have reached out to Heather before this segment to clear the air, bite your tongue and get over it. LMAO at even Eddie seemingly being over her drama

At the same time, I did think Heather was making BS excuses, like the whole clothes change, as if she didn't realize she need fitness clothes for a fitness segment until 2 minutes before it? Girl, please. She should have just owned up to her frosty attitude bc it was understandable

Crazy Lady and her husband separating? It seemed so obvious from episode one that they were heading towards a divorce. She is such a nagging b-tch to him. No man wants to be treated like that as she is so disrespectful especially in front of company.

Tamra's tears at lunch? Girl, bye. Playing the victim here just isn't working. Its backfiring

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I LOVE how Heather handles Tamra. You can actually tell Tamra doesn't have the balls to try and go in on Heather like she has with all the girls in the past. I thought it was hilarious though that she actually expected Heather to be nice and warm when they hadn't spoken at all since the blow up at Shannon's.

Speaking of Shannon, how the hell is she surprised her husband wants a divorce? She doesn't act like she even remotely likes him, so the tears did absolutely nothing for me.

The Vicki and Heather sit down was perfect though. I like that it seems Vicki is growing a bit. I've always loved Crazy Gunvalson.

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I would love for Mama Sharon to get liquored up and beat the dog sh!t out of Mama Joyce.

Kandi is such a passive/aggressive little fool. She will jump in anyone's face over food and her man, but her mother can disrespect whomever and everyone else needs to adjust? At some point, you buy your mother a little house of her own on the other side of the country and let her know she is not welcomed in your home. Her sisters can keep her company!

Todd, marry that bitch, live in luxury and cheat cheat cheat!

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