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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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What a snooze of a BH reunion. Three parts? Really, Bravo?

Just FFed 20 minutes of Kim's Story This Season. Gee, hope I didn't miss anything important. Who wouldn't want to relieve drag-car racing, Kingsley (ok, I like Kingsley. Don't hate), every fart bubble and werebaby gift?

Kyle looks fantastic. The glossy hair and skin, the newly plumped lips, the dress. Kyle is in her element and it shows. She is playing her best role, that of put-upon victim! It is making her glow from within.

I noticed Kyle, Brandi and Yolanda are pulling their punches from going full Attack Dog on Lisa. It's like they realize that going Full Hate is not conducive to their argument. Hmmmm, interesting that Yolanda makes no mention of Ken's "attack" upon her person in the last episode. No shaking like a leaf? No tearful cries of abuse and intimidation?

Yolanda explains her argument very slowly and clearly. At first it comes across very rationally, and Lisa counters by pointing out the times she did go over to see Yolanda when she was poorly. However, Yolanda then starts sounding like a condescending schoolteacher talking to her class, and she over-eggs the pudding by throwing in that "18 months" fakery. Girl, you've only been on this show a year! Didn't you start getting really sick towards the end of last season?

Also, I doubt Gigi is shedding tears at night because Lisa's tile is not included on her Wall of Love Tiles by Bravo. ©

Lisa is avoiding answering a question about something. Andy is trying to get her to focus. LOL, Lisa talks about her hypertension during DWTS. Work it, Lisa! it's so blatant and yet I can't hate. She's showing up Yolanda's "18 months" by saying "Hey, YoFo. Two can play that game."

Brandi's lips sure are... noticeable. That clip where she disses women with lots of surgery -- Lisa gives her an amused little look. Referring to me, are you? It may not be outright surgery, but Brandi is turning into a blowfish with all those fillers. RHoV's Ronnie, Brandi. Look her up!

Brandi and Lisa seem very amused with each other, but I know this is going downhill fast. Brandi is still bleating about how she believes a website that scammed her $10 over Lisa and, presumably, the LA county office of records? What a loon. Loved the way she turned to Kyle for backup and Kyle just let her twist in the wind. I think Kyle knows exactly who she is dealing with where Brandi's concerned. Most definitely an alliance of convenience.

Lisa's muted silence says it all. Despite everything, she is beyond hurt and humiliated by what she sees as betrayal. The others saw a chink of weakness in her armour and went for it on TV. She is sort of letting them do the speaking and jumping in when she needs to. It is probably the smartest gameplan of all because Kyle is doing pretty much the same thing.

I am not invested in Brandi and Lisa making up as much as I am in Kyle and Lisa making up. There is a clip showing Ken responding to Brandi's tears in the next episode. No "bullying," no "intimidation," just a quiet admission that Brandi says she cares but why would she say all those hurtful things? This is why I am Team Vanderpump. It was never that Brandi, Yol et al did not have a case against Lisa. It's the way they went about it -- viciously, smirking, reveling in that viciousness. It is why I can never support them fully because their reaction/gameplan seems to be way out of proportion with the issues themselves.

Boyce is trying WAY too hard.

Gosh, I hope the next few episodes are a little more dynamic.

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awww no more then usual. At the reunions there are always women who get turned up as an obvious desperate attempt to secure their spot, but I feel as if Joyce has been consistent. She always stated her case, was vocal and confronted any issues she had with the women head on. I dont think she was now all of a sudden trying hard bc this is how she's been for most of the season. I thought she did well for herself, at least definetly more so than irrelevant Carlton.
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I did t find it boring at all aside from the Kim arc. I thighs JT was a solid reunion episode and had great moments.

I'm glad you can admit Lisa is a liar and working the "fainted" angle to get out of DWTS

Also, I don't know here, I may be alone but I don't think Yolanda's problem with Lisa is not painting a picture for GG. That's a very easy and lazy blame shift to make her look insane. She's bothered by Lisa being fake, not being a true friend, acting as if she's so above and beyond everyone else and that her time is more valuable. It's not, she's not. Yolanda quite simply prioritized her friendship with Lisa and out it in the wrong compartment. It happens. We have all been there. She needs to just let it go and accept that, and I think she will post reunion. Tho they may be at a full on war above and beyond Brandi and Lisa who I'm not convinced aren't pulling a RHOC move and playing moves for story. At the least they are working off each other and that's fine. I realized this during the reunion and a few moments from the se rise make a lot more sense. I know y'all have written this friendship off but I'm telling you, it's a season away from friendship contracts and bracelets.

I also disagree with you about kyles lips lol. But agree about her in general. And I kinda love Kyle now and don't even care. Lol.

And yes Joyce. She tried so hard. I figured she'd rely on trying to get under Brandi's skin and go at her causing Brandi to lash out and look insane like she did most of the season but Brandi actually learned her lesson it seems because it didn't work and Joyce was left looking pathetic. I'm not here for anyone ever calling anyone a whore tho. ESP when they are single. You go Brandi, get all the dick you want in life! Just use a condom.

Also carlton is so hurt and betrayed Brandi revealed their make out session. Bitch please. Your on a reality show so Don't kiss other people - male or female- and not expect it to be out there.

Exactly. No more than she has been all season and that's been pretty damn desperate lol.

She's basic. She lucked out being on a season with carlton and Kim.

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I get Yolanda's argument. The Hollywood friend is a mantra she has stuck to this season. It's probably one we will hear once again in the next few episodes. I don't disagree with her wanting to have real friends versus fake ones. It is interesting she is holding Lisa to this higher standard, though, when we could easily classify her newly found friendship with Kim and Kyle (who threw her under the bus last reunion) as the definition of "Hollywood friends." Or at the very least, a practical alliance. She also basically called Brandi a friend "until filming is over" on WWHL which certainly didn't please Brandi very much. So maybe Yol should practice a little of what she preaches.

I haven't seen too many instances of Yolanda prioritising her friendship with Lisa, especially in the last few episodes where she was all fake with her, then when she saw the others going for Lisa, she went in there, too. Even before that, there weren't a whole lot of concrete examples of the wonderful deeds these two supposed BFFs did for each other (or maybe she expects to receive a lot of BFF goodwill herself without really giving?), but ok. She needs a reason to attack Lisa, now she has one.

Lisa and Brandi... you could be right. Except that Brandi went very far with some of the personal attacks, and Ken as well as Lisa told her to cease and desist with the bankruptcy crap.

Edited by Cat
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I don't think Yolanda considers Kim and Kyle her friends. They are her cast mates whom she's friendly with. Not a call them at 3am with a crisis type, I think she thought Lisa was that.

Yolanda tried, and failed, to confront Lisa with her issues by using Brandi's similar issue. It was a bad choice, a bad setting, but at the same time they are also on a reality show. It's a weird balance.

I have no idea the depth or lack of depth in her relationship with Brandi. They clearly became very close while filming but seemingly not so when not. I think what's so interesting to the dynamics of the dream team falling apart is it's something most of us can relate to. Misunderstandings, not being on the same page, hurt feelings, not discussing issues, dynamics with others have impacted evey friendship in one way or another I think.

With her and Lisa I think Yolanda has been very honest that she was wrong in thinking they were close, good friends. Lisa clearly didn't feel that way and that happens all the time in relationships. The real issue here tho is Yolanda was hurt and her feelings were ignored abd diminished not listened to. Lisa has a pattern of dismissing any confrontation or anything anyone brings to her and demanding it be met go (even tho she doesn't let things go...). Yolanda had taken ownership that she was wrong here and put Lisa in a wrong category of friends. And it's fine that Lisa wasn't besties with her. But she should have, as anyone should, address issues when brought to her and explain her side/stance. Not deflect, deny there is an issue and run.

As for Lisa's bitch, why would Yolanda attack him? Because he's a bitch and attacked her? It'd be pointless. I do hope it's addressed. I'd love it if someone would use his mantra of men don't attack women esp when they don't have a man there to defend them. He's trash.

Yup. And when something didn't go as she rehearsed it she was lost and had to keep quiet.
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We are never going to agree on this "attack" in the final episode which I thought she made a big deal out of and tried to infer that Ken attacked her physically. Plus Ken is Lisa's husband so did she expect him not to be overly protective of his wife? If she and David had been in Lisa and Ken's position in those last three episodes, would she have expected David to drop back and not bother defending her? Maybe that's how it is with that marriage -- certainly David went to lunch with Lisa and Ken a month and a half ago. Maybe it was to defend his wife there! ;)

IA that Yol felt ignored and abandoned, and Lisa is not one for confrontations or listening to the other side. She gets very defensive when confronted, even for minor stuff. OTOH, Yolanda does tend to present herself as the moral beacon, and she can sound lecture-y. We haven't really seen her get in a situation yet where people come at her about things she has said and done (except at last year's reunion, where she struggled with Kim and Kyle, but part of that was said to be the lyme disease) so it will be interesting to see how she would react another time around. I'd bet she would defend her corner vociferously.

Yol and Lisa are both quite alike in a lot of ways. Both enjoy being treated like goddesses, a friendship for them means coming to their rose swing/lemon grove to be worshiped by the mere mortals.

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They got right in there with Ghostwritergate! And Sonja slipped in some snark about smoking some doobies and writing on the LES. Wasn't that the gossip about Carole?

Regardless what Carole does while writing, I am Team Carole on this. She completely refutes having a ghostwriter on screen and in the VTs and I believe her. Because it would be an easy thing to prove. Aviva is very shady inferring otherwise, but then Aviva is someone who thinks she knows everything. "All writers have ghost writers, right? I don't care what anybody says, they all have help writing. All except me, of course! Plus writing is so easy. It's like writing an e-mail. I almost fell asleep doing it."

Also, as Ramona rightly pointed out, Carole doesn't have a husband to fall back on. Writing is all she has (I mean, I'm sure she got some money but still needs to work to support herself). It's her livelihood and Aviva's snide comments could threaten that livelihood. But then, Aviva is married to somebody so rich, they can afford to buy a second UES duplex just for the purposes of filming RHoNY, so she's not equipped to understand what struggling with one's livelihood means.

Harry Dubin is growing on me. At first I was all "Him?" looking at the receding hair and short stature, but now I get why Sonja is after him. He has a wicked sense of humor. In a lot of ways, they make a very well-matched couple. God knows how he ended up married to Aviva! Their son Harrison seems sweet and thoughtful, though.

Check out Ramona, stirring that pot with Aviva about Carole and then sending Carole to confront Aviva. She's so shady! Bravo must send her royalty cheques for pulling this stunt again and again. This is why Aviva is sucking up to her. Because Ramona outwits them all (well, except maybe for Mario) while making everybody think she is a crazy drunken fool. Crazy like a fox!

I don't have much to say about Kristen except that she seems pleasingly genuine and is not afraid to show things are less-than-perfect at home. Kudos to her. It makes a change from Boyce, Jesus Jugs and a couple others.

ETA: I love Heather, and her talking about her son's organ donation was so moving. But whoever did her clown makeup for Aviva's event should be shot. I also can't figure out WTH she was wearing.

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Ken is a b*tch for laying 3-4 fingers on Yolanda? In what alternate universe? He didn't grab her wrist and twist it. He didn't grab her shoulders and turn her around.

As with Lisa you're making a mountain out of the smallest molehill. Yolanda has nothing to stand on so she has to resort to making up completely false stories and overreacting...

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I don't agree with this.

Brandi comes off like a bit of a cry baby whining about "mommy/mommy dearest," don't get me wrong, but I haven't really seen "too far".

Brandi said Lisa and/or Ken filed for bankruptcy and may have lived in a less rich part of town. She pointed that out not to ruin Lisa's life but to point out Lisa is afraid of anything less than the perception of perfection. Lisa made a bigger deal of those things than Brandi, ultimately. She could have denied it and let the truth stand for itself.

Lisa has been dragging Brandi personally up, down and sideways for lying about something I now feel absolutely certain Lisa is lying about (tabloid).

In the same universe that Paul and Mauricio were called bitches and worst for doing even less.

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Paul called Brandi all sorts of names I believe in his and Adrienne's last season and were suing her for no reason. That's a b*tch move.

I forget what happened with Maurico but I believe it was at that Moroccan dinner Kyle and he arranged and people lashed out at him cuz he seemed to be verbally assaulting Brandi as well....

Ken didn't say anything to Yoland aside from call her stupid (which he wasn't doing when he grazed her arm). Again there wasn'thing even physically questionable about Ken's actions and his intentions had no hint of maliciousness in them.

RHONY.....wow loved this last episode. And I'm absolutely loving Carole and her grit. She completely won me over with her mention of Cra Cra Kelly! That was just literally WIN. Aviva was stirring the pot but she's so good at it.

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Nobody was going to sue Brandi. They sent a cyst and deceased (TM: Tamara Barney) letter to B randi's lawyer who was the one who told Brandi about the surrogacy.

Either way I dont like Paul getting in B randi's face calling her a bitch but I wasn't in his shoes. I think these women (Brandi and Yolanda) are hypocritical when it comes to that. They want to call these men bitches and then at the same time get in their face. I've noticed this on Atlanta with Nene as well.

Edited by Eric83
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I loved that reference! Carole clearly did her Housewives homework. Great dig.

I hope Aviva has a painting party to put some color on those walls! :)

Overall, a nice episode. Nothing too shocking or buzz-worthy, but I'm enjoying the build-up. Another 1.3 million viewers.

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