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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I still don't see any evidence that nene had any vitriol for Kenya until the very end. She shouldn't have chased after Kenya, but we won't know until next week if Nene blames the whole thing on her...Nene was never going to get in any of the men's face last night. She shouldn't have gotten in Kenya's either, but still.

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Oh Lord.....

"You need to be Porshasexual if you’re with me"

“Once a heathen always a heathen, that’s why she’s Kenya Morewhore”

“Is she going to tuck before she dances, because she looking like a man”

Nene must have been on something, strutting up and down like that. It seems to me she was looking to justify her existence. Kenya should not have gotten up and charged at Natalie, end of. She could get up and address Bronx Man if she had to, since he did anyways, but she looked like she was about to start a catfight. Bronx Man should have reacted better than grabbing her. He could have just put himself between Kenya & Natalie and that would have been it.

Apollo is one gorgeous man but God is he one dumb f.ck. And that's the least of it. Attacking someone because he accidentally hit you in the eye while in a fight with someone else? REALLY? And that's IF I believe that happened. He might have just been looking for a fight.

Papa Smurf gives me the chills every time I see him. Not the good kind. I feel like I'm looking at pure evil & that is not a good feeling to have.

Kenya's friend handled it all extremely well.

And then Apollo's going back for more. rolleyes.gif

Cannot wait for the next episode.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees that Kenya standing had nothing to do with Chris and everything to do with charging at Natalie. Everyone is saying she is fine to stand to look eye to eye with Christopher but that's not at all what happened and Nene is right, she shouldn't have gotten out of her god damn chair. Neither should have Christopher but let's be real, Nene was never going to get in his face about it. She ain't stupid.

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LMAO YRBB you're so right. I don't understand how people are using "Chris was talking down to her" as an excuse when the fact is she stood and charged at Natalie. Chris was almost irrelevant to the whole thing!

Here is Nene's blog where basically she says we didn't see everything.

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Basically she's implying that the editing makes it look like Kenya is an angel in it all while the actual events show otherwise. She's saying we didn't see the whole thing of Kenya charging at Natalie and saying the reason we were only seeing Kenya's talking heads during the fight is because the editors are working to slant this in Kenya's favor for whatever reason.

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Lol I knew people would harp on that to discredit her entire blog. Yeah that was shade & unnecessary but the same can be said about Kenya out of nowhere calling Nene a drag queen. Again, it's why we watch these shows & Nene makes valid points. The fact that we only saw Kenya's confessionals during the fight definitely makes the whole thing wreak of slanting and shadiness.

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She said they had a bad time bc Kenya was there. Really? It didn't have anything to do with Nene's stank attitude and how awful, aggressive and hostile she got when Kenya showed up? Kenya should have texted she was late but nothing she said to Nene nor her actions warranted Nene being so hostile. Nene had an awful time when Kenya arrived bc of a Nene. Kenya did nothing to antagonize her or make her any more upset than she was appearing to be. She still didn't take responsibility for asking about the whole marriage thing! That was extra messy of her.

You guys keep saying Kenya charged Natalie but she didn't. Charged is an aggressive action term. What Apollo did with Brandon was charging. Kenya stood up and approached Natalie. There was no charging!

I will say that this is at least bringing in tons of good discussion and no is acting crazy. I'm seeing on other boards people, going hard on others over this.

Also can't wait to see what the rating numbers are. I hope it's huge

Edited by Cheap21
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The ratings are what I'm most excited to see too. The blogs, boards and Twitter were BLOWING UP!

Aren't you a Marlo fan? I need you to stick around for when the ish hits the fan with her and NeNe. It is coming real soon. Their altercation was filmed a few weeks after the pajama party. Edited by Eric83
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I was a Marlo fan, but now I don't care about her at all. Not sure how much I care about any of them, and believe it or not, that includes Nene. Hearing of all the stuff that might have transpired before the season even began was a turn off for me and caused me to let these shows go.

I was not defending Nene, but I it bothered me that facts were completely ignored about last night that I happen to see by accident. I'm a bit curious about the next eppy, however.

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I'm honestly thinking that Bravo is trying to groom Kenya into the next Nene because they know they're lucky Nene stayed this long, because before Kenya (and now Kandi this year) there was literally nobody who could have kept the show interesting enough to keep the ratings up if Nene left.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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