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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Totally makes sense to me. I think LuAnn is quite guarded about her personal life...we hardly saw a thing about her divorce from the Count...and what we do see is what she wants us to see, so as a main character she is sort of cardboard...but when she just gets to observe and interact in the moment, she flies.

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That conjures up an adorable image in my head.

Love that this thread has has reverted back to NYC. I hope they'll successfully rebound. The 2nd half of season 5 proved that this group of ladies can stir up a lot of fun and drama. But like others mentioned, the editing and the way they introduced us to the beginning of the season really sabotaged the possibility of starting off strong.

At some point, we will see cray cray Kelly in a scene with LuAnn.

There was rumor that Ramona and Sonja had a falling out. I wonder if it's true and if they patched things up by the end of filming. Sonja would be lost on this show without being Ramona's kooky partner in crime.

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I'm almost done with RHONY S5. I just watched Aviva and Ramona's breakfast meeting. It was much harsher than I thought. When Aviva comes for you she has this entitled, princess grit and is VERY harsh and abrasive. The things she was saying to Ramona are just insane and so much of it was untrue. I wish they would show flashbacks for all the times she's lying. They didn't do this once, which is a major producer fail since Ramona kept spelling out the different times she lied. I also re-watched the S6 trailer and I notice there is not ONE positive scene with Aviva. She's only featured in the second half of the trailer and every time you see her face she's fighting with someone. I CANNOT WAIT!!! :D

I wish we could get Jill, Aviva and Kelly in a room together. I also feel like Alex would tear Aviva's ass up. She is LUCKY that Alex isn't there. Ramona has Aviva's number, but because she's perceived as "crazy" it doesn't hit like it would if someone like Heather, Alex or LuAnn went against her. This is why I feel this season will be juicy for Aviva since EVERYONE has seen through her.

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This season of Atlanta truly is the best... perfect amount of drama (all ladies) and comedy. I personally enjoy when Mallory is around - she totally brings good points to the table (i.e. when Peter doesn't tell Cynthia when he buys a brand new car... who does that in a marriage?? Especially when his ass is broke as a joke and Cynthia knows it). I always seem to side with Mallory's point against Peter.

Btw, should we start a Blood, Sweat, and Heels thread? I just saw the premiere and it was ON POINT. Loved that show... the white girl is a hot mess but hilarious. She also reminds me of Alicia Minshew!

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Tonight's episode was really good. Ktenya looked gorgeous at Mal's thing. LOL @ how she and Mal got into it and how she put Porsha on blast.also when she almost got hit by a car.

NeNe's doing too much in regards to Porsha. I don't like her dumb self but she was just way over the top with it IMO.

Goddess Marlo returns and I'm ready to see this messy ass bitch stirring up trouble with Kandi and Todd. This is shaping up to be the best season of the franchise which for me is a big deal because Season 3 was fantastic for me.

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The highlight of this episode was Kenya's drunken father talking about her ashy feet lol. In general Kenya was a highlight, overall I found this episode to be dull. I continue to enjoy Malorie as well, but overall this didn't gel. I hated Kandi crying over Todd getting a job, something she should be happy about. Yes it would be nice to work together, but since everybody thinks he's a golddigger, let him stand on his own.

Can't wait for Marlo's return next week! :)

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I ended up rewatching the three Slutty Island episodes of last season's RHoNY. It was better the second time around! Some thoughts:

- Heather is amazeballs. What you see is pretty much what you get. She is honest, funny and tells both Aviva and Ramonja to cool it and let it go. But I especially loved when she told off Carole and Aviva for going out on a couples dinner and leaving her behind. She got emotional in a way most of us would.

- Carole's amused Voice of Reason is the show's Greek chorus.

- Luann needs to be a HW and here's why -- she hates Ramona and loves Sonja. And is the biggest snob ever! I also need somebody to call her out on her French.

- Ramona is nuts, but also very lucid. Even when Aviva went cray, she tried to rationalize, even apologized in order to try and quell the bad feeling in the house.

- Drunk Sonja blowdrying her body on the last night in St Barts is everything. But sober Sonja is even better.

- Aviva -- sigh. Obviously we need this kind of tight-ass to stay on the show. She is one unsightly bath towel away from a nervous breakdown (that's a Sleeping With the Enemy reference FYI). She reminds me of people I know. Heck, if I had stayed in Manhattan, this is what I could have become. A hectoring, entitled, spoiled, frustrated, judgmental ice-princess.

There is one point where she is talking about Sonja (and interesting how she limited attacking Ramona until they got to NYC -- before that, she was targeting the "weak link" Sonja who was openly hurt at her White Trash comments). She refers to her as an aging Anna Nicole Smith, having married a much older man and now found herself on the slag heap of life. The smugness and pure pleasure in Aviva's voice was sickening. She is a Smug Married revelling in the misfortune of somebody else's marriage breakdown. This is why everybody needs to call out her ass this season!

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