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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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"Stop me before I murder a Puerto Rican" UGH! I can't take Brandi and her racial comments. Bitch needs to fall the F back. I loved that Joyce brought her library card to the dinner and read her ass. Good for her calling out the racial bullying from this witch. I appreciated her husband wanting to defend her and like that he didn't come across bitchy like Paul did.

Oh and I hate when people that get caught making racist statements use the defense, well I have a black friend or dated a black person so I can't possibly be racist

Kim's story revolves around a damn dog. Don't no one have time for that

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Brandi: I'm not racist.

Multiple Dinner Guests: She's not racist.

[Minutes later]

Brandi [to Joyce]: Go back from where you came.

Damn. Just no.

She's doing these swipes on every episode MORE THAN ONCE. I likeD her - and I don't give a crap about Joyce - but I can't defend it.

Joyce did handle herself well in these arguments in terms of taking the claws out and scratching..

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Oh please didn't Nene say she could kill that skinny white Biotch!

Brandi does need to stop tho lol, but I think she is depressed.

I love how they call Brandi a bully when she has no problem cussing out a woman or a man!

Oh please didn't Nene say she could kill that skinny white Biotch!

Brandi does need to stop tho lol, but I think she is depressed.

I love how they call Brandi a bully when she has no problem cussing out a woman or a man!

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When did she say this? I'm serious.

And sorry you aren't going to get me to believe it is comparable. Brandi definitely is using Joyce's ethnicity as an insult to say Joyce is less than. Even if NeNe's did say that it "white" wasn't being used as an insult or a slight. You can go back and forth on it but it is what it is.

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I defended her at first with that comment at the pool bc it was one isolated case and I thought she was just an ignorant person who made a stupid comment, but its not just an isolated incident. She KEEPS making these ethnic jabs and racial remarks. She's been called out yet continues to think its okay to go there even though she is clearly being offensive. I used to like her but its hard for me to view her as anything less than a pig. She projects herself to be a very ugly and messy person
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The VR reaction episode is cracking me up.

I don't know where I stand on this.

I could excuse it prior to this because it felt like really stupid humor and drunk bitch behavior (not that being drunk excuses it), tonight it just was once, twice, three times too much and she didn't even seem drunk.

Then there's the fact that she clearly has two Hispanic children that she loves and her two best friends are not white.

Brandi really does remind me of my mother in terms of the way she talks - racist tendencies particularly against Hispanics (and cursing). My father was a cheating (beating) jack ass so she has had negative impressions of Hispanic people because of his behavior and because of the people he cheated on her with.

I hope Brandi can make a turn around from this. It's not the note I want to see her leave the series on if this ends her run on the series. It sucks that she's not even really acknowledging what she's doing with the racist/ethnic comments to this day. I'd love her to admit the comments are wrong and attempt to explain why it's coming off her lips so dang naturally.

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