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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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For real. And did you see the way Faye, Camille, Kyle, Kim, Mauricio and some chubby lady all went to pay their respects to the Cowardly Lion, like ladies-in-waiting nervously paying homage to their decrepit, crochety queen? There is only ONE reason why "devastated" Adrienne (with expert make-up and a new hair-piece, natch) went to Lisa and Ken's party, and that was to remind everybody she still existed. Look at me! Here I am, everybody!

It must have burned Adrienne something awful when Lisa didn't come over to join the crowd of Maloof-approved comforters, although at the same time she was able to play Poor Me victim by bitching about the fact that Lisa did "not want to be there for her." Lisa herself said that she gave the Cowardly Lion space so as not to inflame things.

And did you catch the rehearsed stuff between Kyle, Camille and Adrienne about what a Wonderful Mother Adrienne is, the Most Wonderfullest Mom That Ever Gave Birth to... oh, wait, scratch that. That little scene was all about Adrienne covering her ass, her lies, doing damage control, getting her "friends" to set up a situation where they, on cue, recite how great she is (and how awful Lisa and Brandi are).

It was a fab end to the season, though. Lisa calling out Faye, Brandi and Lisa having Girl talk in Lisa's dressing room, those vows where funny and moving, Yolanda and Brandi holding hands during the ceremony, Brandi extraordinarily moved by the whole thing. It's funny how RHoBH is by far the richest and chi-chi-est of the franchise and yet this L-B-Y friendship on screen feels like the most real. RHoBH is by far my favorite reality show.

Haven't seen Reunion Part 1 yet. Am going to watch now.

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The finale and reunion were fantastic. All sorts of win. Queen Lisa, Duchess Yolanda, and Princess Brandi showed those catty wannabes who reigns supreme. I really hope Yolanda returns next season to shut down the Richards sisters (if they return too). It's so true that Kyle realized she's gotta buddy up with her pill-popping sister because she's lost all her allies.

P.S. I should replay it, but at the end, did Kyle reveal something we all knew? Did she accuse Yolanda of poking fun of Kim's relapse?

Can't wait for next week. Loved the cliffhanger ending with Lisa not believing the Kim/Kyle lies about Yolanda.

Oh. And Taylor was there too.

I can't seem to read Taylor's blog past the first page, and now it doesn't go to that page at all. Browser issue? Or did Bravo remove it?

Edited by Gray Bunny
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And how pathetic was Kyle who spent an entire season "being there for her close friend Adrienne" now saying that she and Adrienne were never really that close? She had no idea what to say during the reunion and this time her only partner in crime was a crying junkie. Now all of the sudden saying that Yolanda talked behind Lisa's back and said some "mean things"? This is not a Lassie movie and you are no longer thirteen year old girls. Really sad.

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Yes. That was ridiculous, backtracking like that. We saw and heard in her talking head comments how near 'n dear her friendship was with Adrienne. Nice try, lady. Loved how Lisa called her out on what the Kyle/Mauricio and Adrienne/Paul friendship was really based upon...

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Every friendship Kyle and Mauricio appear to cultivate (outside of extended family) has always smacked of "future business endeavour." Remember how chummy they were with Taylor and Russell? Even after Kyle must have told Mauricio about Russell's abuse.

Of course, the Cowardly Lion herself is Queen of the Business Endeavour Friendship.

Edited by Cat
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I've seen the last episode just now, haven't seen Reunion Part 1, but I will tonight!

Adrienne...good riddance to bad trash my dear. Who doesn't love a hair extension loving, fake tan wearing, diamante sparkling 50 something year old woman wailing at their anniversary party? What a loser. Her tagline this season was "Know your friends and show your enemies the door...fitting that she walked out of Lisa's door and onto a pink carpet to obscurity.

Kim...as usual her contributions were light, she was probably feeling quite light as well as she berated Kyle for not digging up the garbage with Brandi that Kim forgave Brandi for ages ago (see how that doesn't make sense even when sober?).

Kyle...vicious gutter snipe. The last frame of her was perfect: looking like an envious trout pout hag. Kyle is bitter and there isn't enough Botox in the world to make up for it.

Taylor...if she doesn't come back next season she left on a high note, having a laugh, likeable, not being part of the drama and taking a big bite out of a piece of cake thanks to her legendary lips. I do hope she returns, she would be a positive addition thanks to her 'not quite divorced yet' boyfriend.

Princess Brandi...she looked gorgeous, seemed so at peace with herself and had a quiet role in handing Faye her ass on a silver platter.

Duchess Yolanda...stylish, no bullsh*t, if this woman is this much of a smooth operator when she was afflicted with Lyme disease imagine what she could do next season? I hope we see a return from The Duchess.

Her Majesty Queen Lisa...fabulous. She WINS. She literally got the last word this season and rather than aggressively chuck Kyle and Adrienne for their evil ways, she said that she's over the both of them in the most elegant way possible, emphasizing how much better her life is than theirs and how grateful she is for it all. That's the thing with Lisa: she's grateful. She gets it. And she does it all while wearing one of the most breathtaking diamond necklaces I have ever seen.

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Things have been at a standstill with the upcoming season of The Real Housewives of New York. Rumors have been running rampant since no official cast announcements have been made and filming hasn't started. We may now know why! It's being speculated that Bravo is recasting the entire crew!

Next week is the NBC upfront presentations and none of the current cast of New York has been invited, nor are they listed on the tipsheet. This is a very big deal. For those who don't know, the upfront presentations are where the networks preview their upcoming fall and midseason series for advertisers, the press, and other networks. The stars of said shows are always present for the event.

Some of the RHONY cast members didn't even know the upfronts were happening next week. From Tom Murro: "None of the New York housewives are going to the Bravo upfronts on April 3rd. When I called 1 of them to see if they were going she said 'what up front?"


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I wonder what the issues are with NYC. It's very telling that it was supposed to start filming in February, then March, then April... and now this.

I think if they went back to focusing on all the fabulous perks of being a New Yorker instead of going on endless trips elsewhere, it'll bring back that old feeling again. The city, like in Sex and the City, is part of the charm of the show. Trips to locales near the center of the equator does not equal New York. Of course, that's one aspect. The dynamics between the ladies of course are a huge aspect and perhaps a huge issue with filming a new season.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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That is very sweet of Nene. I don't think that Nene had a big problem with Porsha. She just wanted Porsha to be a modern day woman--one that can have the man, the kids, and the career too. I'm glad that Nene is there to mentor Porsha through hard times.


Not surprised. I hate to say it (b/c I loathe her) but getting rid of Jill set this show into a tailspin. Regardless how annoying Jill was, she (along with Ramona, LuMan, & Alex) were the center of this show. Getting rid of Jill & Alex, who were very polarizing damaged this brand. IMO, they might as well scrap the NYC and pick up RHOV instead. B/c if they start fresh across the board, I don't see RHONYC keeping the audience they once had. People have become too attached and too invested in these women. I think that Bravo just needs to put their tail between their legs, keep the current cast, but bring back Alex AND Jill. Same on Atlanta with them needing to bring Marlo back, and RHONJ needing to get Danielle back.

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I really don't hate Taylor that much anymore either. I guess she can stay for another season; however, I doubt that Bravo will keep her. Taylor can stay because I gradually see her turning on Kyle too, which is alright with me. My cast for s4 would be: Brandi, Yolanda, Lisa, Kim, Kyle, Taylor, Marisa, and . . . Faye. Why? B/c she's so thirsty to hold a diamond that I want her to get to hold a diamond and then realize she doesn't want all of this. B/c by Faye holding a diamond, all her dirty secrets will be exposed and we'll really see how much of a "lady" she is. Plus, I am all for a Brandi/Yo/Lisa/Marisa v. The Bitchard sisters/Fayke Arsenic with Taylor straddling the line before chunking the deuces to Kyle for Lisa.

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