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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Her intentions look insincere because they are insincere. Tamra doesn't care about anyone except herself. She hates Shannon. Tamra clocks in to create as much conflict as possible because she doesn't want to lose her job again. However, she always fails to realize how toxic she is and how that toxicity cannot last forever. 

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I found this to the weakest of the cast trip episodes. It was nothing against the episode itself. These episodes should be the template for future HW cast trip episodes. We got moments. We got gifs. We definitely got some juicy drama. And there was also FUN. And do I need to say anything about scenery and fashion? It was great in that regards and ended in a nice pretty bow.


But in the grand scheme of Dubai episodes...weak. I did like the theme was making up. Taleen and Brooks were back to how they were at the start of the season. So were the Carolines. And Ayan and Stanbury also talked it out to Lesa's disdain. By the end of the episode, it was a friend group again.


BUT...that is not what has been going on? The selling point has been fallout between Ayan and Lesa. Taleen and Brooks actually do not end the season on good terms. And Sara and Stanbury's friendship took a hit. But you wouldn't know it here. And with 3 episodes left...


...Hunni what is this?


STANBURY. Awww. And the game of chess continues. lol. It says something that Lesa, Ayan, Sara, and Saba went to dinner, but Stanbury managed to have her own little circle of Frick and Frack Brooks and Taleen. And once Sara, Lesa, and (especially) Ayan came back from the dinner and started to get into their asses for not saying they were not coming, Stanbury looked pressed that Brooks and Taleen quickly apologized. Score point for Lesa. But Stanbury getting Ayan to sit down with her and talk over VoiceNoteGate was a win in the war between her and Lesa. 


TALEEN. While I was happy to see it appears her and Brooks had mended fences finally, I was MORE HAPPY watching Ayan drag her ungrateful ass. Was she not just picking on Lesa last week at Sara's event for not wanting to do anything against her religion, only for her to have an issue now wearing traditional dress to a dinner and not telling anyone she was not coming. Girl, you better sit there and let Ayan and Sara wear you out. Cuz I hollered when Ayan said what she had on post-dinner was no better than the dress Lesa picked out for her. To HER FACE. HOLLERED. 


SARA. Sara continued to be the unintended humor for me. Because her doing fun shade with the dress to Lesa's dinner was hilarious. Her having Lesa and Ayan's back against Taleen was unexpected. And she now has me liking Saba enough that I'm using her REAL name.

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 Because Saba was talking nothing, but common sense to Sara about her man. Does he pay Sara's bills? Does he pay Sara's son's bills? Does he pay her telephone bill? Are they going to chill? hehe. Destiny's Child aside, no F-boi should be dictating how a money bitca moves and Sara IS about her bag. 


BROOKS. Brooks just wanted mess to want mess. lol. She was sitting back and eating her food when Ayan started in on Stanbury after Ayan was done with Taleen. And...so was I. I'm again happy that her and Taleen appear to be on the same page again. But I again wonder what happens that they fall out again. 


AYAN. Outside of Sara, she was the highlight for me. You have to go back to Season 1 to get Ayan like this because she's been mostly background this season. But her coming in and almost immediately starting to drag Taleen, Brooks, and Stanbury was great to watch. And she went in when Taleen brought that NJ out. No, Boo...not to this model who can cruse you out in FOUR different languages. lol. And I do like that she and Stanbury had a sit-down by the spiritual swing and were able to express how they feel. Alone. I felt that was the right thing to do. That said...Ayan needs to accept and acknowledge what everyone else (and the audience) know...she was just embarrassed and lashed out. And she was still trying to make herself look like the victim which is smh. 


LESA. Was just there looking pretty and with looks and I have no problem with that. Her traditional dress. Her in the blue. Her with the braids and looking every inch of her culture. I can look at her for DAYS she is soooooooooo darn beautiful. And I'm gay. lol. Her only false note would be her clear disdain for Stanbury. And I don't hate that, but in the war between her and Stanbury, she got her blows in, but I feel she's losing.


And next week....NINA!!!!


Good episode but easily the weakest (outside of Episode 2?) one of a pretty great season. All cast trips should be this fun messy.



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So I wasn't a fan of Monica and I was glad the show tossed her ass out there.

However, it seems as though the newbies are just as toxic/vile as Monica.. so I'm not sure what the producers/Bravo goal was for season 5.. because if they were hoping to not be toxic.. I don't think they succeeded.

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Sounds like the ghost of Queen Monica will still loom over these scary ass women. I bet Whitney went to Monica and got information on Heather or Lisa to further expose this. This'll tie into Monica's claim that production asked her multiple times to film throughout the season with Heather and Lisa blocking the return as they were in a tizzy about what she'd reveal. 

This season is going to just expose that these women only banned together b/c of Monica's star quality threatened them. 

Not shocked about Mary/Meredith. Both of them were simply friends b/c of their mutual hatred for Jen. Now that Jen is far removed, they no longer need each other. Meredith simply used Mary as a mouthpiece and weapon for her. I can't wait for Mary to tear into her flat ass this season. Meredith has been doing snake sh*t for far too long and getting away with it. 

The new girl looks interesting and anyone that is going to call big back Heather out on her sh*t is good in my book. 

Speaking of big back, it still bothers me that this inbred gets to remain on the show after being such a liability for the network. Meanwhile, Monica, Kenya, Jenn Aydin, and countless others were reprimanded for far worse. This b*tch lied on production and had a whole investigation started. That is resources being used that didn't need to be. I need for production to clock in this season and be deadset on their vengeance. If I were on production, I'd be doing everything possible to make this Heather's last season. 

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