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@Cat  @DaytimeFan Total agreement in both your assessments of Potomac.  I loved that Karen and Ashley did not falter with stance that two wrongs don't make it right, no matter which party they like more than the other. The same cannot be said for triflin' Robyn. 

Good grief, she had the audacity to say Karen was in the best position to diffuse the situation, as she literally sit back with a grin across her face like a sow enjoying a mud bath, her camera rolling while shouting accusatory remarks at Wendy. Yeah, cuz *that* will help diffuse the situation. Meanwhile, I hope Juan enjoyed the footage of her caressing the hot shirtless dude on the beach like a sow in heat  [Side note: Sow is my word of the day]. 

I loved the Karen/Ashley/Candiace dynamic of sticking up for what's right and not choosing sides. Mia has caused the unthinkable -- she's making me like Candiace again while softening up to Wendy. 

LOL at Charrisse on the beach. I literally commented on the same moment to hubby... "she always looks so stank and sloppy." She looks perpetually uncomfortable. And last week's champagne bar business proposal.... lawd!!!  I'll give her credit for taking up being Mia's "personal assistant" or whatever and texting Ashley/Candiace that they can still stay at the house. 

I'm not even going to bother focusing on Mia. She makes no rational sense and she's doing it all for the cameras. Chuck her to the curb. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Hilarious! I saw that last night. It is kind of a head scratcher that she gets an official "friend of" status; she's lucky she's actual friends with the OG's (The GEB's) in real life to squeeze into this title. Maybe perhaps something will actually happen between her vs. The Grande Dame down the line...? 

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So The San Diego trip began tonight. And given the mid-season trailer, I was expecting the takedown of Heather to start tonight. What I WAS NOT expecting...was everyone beginning to turn on Jen...the newbies leading the charge. Production with their edits. People in their confessionals. People were coming for Jen. FINALLY!!! I guess better late than never since it was to be expected last season. I was shocked, but it was fun to watch. Jen vs Danna. Jen vs Angie K. The gears turning for the other girls (wow. Little Girl for once being first rather than behind) as Angie K gathered Jen ALL...THE...WAY...TOGETHER. And it looks like next week will be more of the same as Fabulous Ice and Heather join in on the coming gang-up.


That said...I'm sorry. The house those girls are staying in. I could not place the location. That can't be La Jolla (the rich section of San Diego). Perhaps Poway. In any case...Mia's Miami house on POTOMAC did better. Talk about low budget.

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JEN. On one hand, Production doing that montage of what Jen has gone through since the FBI descended on the van last season was a thing of beauty. On the other hand, is it Production just foreshadowing what's to come by reminding the audience how Jen is. In any case, Jen tried her best to control the narrative by painting herself innocent at the start of the episode (her with the face without makeup) only for her to shoot herself in the foot. She underestimated Angie K, and it showed. And NONE of her techniques (yelling, crying, playing it off, etc) worked on her. She was better off having Angie K as a friend. Because Angie K dropped so much tea on her and gave her lesson in how she should treat her friends. The highlight of the whole episode was THE READ. And Angie K did it flawlessly, no nonsense, AND looked good doing it. She left Jen a hot sobbing mess...ESPECIALLY after she called her a bitca. NO APOLOGY, EITHER. Suck it up. Meanwhile, Danna also handled her by sticking to her guns and ignoring her in a OC Season 9 Lizzie observer kinda way.  


HEATHER. Look at Heather continuing to set up that Betrayed Friend narrative. She's already friends with Danna. And this episode she was hanging with her (knowing Jen is mad at her) and Angie H (not gone yet, but NOT invited to San Diego, either). And then talked about how she was 'barely' invited on this trip. Why barely? Up until now Angie H issues aside, Jen was still seeing Heather as the BFF. Just...narrative. 


LISA. Was pretty minimum this week other than getting tea spilled on her by Angie K. Perhaps she pot stirred a little. And I expected she might have brought up what Angie K said about Coach Shah's party to start drama between her and Jen so I was surprised when Angie K brought it up instead when Jen came for her when Angie K did not send for her. She just had to stand around and be...Fabulous Ice. And I was here for it.


MEREDITH. Was minimum, too, but was more important than Lisa this week. I loved her attempt to try to be the fun friend a la what Jen has been for Heather so far this season. And I loved her playing (as best she could) Peacemaker between Danna and Jen. 


LITTLE GIRL. She was actually given some Kenya Moore style shade this week and I was shocked at it. She was hardcore coming for Jen in the Confessionals and her upcoming trial. Hades must have frozen over for me to say that. Other than that, she WAS pot-stirring between Angie K and Jen. It was sad that Jen fell for the bait while Angie K tried to be above it even after getting a drink dropped on her head by Jen.


That said...when Angie K got into it...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


I would say watch the episode just to see Angie K read Jen all the way down. And she's still dragging Jen online as I talk. She is proving how no nonsense she is. And all of this drama...over room assignments per usual. How...HOUSEWIVES. lol.


I felt SLC was turning a corner and FINALLY that its momentum for this season. This episode...it really did get going. Can't wait for next week with Fabulous Ice vs Jen, more of Angie K vs Jen, and Heather vs Jen.





Edited by Taoboi
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I agree, this episode was good and is setting us up for more juiciness to come.

Because I gotta say, overall this season has been very hit or miss, episode by episode. We had that one episode when it was still just the 5 castmembers, where we all admitted fatigue/concern over this smaller cast, only to randomly have an influx of new supporting characters in the next episode. 

Producers did a piss poor job of introducing the new "friends-of" characters. As Real Housewives are modern day soap operas, you must live by the golden rules of soaps - slowly introduce new characters through existing characters.  For me, when we suddenly had random drama with the brand new supporting roles, it was kind of a "Who cares?" for me. We had no intro for Danna, no intro for Angie K, and the overnight drama with Angie H's hubby doing the fake Instagram accounts to troll Jen reeked of some half-baked, slapped-together Simon van Kempen playbook of mean tweets to fellow castmembers. It all fell flat for me. 

Add to that, the half-assed choir storyline. Exactly who/what is this newfound choir affiliated with? Where/when will they actually sing? So you have castmates coming in as singers, judges, and Ryan Seacrest wannabes, you had Whitney and thirsty Angie H looking like a sloppy circus act, and you have a hodge-podge choir group that ranges from confused retirees to post-pubescent fanbois looking out of place. 

So suffice it to say, this San Diego trip (yet another lowkey domestic adventure, tee-hee to Whitney's accurate shade) finally turned a corner for me in generating drama that is actually worth investing in. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Kim G Rhonj GIFs | Tenor

It's so weird seeing literally nobody even mention Mia's violence in this trailer. Like it never happened.

But my god, the second half of this season is going to be All Karen, and she is not letting Robn f*ck around anymore, that's for damn sure. I LOVE IT!

Edited by Cat
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Magali was a great HW her one season on Cheshire, and I'm glad she's back, promoting, I guess, her home city of Amsterdam, which is a beautiful town.

The cast looks a great multicultural mix, but it is missing one crucial HBIC -- and that is Yolanda van den Herik Hadid Foster back-to-Hadid ! What I would give to have Magali and snooty Yolo on the same show together.

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