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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Please. She's acting like she deleted her Twitter because she needs some kind of break, when she doesn't even use her own Twitter -- only a couple of fake bot burner accounts (allegedly) to attack Garcelle and Kathy on the sly. She saves all her Rinna Crazy for Instagram. And she has not deleted her account there.

My guess is, she heard Melon Husk wants to charge Twit users $20/month and got the hell out before she had to part with money.

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Robyn really thought she did something with "I'm not going to extend an invitation to Wendy, but only her kids, and then I will have EXPOSED HER when she refuses to drop them off BWAHAHAHA." What is this flop 'win' she is claiming?

This is why I cannot warm to Robyn. She clearly dislikes two women (Wendy, Karen) and lives for bashing them constantly.

Right on cue, she invited Charrisse. We know Karen & Ray's marriage will be a hot topic this season, and I don't know whether Karen stepped out on him or not, but I do know that Charrisse the Sloth is so desperate to be on RHOP that she said an unforgivably ratchet lie two years ago about Monique for which she should not be rewarded. 

Wendy... sigh. Why is she being so dumb about business and this Nigerian lounge? Wendy has FOUR DEGREES and yet she's divorced from reality. Stupefied that she has to pony up money. Stunned that --gasp-- restaurants don't run themselves. I can't with these people who live on social media thinking that represents 'work' and everything else in life magically runs on an app. 

I'm starting to think that the Ashley & Michael Darby divorce might be a storyline concocted by the both of them.

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Oh, yes, I saw all about Baddie and Black Girl Chorus.

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Still I do wonder if SOMETHING is coming. Now that Lint is running around saying she found the bots, Kyle met with producers for lunch over the last day, and now sources are saying that RHOBH is going on break allegedly until next year rather than filming soon which they were about to do. 


I guess like RHOA and RHONY, RHOBH is now on pause/hiatus.

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Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Caught up!!!!


There's one thing I can say about POTOMAC. No matter whether it is filler or not, the girls on this show give a lot even if it is filler. That said, I liked both epsiodes. But that might be because I feel like 1) they have a slow build going on and we know things are coming and most importantly there are things THAT WERE NOT IN THE TRAILER FOR THE SEASON!!!! and 2) there's a lot going on. Versus focusing on one thing a la BH or being a bit uneven some episodes a la RHOA, there's so much to see that keeps me watching even for the slow moments.


I'm probably going to touch on these more in a minute, but there are two things about the shifting dynamics (and the dynamics never bore on this show) that reallllllllllllllly stood out for me. 


1...SEASON 7 CYNTHIA BAILEY, IS THAT YOU? I'm sorry...I might not like her all the time, but THIS SEASON...Robyn has given in every episode so far. Whether I like her shade or just want to shade her, she really has come out of Gizelle's butt and chosen violence and I'm LIVING for it. It's making her a wild card...note not so much a wild card I think she will turn on Gizelle mind you though I love she is not co-signing her antics like she used to...and that makes her unpredictable for me. Especially in group scenes. Cursing out Wendy next week. Trying to boss up on Wendy in Episode 3. Disinviting her to Kids Day in front of her. Having Candiace's back and vouching for Chris. Heck she even lightly got gathered by Messy Mia. And of course, there's Juan drama. Must be the red hair.


Speaking of Wendy...


2...DOCTOR WENDY....IS THAT YOU? We never saw DOCTOR Wendy last season. What we did see was a Wendy who tried hard. And then at the reunion we got Doing Too Much Wendy. So...it has been surprising since the season started that what little of Wendy we have gotten has leaned into the Wendy we were introduced to in Season 5. And let's be clear...Wendy still has that Season 6 fire in terms of her making Robyn sit her butt right back down when she bossed up on DOCTOR Wendy. She didn't rise her voice, but her voice was firm with a no-time-for-mess tone to it...more in light with Season 6. I didn't like where Wendy fell in the Monique/Candiace fight, but that did not mean that I did not like her. So it's nice to see the professor again. My only question is the mystery of why she appears (so far) to be around so little. But we know that drink toss in Miami with Messy Mia is coming so...






THE GROWTH. And by growth, I meant Candiace. I continue to respect how she handled everything with Gizelle and that rumor. And that kind of 4th wall breaking...was delicious. She just walked out and gave Gizelle dust, not even giving us a moment, but at the same time giving us a moment. I can't even believe that Gizelle just sat there and acted like she didn't know why. Bitca. 'Keep All My Fourth Wall., Mention It All., etc.' Go on, Candiace...keep on keeping it real. I might just become a fan yet.


THE HULK VS DOCTOR WENDY. HERE...FOR...IT!!!! I don't know why Robyn was sitting there trying to attack Wendy when she was not even there during the OG Picnic, but I loved how Wendy shut her down. Cuz if it had been DOING TOO MUCH WENDY...

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But I loved Robyn trying to start mess. And bonus...Mia started to get into it with Robyn as well. lol. And it looks like it's going to be a mini feud...and I want to see how petty they can get since I feel they are evenly matched...though Doctor Wendy CAN read. 


OMG PRODUCTION!!!!! I swear...Production on RHOP are the best in the business. Wendy and her hot mic moment when not even minutes ago she was saying how she believed Mia. And then Production clocking Mia lying about Chris to comic effect. Lord....lol. And speaking of...


MESSY MIA. I know she's going to be hated soon enough, but I've enjoying her messiness so far. I even enjoyed that her and the GEB were able to quickly move on from Cancergate after their arguement as well. 


HOLD UP!!! Ashley has a brother...?




UH...ASHLEY GIRL...? I was looking forward to Single Ashley. But this...? I am side-eyeing her as well. And I hate to say it, but I expect Ashley to move smarter than this. Since she's been moving well for years.


LA DAME...CAN WE TALK? I have to admit...I was side-eyeing her as well when she was talking to Gizelle and they were talking about Robyn and Candiace. Cracks in the GEB? I wouldn't go that far, but I thought it was interesting she sounded like she was backing Gizelle over Candiace.






TAGLINES. At last. They need to quit with that. And now there are rumors Bravo want them discontinued...uuuuh...let's not.  


THE SHADE. It was sooooooooo on point. Robyn, gurl...even your BFF was shading that whole set-up. Not just Messy Mia.  And then Production with that Michael/Ashley flashback as Ashley was reading the separation letter. Eddie with the 'Chris? The one who cook them dinner' was some unexpected humor, too. And you can never not laugh at Candiace saying hi to Grace, but paying her mama dust. Speaking of...La Dame leaving after being around Cha Cha for a few minutes was hilarious. 


WELL WHEN YOUR MAMA IS THE GRANDE DAME. Go on, Ravyn!!! Go to the Met Ball!!! I was so jealous!!!


HULK VS DOCTOR WENDY ROUND 2. Robyn, you really thought you could get the kids there without their mother? Even Candiace knew what was coming for her and she was only the messenger. hehe. The feud that keeps on giving. LOVED IT. Does that mean...it's Hulk 0, Doctor 2?  


OOOOH...A TURN. Just when I was side-eying Ashley...here she comes with her friendship with Candiace. And...here comes Michael with some mess. Did he really drop the separation news out there without telling Ashley? The plot thickens...






Next week we get Candiace vs Ashley and Hulk vs Doctor Wendy Round 3?











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Krissy Marsh has been trying to move this project along for years. I wonder if she is financing any part of this reboot, actually.

I thought 'Queen' Victoria would be along for the ride too, but seems she dropped out at the last minute. Which is a shame, because the show needs the four Alphas! Krissy, Victoria, and the two loons (Lisa 'pet python' Oldfield and Athena 'not filming until Foxtel sign off on a psych evaluation' X). And build around that. The rest of the original cast can go. And that includes Nicole who contributed zilch. Nicole has appeared on Ladies of London and RHONY very briefly as well as RHOS, but as they say, always the bridesmaid, never the bride.



Just a little pause! Instead of starting filming now, they are pushing it to January or February.

I guess Bravo needs time to figure out

-if Rinna stays or goes,

-if they can convince Kyle, Kathy AND Kim to return,

-if they bring back Brandi and (shocker) Denise,

-if they bring back Diana.


I saw Kyle lunching with Alex Baskin and Chris Cullen! But aren't they from the old producing team -- i.e. the one that gave her glowing edits? I think there is a new one in place now, and both AB and CC have left Evolution Media. Hmmmmmmm.  Now I'm thinking Kyle is trying to get her buddies back. 

Lint found the bots somewhere in Northern California. No word yet where the person who paid for the bots actually is.  Garcelle said yesterday she is paying for her own investigation into this, so we will see if it corroborates anything.

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:::In my best Carolyn Hinsey voice:::  I'm back from Paris. Did you miss me? 

LOL. Hubby & I went back to Paris to celebrate the big 4-0 for him, and since then I've been up to my eyeballs at work... but I've been keeping tabs on everyone keeping this thread alive and popping. I'll just add in what's currently on my mind:


- I loved how they started the season with the 4 vets together in the park. Seven seasons in, and we have 4 originals, 1 original back as a messy, sloppy, thirsty friend-of (Hi Charrisse), and 1 original that pops in and continues to make us wonder if she's... okay (Hi Katie). 

- Gizelle is gonna make me root for Candiace. Congrats Candiace. The Giz goes for everyone's marriage each season since she doesn't have one of her own. 

- I still think Mia and Wendy are dead weight. But I guess the alternative is not having enough castmembers, which brings me to....



- They brought in the 3 friend-of's to cause thirsty drama (Hi Angie H) at the right time, because as we were finishing up the episode with only 4 women at the table in Aspen while Jen had already left, I was thinking "geez, they're kind of stretched thin here, and the story is already getting played out." I will concur a kooky sidekick like Mary was appreciated. At least we can wait and see how everyone reacts post-Jenn's guilty plea. 

- Whitney, I usually give her the benefit of the doubt, but she is doing too much and making a mountain out of a molehill with cousin Heather. Team Heather all the way. Although I appreciated last night's very real revelation that Whitney's hubby got fired from his job because of his cringe-worthy scenes on TV.  I kinda feel bad for Dimples, but he should've put more thought into the repercussions of filming such an icky smut scene. 



- What a mess. You know what, can't believe I'm gonna go against the grain here, but there is so much family history with those Richards sisters and Kathy is not 100% innocent. People elsewhere have pointed out how cold Kathy was to Kyle at the reunion, but I understand Kathy not wanting to air out more family laundry on television (not to mention, sitting across from the vultures), so when Kyle pressed for answers, Kathy did not respond. I get that. However, I feel there's more to the story with these three sisters. Yes, Kyle has been desperate for the limelight for years and tried to achieve that at the expense of her sister (See limo scene, Season 1), but I don't think anyone is 100% to blame in this rift that has been in place on and off for years. There's layers of hurt and betrayal amongst Kim, Kathy, and Kyle. 

- I'd love the return of people like Denise and Camille, for starters. One thing's for sure: The true Queen of RHOBH is Garcelle, with sidekick Sutton as princess. I love how they reign supreme in the fan world, much to the dismay of The Coven. 

- I am very interested in seeing how/if they retool this show next season, because the darkness that has prevailed is greater than any other year or any other franchise. To think Bravo retooled RHONY after Season 4 --- that was a walk in the park in comparison! 



- That reminds me. I'm not at all impressed with the new RHONY cast. I suppose I'll check it out once it premieres, but I have no excitement for it. @Cat I think it was you who posted the Ramona interview with Carlos King? Thank you! Very enlightening. I guess we can officially blame Ebony for how the reunion fell apart, filming of a new season with the prior cast still in place fell apart, and now we've got a crop of newbies while thirsty vets like Dorinda and Jill wait with baited breath for the news of LEGACY actually happening. I can understand Ramona enjoying her private life post-reality TV, but I selfishly hope she returns IF Legacy were to happen. 


Hey. It's Only My Opinion! 


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Yeah. I noticed that none of these women can carry solo scenes and are only interesting when they are together. On the contrary, Mary was entertaining filming alone in her closet. To be fair the preview for next week looks good so I wont count them out yet. I just hope we dont get a long drawn out 7 month season like last year

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I wouldn't call it boring as of yet, but it's just the definition of watching a trainwreck. Love or hate her (and I looooooved Mary), she was important to their dynamic and it definitely hits different. She was kooky. She could read. And Mary kept a lot of them honest so without her then, they are making it up as they go along. It's sad and hilarious in a way. So much I cannot completely look away. Except for Little Girl. They need a firebrand. And since Jen is down...for now...that has up to the FOHs...specially (again for now since we know Danna is going to drag Jen at some point) Angie H.


Outside of that, I think everyone is here for Jen and her legal drama. Outside of that...nothing is really happening. And given we know they filmed a lot before that could have been used and been more interesting to watch (the group harassing Mary for a storyline now that she is gone, but yet they are at her church, or the group confront Jennie about those tweets since she had filmed some before she was fired so we can see those comeuppances) than what we are watching so far...it's very sad. Knowing what was filmed...kinda makes what we are seeing fake. 

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Angie H coming in last week did provide some spark and even caused Lisa to 'disengage' in a way only Lisa can disengage lol

I'm waiting to see how Angie K and Danna do in future episodes...but Angie H and hubby did provide some sparks.

And Whitney doesn't seem to understand her actions affected hubby's job.  Didn't that happen with Tamra's ex on OC back in season 4?

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