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Brandi on UGT2 has her moments, but it's in the middle of some horrific stuff. She still insists on going after Taylor for Russell's suicide which is disgusting. She never took responsibility for all the time she claimed Taylor was lying. She plays victim when Dorinda mentions her child, but thinks nothing of the Russell comments when his daughter will hear them? (Even if Kennedy doesn't remember her dad, it's still an icky thing to say on camera). She's obsessed with this Denise thing. Somehow, she thinks it going to get her back on a show by constantly bringing it up. This is a woman who let the coven five use her to get rid of Denise just because she thought she could use it to come back onto the show. And she's still harboring anger that she didn't go to the reunion that year. 

Phaedra shows why she can't come back to RHOA. She's playing a part and offers nothing else. Her whole time is making predictable wisecracks and funny faces while not talking about herself. Like a good producer, Tamra tried to get her to open up, and Phaedra just would not do it. Her refusing to accept responsibility for the rape allegation is why I don't want her back. 

It annoys me Phaedra derailed the conversation about the housewives getting fired because I wanted to hear from the wives who basically fired themselves through their own behavior versus those who were fried because the producers wanted to change things. Dorinda, Phaedra, Jill, and Vicki fired themselves on their last reunions, but none of them discussed it because the subject was quickly changed because of Phaedra. 


It was obvious Diana was brought on to go after Sutton and Garcelle after the ticketgate stuff. When Sutton had the receipt, Diana's story went up in smoke and she's been spinning her wheels since. Sutton and Garcelle are carrying this show, and the coven are angry. Rinna's complaining about the editing and Kyle is doing press tour apologies. Fraudika is too busy fighting with that twitter lawyer.

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Thank you for that. This 'apology' is worse on second viewing. Her hand gestures, her face -- she is SO irritated to be having to say this publicly. She's doing it because she knows Garcelle is popular and, I imagine, it must be impinging on business. Why else would she be apologizing in the middle of her Amazon Live.

I saw the boohoos. The Coven are literally in a panic. First Chris Cullen, now Baskin. Who will protect their asses now?

To be fair to Baskin, I heard pretty positive things about his tenure at Evolution. I also recall seeing him as EP on other RH shows, probably OC. Wonder if he is heading to Netflix also?

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I’m glad Tamra is returning (she shouldn’t have been axed in the first place), and with all that behind the scenes drama, I’m guessing it’ll be tense between her and Heather. 

But I must disagree about bringing back Alexis or Gretchen. Rumor has it they might be bringing Jesus Jugs back, but I wasn’t a fan of that era of OC. I loved when they booted them and brought on Heather, and then Shannon and Lizzie (a YES to a Lizzie return. Always thought she could’ve been a great long term addition). 

Side note: did Jill Zarin spill the beans about Tamra’s return? Tamra just posted a short video saying Jill is the thirstiest of all. 

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Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: With Friends Like These - Tamara Tattles


RE: OC. In addition to Tamra (echoing @Gray Bunny -- she never should have been let go), I'd be cool with Alexis, Gretchen, Alexis, Lizzie AND Noella. Noella was thirstay and self-scripted (but so was everyone last season). Anyway, she wasn't unentertaining the way she got under Heather Dubrow's skin. If that means a cast of 8 or 9, then so be it.

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Well...not surprising. 




What IS surprising is that people have assumed this is about Carlos King due to one of his podcast where he mentioned that he would love to come in and redo RHOD...AND the fact that Claudia Jordan is being reeeeeallly coy under the comments.


Meanwhile...D'Andra IS in talks at Bravo in NY. 



Thank you for this. 


I have only heard good things about Alex. Can't say the same for Chris. 


And I know Ex Soap Opera Star is sad the producer is leaving as well.  Given the editing they appear to be getting...and the backlash...one can hope the Coven is ending. 



You're welcome.

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 Yes, it does lack sincerity. More about her having to do it rather than Garcelle's feelings. And on another platform? She knows she messed up so she clearly has to do it as publicly as possible. So I don't know why she said she apologized privately if she's announcing this publicly. And no one will believe her until Garcelle verifies it. 



Yeah, Alex was OC. 

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Editing mess-internet wonky
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Well, I would have posted earlier, but the internet ate that long post. lol.


Oh, well...I will briefly shoutout to Drunk Kenya last week...who I did her right for San Diego Pride this past Saturday...;) Miss ya, baby. I even fell over. lol. 


I continue to be like the rest of you and wonder why this season is getting so much hate when it's been easy, breezy fun so far. It's like a better version of S11 if we are going to call seasons boring IMHO...and I liked Season 11. But again, that season needed a pop...which it got in Kenya's cameo in the finale. Whether a cameo will be needed here reminds to be seen. Yes, I could see Porsha with these girls, but is she needed yet? Nope.


So this week was the start of the second cast trip. We know we are going to get Marlo vs Kenya. Drew vs Sheree and DogTreat...I mean Fatum. But there has been fun so far...because the trip to get there was hilarious (and I hollered and rewinded the scene where that driver told Kandi (KANDI!!!), Drew, and Monyetta that they can't eat in the car...their looks were priceless...meanwhile, there's Marlo and Sheree eating in their car). There was fun in the picking of the rooms. And then there was fun when Kenya made her unexpected (or expected) entrance (with flashbacks to S5 with the fake butt and 'KENYA MOORE HAIR CARE' in S10). Everyone was happy to see her...and see if they could get Drunk Kenya to pop out. 


Except for Marlo.



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I've never seen somebody crash and burn so hard. The girls worked hard for her to get that peach and she is doing ALL THIS??? Too...MUCH. And yes, it is coming across as being jealous of Kenya. Sorry. I found Kenya explained herself well (though she was a hypocrite by interrupting Marlo when she did not want her to do the same). At this point, Marlo is causing mess to just cause mess. I liked that everyone see the possibilities that Marlo vs Kenya is messing with the energy. I also liked they are already foreshadowing the Jamacia trip.


KENYA. Can we take a moment to enjoy the playdate between Brooklyn and Blaze? It was so much awwwww. And it was nice seeing Kandi and Kenya bonding over their daughters. I did not even realize they were close enough in age to be able to. How adorable. And I LOVED Kenya talking about her business with Kandi. If anyone knows business, it's KANDI. And the fact she knew what Kenya was talking about means 1) DUH Kandi knows her stuff and 2) Kenya clearly has a legit business. And the scene at the meeting was nice as well. We really are seeing ALL of her life rather than just 'Evil Kenya' this year. I like the well rounded-ness. 


KANDI. I CANNOT BELIEVE MARLO DID KANDI DIRTY LIKE THAT!!!! You don't talk about Kandi's man, her mama, or get in the way of her food. To get food sent all the way from the OLG for Kandi to not eat it IN THE CAR??? NO, NO, NO. Kandi made that driver wait. lol.  That said...while Marlo was being shady with the candle game at Kandi, calling her the new bone carrier...well...Kandi did carry to Marlo that Kenya was not coming. And then...she was the first to figure out that Kenya was probably coming after all, but did not tell anyone. Messy.


SHEREE. Well, at least she got her toe story right each time she told it. I still think she's with the wrong team (along with incoming Sanya), but I enjoyed her throughout. And SHE liked Kenya being there.


DREW. Uh...dare I say it? Drew is FINALLY growing on me. HER reaction to not eating food in the car was even more hilarious than Kandi!!! And her and Kandi were a fun duo throughout, too. And Kandi wasn't wrong. As soon as Sanya showed up, it killed her vibe. She's giving fun little sister vibe now versus hot delusional mess vibe, and it's working for me. She's finding her footing which I want to say a few of us have called her doing like Porsha did after her first two seasons. They still pick on her, but it's not as bad as it was. 


SANYA. Too early to call. Though I want to say trash. But then we see things like her working on that ad with iFit and she is still showing something other than baby drama. So again...too early to call. I liked Drew got her number. But I don't like that she has moved from Kenya and Kandi to Marlo and Sheree. And then she is going to stir the pot next week against Kenya who has been nice to her...yeah...messy.


MARLO. While I liked that she tried to explain herself with the nephews, I'm sorry, but that was wrong. And then to put them on her sister? People have been speaking nothing, but truth to her. What happens when the kids act like kids again? You don't get to get a time out when you are a parent/authority figure. As much as one might want it. And with her background? She knew she was wrong. Perhaps we will learn more when her mother shows up. Until then, continuing to attack Kandi and Kenya is doing her no favors. Actual trash. 


But...good start to the trip.

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Rinna feels that production should have featured her and Lois more.. Shame on everybody!


This latest tantrum didn't make sense to me until I realized that Rinna is not at BravoCon this year (was her invitation rescinded?) PLUS she doesn't seem to be featured on the new BH After Show. And neither is Diana:

(Fashion aside: Garcelle is killing it in that jewel-tone dress! I love Crystal's wardrobe, always. Yes, Sutton looks like static clung two dresses together, but I love it, too. Dorit is giving me schoolgirl anime. Erika is giving me 'Casablanca -- starring Blanche Devereux.' And Kyle is dressed like an MC at a talent show in Tampa in 1972).


All this to say that this (below) is the best Tweet in reaction to Rinna's complaint I have ever seen:

"Erika sings Amazing Grace"

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Maybe it's because I've been missing my fave franchise Potomac  but.... I think I'm liking Candiace these days? That may change when she and Brown D!ck reunite on screen, but I am looking forward to RHUGT 3 and her and Porsha as a pairing.

Also peeping Gizelle and Alexia together. ❤ 



IA with @Taoboi this has been an easy watch of a season. The show hasn't sparkled like in the killer earlier seasons, but it is harking back to the golden olden days with letting the women's individual stories play out organically. Kenya and Kandi reinforcing their friendship, and Kenya a natural anti-heroine because Marlo now is the villain. Not sure how I feel about Sanya. The collective sigh when Sanya appeared at dinner echoed mine.



I know people here and elsewhere think the show is a bore, but I am really hooked. Even though I hate that Caroline takes Sergio to all the women's gatherings (echoes of Alex & Simon!), she is finally coming into her own on this show. Especially talking about her upbringing and boarding school. I'm glad Lesa finally told her that telling her to suck Sergio's d!ck was unacceptable, though. 

Nina, Ayan and Sara, I love. Brooks is the antagonist. On the fence about Lesa.

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I Also agree w/ @Taoboi.  You are right on the money comparing this season to S11. I haven't thought of it before you mentioned it, but it's accurate. I am enjoying this season and believe everyone is working and bringing something to the table. Like you, Drew has grown on me too. 

Sanya, should definitely return next season. I love her living situation, i love her stance on not wanting another baby, and i love that she's a messy flip flopper! 

Imo, Atlanta has always been trigger happy when it comes to their newbies. My major gripe with this season, is that, Atlanta feels so small. I believe that since most of them been around 10 plus year's it's become a con for me. I need some fresher faces, personalities and feuds..........



@Cat I am also loving it. Brooks craziness makes the show for me though. I genuinely like something about all the women on the show at the moment. 

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