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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I’m not sure how I feel about this franchise. It looks beautiful and expensive and it’s interesting to view Dubai through a very Black and Arab/Emirati lens (so funny to see Caroline Stanbury as this cast’s Kim Zolciak, the sole Western white woman).

But that ending argument felt so boring and basic to me. Like you have this fascinating setting, and you’re gonna give us overly rehearsed, Standard Housewives Drama? 

To be clearer, it just didn’t make me care to see more of this particular group of women interacting. Felt kinda stale and forced in terms of the dynamics, even though it’s a very diverse group of women. I don’t feel a sense of history or layers.

Edited by Faulkner
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OMFG! Producer Kyle + Producer Garcelle x TagTeam = Great episode!!!


I know Cat and I were discussing that thread last week about how both ladies like to play Ghost Producer on the cast. But this episode...them working TOGETHER on the girls...that was a thing of beauty to me. Cuz that was messy as h@ll. I cannot at all say they did not give a good show. Unfortunately, it not only caused some interesting drama outside of the 'Everyone Pounce on Sutton' storyline, but it has the potential to have the unexpected effect of friction between Garcelle, Sutton, and Crystal. But...it did give some drama.


I mean when you think about it...they started off individually...Garcelle working EricFake, Kyle working Crystal...only to hit on Crystal vs Sutton. Again, I felt Garcelle was coming from a good place. Last week, I said she likes to keep everyone accountable. Including her friends. And this was the flaw in that...what if your friends don't like you doing that? Better that it's out in the open true, but I still gave some side-eye to her.


One thing I can say...while it still had the usual BH pattern of sticking to one issue...it felt fresh...probably because the drama did not seem fake.


And there was comedy in Garcelle dropping the son working for LVP tea. 3 seasons on and that Coven is STILL obsessed. lol. #staypressed


KYLE. Let me just go ahead and say that I LOVE her boots at Sutton's opening. lol. Two for two on her putting in the work this week. First, she was eavesdropping on Garcelle's talk to Crystal. And then she stirred that pot without Sutton around. And once they were at Sutton's event...BOOM!!! The tag team that her and Garcelle were doing. I think she was even in awe at how Garcelle brought up things with her ability to try to NOT let things go. Of course, she cannot be trusted. After all at the start of the episode, she kept saying she was too drunk to remember everything, but then there she was at the end of the episode, saying she remembered it all. Whatever, Kyle. PS. Love she is STILL bothered by LVP.


DORIT. Just when it appeared that she was getting back to normal...there's this last scene of the episode. Yeah, that was sad to see after seeing her have some humor. Though I side-eyed her for thinking Sutton was self centered for not warning her of the cameras (and of course Kyle was there to stir the pot). Girl, you are on  a reality tv show. You KNEW those cameras would be there. 


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. And so it begins...the decline of Lois. And already I found it triggering. Le sigh. I guess it's because we already know how this will end. The fact that LISA RINNA does not yet, but is being a concerned child, is enough. I really, really don't think I can sit through what's coming.


ERICFAKE. Don't worry, Boo. NO ONE missed you at Sutton's event. And...didn't your lawyer tell you to not say lies in public. ESPECIALLY about orphans, widows, and burn victims?

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SUTTON. Honestly? Unless Production is going to pull out some NEVER BEFORE scene we the audience don't know about, I am assuming that they are talking about what we saw. The 'I don't see color' scene. That was problematic enough. Other than that, she was good this episode. Still ignoring that fake pop star. Being happy her designer made it into the country (good job with continuity Production!!!). And she did not shy away from the drama. Though I do feel uneasy with Garcelle 'producing' her. That is going to taint their friendship if she's not careful.


CRYSTAL. Hmmm...well we always said that she was easily manipulated. SMH. But yeah, I don't like that she would bring up something and then...won't mention it all. Then why mention it? While I can understand that she and Sutton are in a better place now so why ruffle feathers...it does seem like a dangerous thing to do. I also thought it was very interesting that she was trying to appeal to Garcelle as a WOC in that last group scene since did not Garcelle deal with the same thing last season and was met with nothing? I might have to give her some side-eye.


GARCELLE. Love her, but this was the first episode where I felt like rather than just bring everything up so no one is hiding anything, Garcelle was coming across as calculating. And I dislike saying that, but it was true. Getting Crystal to come to the house. Being sure that Sutton knew what Crystal said. Working (along with Kyle) to get Crystal to say what was said. Warning Sutton about her 'new friend.' And of course, continuing to show EricFake is inherently cold, lying through her teeth. And of course...her joke about LVP and her son. Which of course felt like she wanted to let that cat out of the bag now so the Coven does not try to use it against her later. It also had them pressed. It also proved she continued to be ten steps ahead of all of them. Hmmmm...


And next week looks like it will be a doozy, too. 


OMG she is and her intro was iconic. 

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@Chris B @Taoboi Claudia did an interview with Carlos King and revealed some tea. She got promoted to housewife after her PR read of Nene by none other than Nene herself. She respected Claudia and liked that she held her own and told the producers they chose the wrong one (Between she and Demetria. She also reveals that she auditioned for RHOD. She filmed a few scenes with D’Andra but the day she was supposed to do a Zoom call with the producers,

Would Claudia ever do RH and would she be on RH of Dallas since she lives there. Claudia says absolutely. She had an interview to be on the show. She filmed a few scenes with D'Andra bc the show was looking to add diversity. The day of her audition she got the Fox Souls gig and was commuting to LA so she could only give them weekends. They decided not to move forward with her bc of that. Claudia then pitches a bunch of her black friends and jokes about Carlos producing Alpha Women Dallas
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You've gotta hand it to them, these broads know how to put on a great show.

Kyle: The Supreme has fallen and I think she might know it. Whatever face work she's recently had has also aged her. Or it's wearing off. Whatever it is, the mask is slipping in more ways than one.

Dorit: I am now rolling my eyes at her and side eye her trauma. The comment about Sutton not 'warning' her that there would be cameras at her fashion launch party? Please. Once you start airing your therapy sessions on TV you are fair game for any and all criticism. 

Garcelle: The Supreme has risen. Garcelle knows what it takes to make a good show and she's delivering. 

Sutton: I like that she's holding firm on having moved on and isn't playing into the game of digging up the past. She is not falling into the trap.

Crystal: This was not a good week for her. Not a good look. You're either going to say it or you're not. And if you're not, don't complain about it. 

Erika: Still a succubus. Not missed at Sutton's party.

Diana: She brings nothing to the show other than a Dollar Store Gabor Sister Vibe.

Rinna: Sad that Lois passed away. May her memory be a blessing.



RH of Dubai

I gave up 25 minutes in. Boring. Didn't like any of the women. Feels like UAE propaganda.

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So much is going on!


RHOA Reunion 

I’m loving Carlos’ new show but I wish he’d held off on this without Nene. Such an iconic group to reunite and it just will feel like it’s missing something without her. Still, it’s exciting and I do look forward to it. 


Im not overly impressed with the new season, but I enjoy it. I find the Dorit storyline to be unwatchable. I don’t find her endearing and it doesn’t help I don’t fully buy the story. I also find it odd Kyle has taken such a lead role in producing this story. Crystal and Sutton are giving us the most entertainment with Kyle and Garcelle taking the Co-EP role and making sure these ladies work. I feel it’ll improve over time so I’m being patient. 

Also, can we all agree that Diana is a horrible addition and needs to be a one and done? I cannot take her! I wasn’t fond due to the rumors, but her personal scenes are boring, her group scenes are boring  she is vapid and low energy and needs to be a one and done. She doesn’t even have good fashions.



I loved this! Much like Miami, it was well produced and felt fresh for Housewives. I love how diverse the cast is and feel like due to the setting, their differences will be more accepted than they would if this show were set somewhere else. 

I liked the entire cast and I liked that they were honest about how the women knew each other instead of acting like all were besties. I hope the new RHONY takes a similar approach by finding multiple groups of friends and trying to meld them together. There was lots of fun shade but nothing that felt too dark. The Brooks/Ayan fight and even Stanbury/Ayan reminds me of the pettiness of a Nene/Sheree feud which can be fun to watch and laugh at without having to pick sides. As long as they don’t get too dark and crash and burn like SLC, Bravo may have another hit on their hands.


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I honestly don't get why so many people (not here) aren't loving RHOA this season. This season is good. It is light-hearted. You can literally sense that the women do have love for one another at the crux of it all. From Marlo comforting Kenya to Kenya giving Sheree a shoulder a lean on--I love the sense of sisterhood! You can literally tell the difference of the show without a certain toxic three (Nene, Frick, and Frack) there poisoning the waters and steering the narrative their way. 

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