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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That was Chris Samuels.  Chris loves him some Monique.  Has her back and always present.  Not many men put their wives before their mothers (as they should) but Chris did. 

And we all know Gizzard is not above lying about couples because no one wants her sour ass.  She was willing to put out a rumor that Chase was not Chris'.  

So its very possible that Wendy is insulted because she knows what she has and does not want her husband maligned on this show.

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Very possible indeed, and I've not counted that out. It could simply be she does not want him maligned on the show in the eyes of her family and friends, or in the eyes of his employer.

Chris Samuels really put his family first. At reunion he never let the pressure off anybody, and took zero bullsh!t from Andy or the network. Other husbands, recognising the contribution Bravo makes to the household income, might have balked coming up against network brass. But he didn't, because his family was his only priority. He showed everybody up that night.

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+1 to all of this. Chris Samuels had one priority while on RHOP and that was protecting his family. 

Wendy doesn't want Eddie's name to cross anyone's lips in a negative way.

There was ZERO positive reason for Giselle to bring it up. ZERO. She wanted it to be a 'moment' and so it was, but for all the wrong reasons for her. 

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This GWTW Fabulous 'live' performance is so good! I couldn't take my eyes off the backing dancers who were voguing for their lives! Especially Baldylocks who was giving it 2,000%. And the show-stopping finish made me jump! (Mikey and Bamboozle Jayne later 'borrowed' a similar finale when they auditioned dancers on BH).  

Wendy lol.... that is one freshly-plumped, shiny cheek.

Candiace thinks she is sooo shady when she pulls that juice-sipping 'Chile' stuff. It is as annoying and fake as Kyle's open mouth of shock.

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In a word...low key. 


After the heady heights of last week's fabulous hot mess episode (thank you, Hurricane Ash), it was going to suffer from the abrupt chance in vibe. Still it was a nice coda to the near end of the first cast trip. And goodness knows we know more drama is coming. 


But overall it was a kiki for me. Though those battle lines are clearly drawned. GEB vs La Dame/Mia/Wendy and Ashley vs Candiace was a subfeud...I mean in the middle. lol.



Same. I'm not going to lie. I HOLLERED!!!! And like Wendy I would have side-eyed her, too. But darn if it was not funny. Shady AF, but funny. But La Dame brought a lot of funny. And I loved that her and Gizelle shaded each other without batting an eye during the dance competition. It would have been weird IF they did not to be honest. A real sign of a real friendship when one tease the other.


GIZELLE. I'm sorry, but I feel differently. As soon as she made the braids comment, Wendy was not going to take her seriously. Why? Because Gizelle could have said the same thing without a HINT of attitude. No one wants to have attitude thrown at them. More than likely she will get it back. All attitude shows is that one does not care so why should Wendy care back? But given the amount of customer service I have to deal with, if I am being polite to help you, there is no need to act with a funk with me. Nor should you be surprised when you get back what you give out.

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 If you catch my drift. 


ROBYN. Sorry. Wrong or not, Robyn was just looking for a moment. I know she does not get a lot of them (c)LA DAME, but she can figure something out. Love Drunk Robyn mind you, but that call to Juan who was paying her no mind just shows the disconnect between them to me. Points for being direct to Wendy, but again, that probably was a talk for one on one given that she felt it was so abruptly thrown at her by Wendy and she was truly hurt. 


CANDIACE. Really for the video if I'm honest. She was a good host for the most  part. And you can tell she is balancing that line between Wendy's friend and being in with the GEB.


ASHLEY. After last week's messiness, it was funny how irrelevant she was this week. But again...low key.


WENDY. Sorry again. I thought Wendy's tears were genuine. And she does get the right to be in her feelings. If she wants to talk to Gizelle, she will when she is good and ready. It does not look like it will get any better given that After Show clip I posted, but at least they came together when they laughed at Mia's poor pot stirring. Now her vs Robyn...dare I say it...that actually might be a better feud in the making. Robyn seem genuinely hurt that she would bring it up. And now would be great time to remind Robyn that she is Gizelle's shadow and jumps in waaaay tooo much for her as Askale said. And that makes you a target when you jump in when you should not, good friend or not. So association beef indeed. 


MIA. Still has a LOT to learn, but at least she's with the winning team.  And as Liberty said, she is most enjoyable with her kids. I do find her uneven at this point in the season, but enjoyable. I'm just ready for the salad toss. lol. 


Easy. Breezy. As I like my Potomac episodes...

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