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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I guess that means that I'm more interested than I would like to admit to. And I liked that they were actually having fun. I liked the information about the history of the castle. I loved the mirrored swimming between Sutton and Ex Soap Opera Star. Oh and the SHHHHHHHHADE Production threw at Dorit was PRICELESS. I HOLLERED. And the BIGGER shade of connection Election Day to Erika's Filing...while true she did it that day...was delic.


But on the other hand, in real time...that was pretty boring. Compared to NY who out of ONE trip got a load of episodes and moments because they are just such strong personalities. This is just so lackluster in comparison.


Thank God there was still drama. From the 'from serious to just plain silly' drama of Sutton vs Crystal to the continuing saga of Garcelle vs that trick...I mean Ex Soap Opera Star to the cliffhanger at the end...there was enough moments to hold my interest.


Not enough Kathy for me. I'll say that right now.

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KYLE. How interesting that she would having a talk about nudity and being naked only to have Crystal run to her to talk about the other night when Sutton walked in on her naked. Hmmmm...those producer hands are showing. Also of notice was seeing her face when Garcelle got into it with Ex Soap Opera Star again. You could already see the wheels turning...or was she glad she was not the target that time?


ERIKA. Oh, look!!! The ice bitcas bonding. Probably just Erika looking for another ally when the *hit hit the fan which it did in the end with the start of the divorce. Funny how they all found out in a text message but what do I know about close friends? *shrugs*


GARCELLE. Loved that she gave Sutton the benefit of the doubt when she was listening to Crystal talk while at the same time agree with what Crystal said. STAN her staying on Ex Soap Opera Star's neck. She thought she was going to be slick and compare last season to a story of her husband's friend being a rapist when Denise was not raping anyone. NO, BITCA. WHAT WE ARE NOT GONNA DO IS DRAG YOUR FRIEND UP. BUT YOU WANT TO SEE A DRAG...? And then she applied pressure to that trifling heffa and I was like YAAASSSS. Called her out for telling the story. Called her out for making the comparison to Denise. Called her out for Denise. Called her out for not minding her own business with Denise. Called her out for making herself the center of attention in Denise's drama. Called her out on being fake and phony. Warned her next time STFU and KEEP...IT...MOVING. It was brief but oh so good. She even made that ex soap opera star the butt of a joke with the swimming, but that could be considered a chin checked. So...I'll allow it. Speaking of...




Not since Penny HoldingandFold have I disliked someone on this show. But this trick? She thought that she was going to be connecting Denise to a rapist? And she is STILL teasing Denise secrets? That is really funny since Denise was ready to spill her tea at last year's ambush...I mean reunion. She suuuure likes to start stuff. And I loved Garcelle brought up her being the ringleader when she should have shut up. She got off easy.


DORIT. The shade, the shade, the shade from Production and the side-eyes the ladies gave her when she lied was PRICELESS. Total comedic relief. 


SUTTON. Who would have thought that by the end of the episode, Sutton would be the sane one? But after being extra all last week, it was nice to see Sutton back in her quirky ness. I still feel her talk was more about she felt Kyle and Crystal were about to talk crap about Garcelle and she put her foot in her mouth. And I liked that she tried to fix the tension between her and Crystal. But Lord...childe...she has so much to learn and it's not all about her. But again...she did try to fix it. The irony of what she did and how she reacted only for the tables to turn was hilarious. So what is this feud...the battle of the social awkward housewives?



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I mean she spent all episode feeling some kind of way to Sutton. And then she turned around and started to act as crazy as she was saying Sutton was being and not letting it go and being EXTRA, TOO??? I mean...GUUUUURRRRRLLL!!!! I do feel this is going to turn into a silly feud and I'm for that. 


KATHY. Because it can't be said enough...NOT ENOUGH KATHY. LOL!!!


Next week must be good cuz nothing has been released...not even a trailer. 






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I thought the same thing.  Crystal made that crap up.  If she were really bothered and offended by the innocent thing Sutton did, then she wouldn't have gone on the boat trip and definitely wouldn't have had a conversation with Sutton on the boat without bringing it up.  Crystal seems like a real b*tch to me.  Total mean girl.

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UGH Sutton. I was rooting for you! That house excuse was BS and the crying made her look like the typical Karen that she didnt want to be


On one hand I think that Garcelle needs to stop bringing up Denise and move no but f--k that! She is giving Rinna a taste of her own medicine bc she keeps bringing things up and forcing people to own it


This Crystal/Sutton feud is so draining. Im ready for it to be over. I cant stand Crystal and am onto her BS too


Bravo saving that Erika drama for the very end. It was a good tease and Im here for it

Edited by Cheap21
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I genuinely don't see Bethenny Frankel returning to The Real Housewives of New York at all... at least, not in the near future. As for leaving her deal, she explained why.

The Big Shot actually did not bomb; I'm just sure the restrictions her deal with Mark Burnett and MGM (horrible company history, btw) prevented her from doing other things she wanted to do.

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It could be, as you say, that she didn't want to be held back by the Burnett/MGM deal (even though she left RHONY very abruptly because of it). Bethenny works hard to maintain almost complete control over her projects and her brand (not that I blame her).


But it could also be just as possible that Bethenny is putting a positive spin on a situation where Burnett/MGM may have wanted to part ways with her.


IA that Bethenny looks down on RH -- on her podcast, she has been openly critical of aspects of her time on Bravo. For that reason, she may never come back. But I think if she doesn't get another production deal (and TV/streaming production is ultimately where she wants to be, not sourcing Skinnygirl Cured Meats), she and Bravo may put aside their differences in the next year or so.

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Well, per the article and Frankel's podcast, she did end her deal because of the restrictions it had put on her podcast and, I am sure, other ventures she would want to pursue.


I'm pretty sure Frankel never said "never say never," in regards to her return, but I feel like she did what she needed to do when she returned last time, and I feel like a more permanent move to Boston to be with Paul might be in her future.

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True. A lot may also depend on Brynn's schooling and the shared custody agreement with Hoppy. 


I hope that even if she does move to Boston (my adopted hometown once upon a time), she keeps the Bridgehampton house -- it's an incredible property and where she and her daughter lived during lockdown.

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Oh my God! There were so many hilarious LOL moments. I'm glad I've saved this for the end of my day. Like I said above, these women give so much and we are still in the first few weeks of filming, too? Just awesome!!! From Sonja's love of dad bods to the look LuAnn gave Heather used the word 'apology' to Ramona being Ramona, it was good clean fun. Heck, even Eboni is getting into the rhythm of how the ladies fight and make up and then start up again per her conversation with Lu in aftermath of last week. 


And then...the buzzkill.




Lord I agree with the rest of you. Last week I felt how Leah was feeling with her grandmother. But if Eboni has stuff with her grandmother and she is keeping a stiff upper lip, I would think Leah could be the same. Especially since she has support in Eboni and the girls. If it was too much, I feel that I would be going to my grandmother's side as well, not making excuses about 'there are so many family members there already.' And...? You push them out of the way or be as overdramatic as she was being in this episode. She was totally killing the vibe. 




THE LOOKS. Oh my God. No one gives side-eye like the NY ladies were giving looks last night. Highlight was the look LuAnn gave when Heather used one simple word: apology. 


SONJA/EBONI. Sonja came across so well. But I'm loving how their friendship is growing. Eboni telling her that she is special to her face. Lord, I had tears. To see someone focus on Sonja. To care about Sonja. To make Sonja feel important. And now she wants to play matchmaker. I was like GUUUURRRRL!!! I was happy that Sonja was open to that since in the past Sonja always reacts badly. And I loved that Sonja was there for the Lu/Eboni conversation to make sure that people heard Eboni. Speaking of...


HEATHER. And THIS is why she is needed. She has immediately brought a balance that has been missing. I feel like we have the fun drunks and the logical (but also fun) ladies again. And we are getting so much from that dynamic. All they are missing is Carole. lol. I felt though Sonja helped as well, Ramona and Lu would have easily dismissed her. God bless Heather was there to not be a pushover. Ramona and Lu had no choice but to hear the words coming out of Eboni's mouth. And Heather was there to moderate. I didn't like the politics talk, but I liked that Heather just brought a different flavor to everything. Who knows how things would have gone if she was not there. It felt thankfully organic.


THE EBONI/LU CONVERSATION. Yeah, it does sound like it was a misunderstanding. While Lu was trying to be....well Lu...I was happy to see that the ladies got her to listen to what was being said. Meanwhile, I thought Eboni thought a good job explaining her point of view and how sometimes you get tired of having to explain to another race why something is off (same, girl). And I laughed at them making up because in that moment Eboni was truly in the fold of how these girls rolled (fight, makeup, fight again, makeup). 


RAMONA BEING...RAMONA. Of course. lol. But she came across very good this week. 




LEAH. Lord, girl. Shut up. I felt her pain last week. But this week she was just all over, her jealousy for Heather was very very apparent. And I was mad at Eboni for saying anything to her (did I miss that scene?) if it was going to turn into a Karen vs Karen screaming match. Girl, go and be with your grandmother if you are going to be this triggered. She was a total buzzkill.


EBONI. Messy with that Leah/Heather mess. But I understand why.


The TBC...so is that it? Next week sounds like Leah will up and leave with no physical drama between her and Heather. Things to make you go hmmm. Dorinda style cover-up?



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Here's my theory (based on absolutely no evidence, but when did that stop anyone on the internet), the story notes that she co-produced Big Shot with her own production company and she recently changed podcast networks to iheart radio. 


So, I think:


(1) she found out that producing less than 10 episodes of reality TV is not that difficult to do on your own, she can sell it and keep all of the profits for herself,


(2) MGM was recently acquired by Amazon which may effect the distribution of her show to Netflix,


(3) iheart media already owns a lot of tv production firms so she may be able to get a larger cut when she produces her next show.

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It's curious timing given that Amazon has announced its acquisition of MGM...you'd think Bethenny would want to leverage that relationship, but perhaps it would be less to her advantage than it would appear. Either way, I'd never say never about a RHONY return for her, it's all about career trajectory and if she's running out of runway, she'll come back to RHONY and extend those 15 minutes. 




I don't have much to add to what's already been said, but Crystal...good lord is she nasty. The way she dismissively said "OK" to Sutton half a dozen times on that boat ride, it's evident that she wasn't interested in listening to her at all. 


And then to try and make some big deal about Sutton innocently walking into her room to return that coat and that Crystal was "naked" (or was it in her robe, the way she 'explained' it was very unclear...) as if she's trying to make Sutton out to be some sort of pervert or judgment hag? No way. That is some foul nonsense.



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