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Leah is so pressed and threatened by Heather. It’s pitiful. Maybe she felt like her place as the young(ish) white girl on the show would be on the line?


Her [!@#$%^&*] stirring is so artless and obvious. She needs to go back and study the Kenyas and the Tamras.

Edited by Faulkner
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RHONY hit its groove this episode.  It felt right where it should be and the editing process allowed every beat to play out (unlike some other RH shows we could mention).


Eboni currently is playing The White Girl Whisperer but I have to imagine that is going to wear thin soon once Ramona, Sonja and Luann keep repeatingtheir mistakes. Luann will be the slipperiest. Nevertheless, I felt that she can handle Ramona and Sonja well, and she was essentially the voice of the audience watching Sonja spiral. Sonja has more going on than she is saying and I bet it's serious money issues.


It's not that I wasn't lowkey triggered by what Leah was trying to do, getting the army all aligned against Heather. It's that I could see that she and Luann are in cahoots and doing the stirring together. Luann was more than ready to jump on that bone, and she will be helping to bring Heather down. We all heard the podcasts Heather did about her time on the show, and it looks like she won't be backtracking from her statements, so I'm excited to see her bring receipts. I'm only bummed that this forced her out earlier than planned. 

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Yes I do believe that final trip got canceled because someone got COVID, but nobody would admit to it publicly so we will see if it’s revealed in the show. The trailer shows parts of the main cast trip in Salem. That’s when Bershan/Sonja have that fight where Sonja breaks the glass. 

Edited by Chris B
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I think I heard that it was Sonja who got Covid towards the end of shooting.


Wait, and didn't Leah call out Ramona for partying with Douche Jr's girlfriend infecting people,  and then ended up getting Covid herself? Or did I imagine that?

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These kind of lists are hard because everyone (me included) wants to nitpick this or that placement. My surprise is that, since the author mentions that the tableflip is #1, partly because the clip has been seen way beyond the Housewives watcher universe (which is true), I would have thought Aviva's leg-throwing would also be in the top considering that's another clip I see many non-watchers have seen or heard of as well.

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I am so glad that Garcelle is holding Rinna's flat a** to the fire. For once, someone isn't letting her get off scot's free with her heinous acts. And while Dorit is now saying on WWHL that she trusts Rinna 100%, the footage showed otherwise. 


And Erika is a moron for agreeing to do this season. I hope she knows that the FEDS are clocking everything. If she don't know, she better go and ask Phaedra and Apollo. 




Y'all know I ain't never been pro-Tre, but this season--this reunion swayed me to her side. Jackie/Melissa/Marge alliance must me demolished. How they are always in sync when it is blatantly obvious one of them is lying and it was sickening. 


And Jennifer was the star tonight. I was salivating over her eating Marge and Melissa alive. 


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Ain't no one backing down on RHONJ, I LOVE it!


I hear they are ALL back next season, which starts taping soon, and there's a new AA HW added to the cast, Akeesha Colon (spelling could be off)  My apologies if this was already revealed!

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I know everybody hates these shorter seasons, but this season has been flawless and this reunion? My god! This was one of the best reunions I've ever seen. It wasn't super dark, but it had a steady flow of drama and this cast has good chemistry. The only person I do think they could afford to lose is Jackie, but I'm okay with her staying. I'm glad they're getting down to the obvious which is that the rumor came from Margaret. Her husband completely gave that away, because how could he know that and not her? I hope they tear her ass up next week!




This was a strong premiere that did a great job of setting things up and also delivering a high level of shade. This felt like RHOBH at it's best. They finally have a cast with chemistry that works. The MVP was Garcelle. She wasn't the only one, but it cannot be stated enough how she carried this premiere. She was in almost every scene! People were mad she missed a few events last season, but it seems like she's very involved and in control! Crystal had a nice introduction and seems like she'll easily fit in. I didn't know what to expect of her considering she's younger, but she's definitely not intimidated or afraid. I feel Kyle and Rinna will have the least to offer this season, but they didn't bother me. 


Also LOVED seeing Sutton with a diamond and title card.

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I hate to admit it, but...I liked it.


On one hand it was a good premiere. It took us back to Ground Zero with the wannabe...I mean BH ladies...who apparently don't keep in touch with each other (other than Garcelle and Sutton) outside of filming. And outside of those wannabes, all I cared about was Dorit who continues to be in her own little world as she continues to balance between the Mean Girls (+ Crystal) and the Real Girls (aka Garcelle and Sutton + Will Smith's ex). 


On the other hands, it also dealt with the fallout from last season's reunion. And I found that the best part of this premiere. It did a great job of bringing in this new tension while being a first episode. And by doing it, it brought back BH's old school intrigue that it used to have. It was known that Garcelle fell out with Ex Soap Opera Star over her betrayal of good friend Denise F*cking Richards. It was also known Garcelle did not take kindly to Kyle's weak sauce attempt to make her look bad. And since forewarned is FOREARMED, Garcelle has come into this season gun blazing and with a craftly straightforwardness that is refreshing as well as dangerous. It was very telling in her talk with Sutton at Dorit's BBQ how while Sutton gave great advice, Garcelle was keeping her cards close to the vest and if Ex Soap Opera Star thought otherwise...to quote Garcelle...'HER bad.' While it kinda seems to be known how it ends with Kyle and that soap opera star, I will be enjoying every minute of her staying on their necks...including if one of them is the one who apparently will be trying to play the race card and she had to gather them all the way together per an interview she gave recently. 


The other mystery is Erika. I did not like that heffa AT ALL. And I have to wonder what game Production is playing. Like Shady Phae Phae and Apollo before her, she knows the FBI is watching. And what does Production do? They are showing EVERYTHING. Closets of clothes. Wide angles of houses. Fast cars. All kinds of jewelry. But yet she can't pay back all those people her husband stole money from to fund her careeer allegedly? And worse...she is flaunting all of them while playing victim a la Brandi. I will enjoy seeing her roasted. And I hope she does get roasted.


So starting out the season...


KYLE. Other than the addition of Kathy...who is a great bridge between Kyle and new girl Crystal...Kyle ain't bringing anything. Though her fashion game has gotten a little better. And I see after her failed attempt to be Queen Bee, she has gone back to being whiny Gretchen Weiner again. Ugh.


DORIT. Harmless and still fun. Is that the first time we have seen her with PK in a while? And I am sadden after holding Kyle's feet to the fire, they are back to being buddy buddy. And I loved seeing her kids have grown.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. GUUUUUURL, YOU...ARE...DELUSIONAL if you think that Garcelle has truly forgiven you and no amount of fake acting is going to do. OWN IT!!! That's what you told Denise, riiiiight? At least it was a joy to watch Garcelle put pressure to her. In fact, that whole lunch was great since because they were BOTH showing who they were to the other. So...believe it.


CRYSTAL. Honestly? Too early for me to tell. On one hand, she is aligned with the Coven. On the other..she brings back (along with Sutton, Garcelle, and Dorit) an element of glamour and money. The fact that she knows Garcelle outside of the show and before casting is intriguing. And anyone who is an actual friend of Kathy Hilton must be a powerful woman in her own right. I am thinking of that picture last season of Kathy, Jenner, and Faye. So even though I want to be Team Sutton in the feud that is coming, I'm open minded.

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SUTTON. CONGRATS!!!! On the diamond. And already she is in a good spot. The best thing about her besides her wealth is her friendship with Garcelle. I loved seeing it grow. I love watching them have fun. I love that they can clearly talk to each other about anything and keep each other's confidence. And her sense of humor ('hey, Landlord!!!!) is still on point. 



Well, since Terri Demarco is no longer with us, you will have to do. 




GARCELLE. BOSS BITCA. Like I said above forewarned was forearmed. And Ex Soap Opera Star warned they might be coming for her this season. So from where I'm sitting, it appears Garcelle is playing a game of chess. And she is also not backing down as she lines up what she wants to do and where she wants to go. And she is really coming across more polished this season. After last season working, being a HW, and taking more of a backseat, Garcelle looked like she has observed enough with these witches to know what to do stay ahead of the game. Look fab. Resolve issues. Throw some great shade (Kyle and the goldfish everyone?). Gather hoes as necessary. Her lunch with Ex Soap Opera Star was one for the books, echoing for me the LVP/Adrienne sitdown Season 3. And I cannot wait for her to gather Kyle next week. 


And to think people think Garcelle cannot do much...black girl magic.  


Oh yeah!!! I forgot about Salem!!! I can't wait. 


I think they might have still did that cast trip once the person got well. So another mystery. hehe. We'll see.


You're good.  I was going to mention that to Chris today and see if he heard as well. Intriguing. 

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