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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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God, she looks so beautiful and New York has been on my mind lately in terms of my life post-pandemic...




Speaking of NY, I have left the Birkshires and am at Ramona's bday party...lol.


I hollered at the producers counting all of Ramona's 50 friends.


I did not like that Tonya chick calling out the girls as if Ramona is some high society lady herself. And I did not like Ramona singling Leah out when Lu, Dorinda, and Elyse were right there dancing too. And Sonja with the flower hat is a gif.


So I take it this was really when Leah vs Ramona started. Sad since earlier in the episode, Ramona was leaning on her somewhat to keep the other girls (well Sonja) calm. 


I am really not looking forward to the erasing of Elyse. She is really fitting in well now for me. So...ugh...



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Leah is returning! Bravo tried to lowball her but Im glad she stuck to her guns bc she was such an awesome addition and deserved a signficant raise. $3000 an episode with NYC's living expenses? That was way too low for her first season but Im glad she will be back with a pay increase

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Good for Leah. Bravo would be stupid to have lost Leah seeing as she is the future of that franchise. Realistically, you have about 1-2 season left to really get anything out of Ramona/Sonja and about 3-4 with Luann. RHONY needs to start casting for the future. I think they need to cast 3-4 women that are in the 30-40s age range to rebuild the show with Leah.

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Dorinda almost semi-redeemed herself at the end of the night where she acknowledged she was in a bad place and had anger and maybe should've taken a year off. Maybe she'll be back in Season 14 (if the rest of the OG's are still there...). 


Dorinda was a shitty friend to Ramona but it's funny how Ramona gets no sympathy from the audience via Twitter. Oh well. 


Side Note: On WWHL, Andy had Bethenny on, and a lil nugget of info slipped when he asked her a series of questions regarding regrets over the years on RHONY. He asked if she regretted making Alex McCord "the messenger" in the 3rd season when she relayed that message to Jill, and she said, "No because that's what kept her on the show."   Makes me think perhaps Alex was already on the chopping block during filming of the 3rd season (hence bringing on Sonja and Jennifer, with Sonja ultimately getting the Housewife spot).  I for one am glad she stuck around through seasons 3 and 4.  Otherwise, we'd never have gotten that wonderful "Herman Munster shoes" dig via LuAnn.... 


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Well, early word appears to be that we will be seeing ALL of the fight in 24 hours from now. lol. And apparently from different angles. 




So no talk about after having her jewelry stolen, Kyle's rings are popping up on other celebrities. I found that funny. And heard one of her rings is in Diane Keaton's possession.


And I apparently missed a good part of the SECRETS REVEALED episode, but the fact that a lot of people liked that more than the season as well as it was apparently like RHOA's this year as I suspected in that there were scenes that should have been in the season to inform what was going on. I heard they did touch on Dorit's lawsuit more in one scene. They extended out that scene of Ex Soap Star with her daughter moving into the apartment that was hinting at body issues before we got to Rome. Then there was Sutton showing off how much money she has, how fun she is, and how they should have allowed her to show what we have been missing: the glamour of earlier scenes. And then there was the FULL scene of 'Bravo, Bravo, Fraking Bravo' showing that that producer (and Kyle) had been gunning for Denise for a while and that given how he was being a d*ck on camera, it is funny how Erika tried to make Aaron a storyline. In fact, it kinda shows why Aaron started to step in with the ladies. 


And there was other fun scenes. Filler or no filler. It was a good mix.

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Finally caught up on Potomac. I can only echo what everyone says here: RHOP is the best of the franchises, and for a second or third straight year.


I still feel like I am Team Monique, even though I wonder if that will all change after tonight! I didn't like the way Candiace and Gizelle dismissed Monique in her own home. Candiace can pretend she is done with Monique all she wants, but really Monique is done with her. Can you forgive your friend aligning with Charrisse who spread that rumor about an affair and baby paternity? I don't know if I could. Also Candiace has been in Gizelle's back pocket for at least 2 years now. Her motives are untrustworthy.


Monique seems desperate to launch the Not For Lazy Moms podcast but she is going about it wrong. First of all, as Danny Pellegrino (a RH podcaster I love) pointed out, no podcast should cost $200,000. That is ridiculous for something that can be done in your back bedroom with cheap equipment. Secondly: paper flyers. Highly unnecessary. Thirdly, Not For Lazy Moms. That finger-pointy title has got to go! It's too judgmental. JMO.


The scene where Michael shouted at the producer, seemingly breaking the fourth wall, felt a bit performative. I also wasn't convinced by Ashley's confessions to her mother or the group. She looked like she was about to burst out laughing. Maybe that was her nerves or embarrassment. Nobody seemed surprised in the least.


Gizelle, interior designer. I am bracing myself for 90s decor and purple painted walls.



Yeah, the season wasn't exceptional, and people be clamoring for younger HWs. And yet the chemistry and love between these women is second to none. Andy was so present and engaged this reunion. He really enjoys these women and so do I. I will even miss Dorinda next year when S13 comes around.


Are you kidding me? I was lowkey joking! I see Kyle keeps trying to make Encino happen. I have to imagine the Arroyaves put down US$6.5mn in part expecting that RHOBH cheque to keep on coming. Yikes.


Seems like Meg Ryan's ex-stepdaughter is taking the fall for the Coven as a whole. Bravo fired an unpopular cast member, and it was a no-brainer. But while Kyle, Rinna and Erika are around, BH's bullying and inauthenticity problem continues.


Right now, RH viewers seem to be looking for more organic relationships, nuance, laughter and authenticity in their shows. Kyle and Rinna are good at cribbing from other HWs who brought originality (LVP, Yolanda, Erika). But when it comes to pivoting, evolving or coming up with something fresh, I'm not sure Kyle or Rinna can drive that kind of shift. They wait for someone else to do it, then they jump on the bandwagon.

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