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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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She looks good! 
She has no idea why she isnt a housewife. She brought it this season and should have been more than a friend
She signed on bc she and Teresa are in a better place and wants to support her and be a good example for her kids
She is shady and does not like Margaret. Says she needs to stay out of her marriage
She talks to Wendy about her husband. Her marriage is falling apart. The wedding will be on the show. She implies that he may have a drinking problem
Apparently her husband loves the attention and has been talking about her on social media
Wendy asks her if she feels Teresa's marriage to Joe will last. Danielle says thats not for her to answer but she can see that they are in love.
She has no opinion on the new blonde housewife. She says she's been around the zoo long enough and can tell which animal will stay and which will go, implying she's boring and will likely be a 1 season wonder
Wendy asks her if she had the chance to reconcile with one past housewife, Dina, Jaq, or Caroline, which would you pick? Danielle says Dina
What's your thoughts on Caroline? Danielle goes "Who?"
What about Jaqueline? "Thats a whole lot of crazy." and Jaq doesnt own it
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Ahh got it. Sorry, I misread what you were saying.


Seriously, this season would be so good seeing preggers Kenya and Porsha bonding, giving each other advice, talking about the hopes they have for their babies, etc. I would watch that.




I don't know why she isn't a HW either. Danielle brings it. Why does Bravo feel it must absolutely edit out most of the marriage stuff? This is drama, and organic drama at that. And it is very Danielle. I'd rather watch that than the Gorga family restaurant.


Sad that the burgeoning Danielle-Margaret friendship did not work out. Sounds like Margaret talked about Danielle's marriage. So once again I have to ask: why is Danielle not a HW??


ETA: She is right about Jaqueline.

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+1 on "Why Isn't Danielle Staub A Housewife??" 


P.S. Of all the women in Housewifeland who are trying as hard as they can to stave off Father Time, I gotta go with Ramona as the one fighting off aging the best.  I can't wait to see what they all look like at 70

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They can't fight him forever... 

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The site won't let me access it, because I am in foreign lands and therefore not to be trusted. 

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But if this is anything like yesterday's TT post




...then I think I know what this is about. (Don't know what the Kyle-Ken screaming match is about tho).


LVP is being iced out, or she has chosen to ice herself out. RHOBH is a Jenner-Kardashian wannabe hybrid, and The Lost Collins Sister doesn't fit that template anymore.


LVP is better off doing VPR and having her own mini-show tbh. The mini-show could follow Lisa & Ken on their travels to London and the South of France. Back in the early days of BH, they went to the SoF to visit Ken's son (her stepson) and his wife. There was some contention about the relationship because the wife had been LVP's peer age-wise and Ken's son was much younger. LVP laid the dynamics out there. It made for an interesting, rather moving, trip (as well as a glamorous one).


This is LVP's natural stomping ground. There is something wonderfully 80s about Lisa, from her looks (Lost Collins Sister meets Scarlett O'Hara) to her Alexis Colbyesque aura, to her connection with the go-go 80s London nightclub world. Sir Alan Sugar, Dame Joan Collins! -- there are lot of big names that could show up if the Todds wanted to tug on their UK connections. I would rather see her dip a toe in that Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous world than attempt another SoulCycle class.


As for the rest of these BH HWs -- let them ape the rapidly-declining KUWTK in their bid for relevancy. I am willing to enjoy this new grouping for what it is -- ex-actresses in a second tier reality show which E! churns out and then cancels with alacrity. BH won't be the way it was in the first few seasons. Rinna and Erika have seen to that. The show has evolved and LVP is not part of that evolution.


If Bravo really wants to give the franchise heft, they would hire Naomi Campbell (who has a place in LA) to be Queen Bitch of BH. She would be SUPERB.

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I hope Ken went full scale Old School East End on Kyle. They haven’t been real friends since Mauricio sold their old house. Now that Kyle is back in the fold with Kathy and Kim I’m sure she felt comfortable throwing away what was left of her relationship with LVP. 



A 6 episode mini show following LVP and Ken to the south of France would be amazing! I loved the episode when they visited Warren and his wife Sue Vanner (who are close friends of Dame Joan Collins) - it would be superb. 


I hope LVP quits. Then I can dump BH. VPR is way better anyway. 

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He gets away with murder.  He is a vile, disgusting, misogynistic creep.  The sh!t that comes out of his mouth to the other hws, to their face or behind their backs, is horrible.  On a show like OC for example, the husbands/boyfriends are held crazy accountable, as they should be... but Ken is coming out with profanities and character defamation like he's Tamra Judge or Kelly Dodd and he's never held accountable.  I don't agree with the other hws' feeble and childish attempts to take down LVP, but it's clear to me that she and her husband are awful c u next Tuesday's that hide behind their British accents and tacky af over-the-top lifestyle to hide their utter treachery.  Irl they may have really redeeming qualities, but on this show they're real pieces of work.  And on pump rules, they both better get wise to the fact that those kids are making the show and generating immeasurable tourist interest in the restaurants.

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Now that I read the article it sounds like shades of Season 4 to me...when the group wanted to catch LVP in a lie and it just escalates. Except it might actually be a lie. And it was a lie (it is not revealed what the lie is) that they kept harping on to the point that LVP isn't even talking to Dorit and Teddi who she had a good friendship with. Denise, having a mind of her own, is being Kandi (filming with everyone with a dash of Season 5 Eileen with an open mind about the situation) about it all so LVP is only filming with her.


I read it this morning, but my apologies if I am missing anything. 


It does seem like an ice out though.


And YAAAAASSS to Naomi. Could you imagine her vs Erika? She would eat that trick ALIVE.



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In regards to BH, team Lisa and Ken. I think the biggest move Lisa could do right now is quit midseason. Hunni, don't even show up at the reunion. That'd force them to scramble and find something else to discuss. I agree with the mass that LVP needs to leave this show and focus all her energy on PumpRules and creating other spinoffs for Bravo. 


When it comes to Michael Darby's charges being dropped, the damage is done. I've been adamant from DAY ONE that Michael is a strange bird. I hope Karen drags him and Ashley throughout the season even though I know she won't do it b/c she has class. 

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