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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm with @Cat. KG has nothing to lose at this point. Might as well take your faux friends down with you. Plus, it is obvious that Andy has some deep seated hatred towards women. That's why he exploits them on Housewives and all these other shows on his network. Deep down, I believe Andy Cohen is a bitter, hateful troll. 

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Cookie, Bethenny's dog, had a seizure and is close to death.


She posted on her InstaStories a clip of Cookie having a seizure and desperate pleas for help (they were in the Hamptons...with no vet nearby). 

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Poor Cookie and poor Bethenny. For 17 years, Cookie has been her one constant companion through everything... being poor, making it big, getting married, having a baby, a bitter divorce. Wow. 



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I don't like Andy Cohen very much, and I've always found Anderson Cooper to be phony and pompous, but it's difficult to watch what's happened with her. She's gone from being apologetic to putting on a brave face, but it feels hollow.


She made a stupid choice, and her career has suffered for it, but ultimately that decision was on her. She's never been universally beloved in the industry, she made a meal for many years out of her feuds with people and dislike for people. I get the feeling that as time passed she mistook what was obviously fake friendship for business purposes with some type of real bonds, and she got too comfortable with her niche in the industry. It doesn't matter if other people did this or that and didn't suffer - what matters is that her relationships with the people in showbiz were obviously not strong enough to survive, and I have a hard time imagining that was just from the photo shoot. It means they were already fragile to begin with. 


I also thought her calling Anderson Cooper an "heiress" was offputting and yet another example of her treating gay men as objects and accessories ("my gays"), not friends. A lot of women do this, especially in her generation, likely with the idea that they are so honored and grateful to be acknowledged at all that they are 100% loyal. Clearly that wasn't the case, so that means she's comfortable making comments that allegedly liberal people would not say. Of course she's happy to use "her gays" when it's time to read out homophobic slurs they send her about Cooper:




I have no real pity for him, and certainly not for Andy Cohen, but neither of them have ever hidden much about who they really are (including this "misogyny" which I don't remember Griffin ever having a problem with in her career). She just didn't see the full force of it until she got on the wrong side. At her age and with her career she should have known better. She didn't, and now she's just going to keep talking about how hard done by she is and wait for "yas queen" in response. I guess if it gets her gigs, it gets her gigs, but I'll just be glad when the whole thing is over. I used to really enjoy her comedy and maybe she can turn it all around for herself, but the current PR exercise or "tea-spilling" or whatever she wants to call it feels like circling the drain.

Edited by DRW50
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I have to agree - I don’t think he likes women. This opinion has been developing for a while now, seeing how he treats some of the wives with contempt (ie the strong ones like LVP who won’t get pushed around)...Andy is on a career slide of his own, and has been for a while now, his meanness is going to get the better of him, he just doesn’t seem to know it yet. 


Kathy’s career will never be the same again, but it’s been in decline for years. I just wish Joan Rivers was around to counsel her. 


I would respectfully disagree @DRW50 that Kathy has been anything but a staunch defender of the LGBTQIA community - I don’t think she means any harm with the “my gays” comment, nor do I think she considers her gay friends accessories. She does a lot of quiet charity work for the community and has done so for 20+ years.  

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After watching this, I can't help but to wonder WTF?  Why don't you drive the poor dog to the nearest vet instead of posting shock video on social media of the dog having a seizure, and crying that the vet is too far away and your daughter is watching this... now you have millions of daughters potentially watching the same thing?  Just drive the dog to the f'ing vet?  I'm sorry, but does anyone else find this odd?  I know it's hard and at times you may feel helpless in emergencies, but if you're able to make snapchat videos of the ordeal, then I would imagine you're capable of calling a vet or driving 40 minutes.  She complains about the vet being too far away, but like, what else can you do Bethenny?  




On another note, IG is showing that NYC is filming again with Ramona and Sonja.  

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Yes, I found it odd, because my first instinct when my dog is in convulsions is not to film it for social media. My first instinct would be to either go on Google Maps and type in "vet", or call the local operator. However, once when i had a kitchen leak, i did jump on a WhatsApp chat i am on and asked the participants what to do, lol.


I also do not live my entire life on social media. Bethenny is on there multiple times a day; part of it is cultivating her own personal brand, but part of it is actually living a life there, interacting with people constantly. I am going to give Bethenny the benefit of the doubt even though I don't quite understand her actions. She is very volatile emotionally, and super dramatic. Social media is her platform, akin to opening her front door and interacting with passers by on the street. She was in a stressful, panic stricken moment and went with her first instinct (social media! My followers!) in the hope that somebody would reach out and give the right advice. I wouldn't know what I would do if the dog I loved for almost 20 years was dying like this. I also don't know what I would do if I didn't have close family or friends, which Bethenny does not seem to have. Only paid employees. So in a way, social media is her only way of having some kind of 'friendship circle.'

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@DRW50 @DaytimeFan @Nothin'ButAttitude IA about Andy, and the misogyny has worsened in recent times. I'm not going to get holier than thou about the HW shows as we all know exactly what they are, and still watch and love them. But the shows do milk women's worst, most irrational instincts. I am reminded of Andy giggling behind his question cards as Bethenny went after Luann again and again and again on that Season 8 Reunion, or the amusement he has for Erika Jayne refering to the other HWs as c-u-next-Tuesdays. He loves that mess. As a self-confessed 'superficial' person, his understanding of women can be boiled down to AMC and Erica Kane having a catfight with Maria.


All of this kind of goes against the stereotype surrounding the bond between females and gay men. On TV, gay men of the "yas kween" finger-snapping variety are meant to be women's confidants, 'her gays' who understand her in a way the straight male doesn't. And who do her hair & makeup & wardrobe because all gays have unerringly great style, right? The bond is reduced to the purely superficial, like she is their living doll and they are her pets. It is perhaps long overdue for that stereotype to be put to the wayside because it feels very SATC circa 2003-ish. People currently seem to be trying to push against archetypes and start treating people on individual terms.

I think that Kathy bought into the stereotype of 'my gays will always have my back.' It is her target demo after all, and maybe she felt she would have a long career because of that fanbase. Unfortunately for her, nobody conforms to a stereotype all of the time. And most people won't have your back when they don't necessarily agree with something you did. Anderson and Andy distanced themselves from her after the Trump's Head debacle. KG made a decision to do that all on her own. I understand she is desperate over losing a lot of her livelihood. I understand she is hurt about Anderson Cooper, as she felt he was her friend. However, if he didn't like what he saw from her, why shouldn't he say so? Even the stuff against Andy, while probably true, seems petty -- his shade of her at LAX was infantile and imo not worth getting into a tizz about. Let's not forget that when they were copacetic, she was pretty supportive of him, Bravo and the RH shows.


Andy has let his own fame go to his head, though. I sometimes feel like his own implosion is imminent.

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Um, did Andy Cohen watch Santa Barbara as well?  Eileen Davidson appeared as Kelly Capwell on that soap from 1991 to 1993.


Also, was Andy ever a regular viewer of Days of our Lives?  I can't say that Lisa Rinna would be where she is today without her work on that soap.

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