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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I remember it look a long time for Season 5 to build up, and then once it started to pop, boom, the season was over! 


I definitely agree that Season 6 was their worst and most pointless. Plus, they took like a year and a half off in between shooting season 5 to 6. Very strange. It almost seemed that Bravo wasn't going to renew them. The whole switcheroo with Aviva in the opening credits, but taking LuAnn out as a "full-time" wife yet still featured in nearly every single episode... the whole season seemed sloppy and patched together. 


Season 4 had a few dull episodes at the beginning, but overall was great once they hit Morocco. Plus, you still had all the original women, sans Bethenny, so it's still a part of their early "golden" era before their massive overhaul. 

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Was Season 6 the year they went to Montana?  That may have been the most boring trip ever.  That season, however, did have some amazing and/or significant moments:  Bookgate with Aviva and Carole, Sonja's dog memorial where the ashes flew back over all the ladies, the first housewives crossover with BH's Yolanda and Brandi, and Ramona throwing a glass at Kristin and busting her lip.



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Cue one of my favourite memes!


Image result for luann riding a camel gif


Re: Season 6, I think there were money issues with Luann, Ramona and Sonja demanding higher salaries. Bravo refused, and went ahead with the start of shooting (hence probably the Aviva vs Carole showdown early on in the season). Sonja caved because she needed the money, Ramona followed and probably promised to film with Aviva who was being iced out by Heather and Carole. Luann ended up getting punished for the salary demands (probably as a lesson to the others!) by filming a lot but not getting full housewife status. 



Yes S6 had the Montana trip and about 20 solid minutes devoted to Tomboy Heather peer-pressuring Kristen to absail down a cliff face. Thrilling! 


I also remember the Berkshires (where Ramona threw a glass at Kristen's face) was the one where Ramona hated every second of her stay and even Amazon-ordered a giant electric fan for her and Sonja's bedroom at Heather's house, lol.


Aviva was in the credits because of this


Image result for aviva's leg gifs


but apart from that, I could have done without her and her gross father. She was kind of like Lisa Rinna in the sense that she was looking for any reason to pick a fight, even if it meant throwing unsubstantiated gossip that was incredibly damaging. I'm not a Carole fan, but writing IS her livelihood!

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I hardly watched season 6. It was pretty boring outside of a few of the standout moments you guys have pointed out. I loved season 5 though and seeing Heather/Carole develop a real friendship. Heather constantly giving Ramona the business. And obviously the St. Barts trip.

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Season 6 was pretty dull overall, especially with Aviva doing everything in her power to remain relevant. Season four gets flake but it was very entertaining overall. I understand it got very dark, but the ratings were good and that reboot was too drastic. It just made it seem like the show was such a failure which I'm sure didn't do much to bring people back the following year. 

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OMG Luann 

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  So funny.  Also, Bethenny needs to seriously lighten up.  I'm about finished with her.  I'm Team Ramona when it comes to this sh!t.  Bethenny can dish it all day long, but can't take it.

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Potomac Reunion Part 2


Robyn and Juan...I was cringing the entire time Juan had his mouth moving. That was dreadful to watch. Juan is so full of crap and tried to tap dance his way around Andy's questions, without any success. He's a liar and it's obvious. The moment those kids are anywhere near mature he is bolting and Robyn will be all alone and more miserable than she already is. She is doomed to an unhappy life because she doesn't want her life to change at all - she can't deal with the fact that her marriage is over. In addition, Robyn was sitting like she was on a toilet throughout much of the reunion. 


Ashley, admirably, kept it 100% about her marriage. Have we ever seen a Housewives couple lay it out like that? They both seemed sad about the state of their marriage. And to Michael's credit he's still supporting Ashley's mother. 


Charisse is bitter trash. That type of stank attitude will never change. She's ageing from that bitterness. And that tragic wig. Her attempt at attacking Karen's marriage with the "Blue Eyes" rumour fell flat. She cannot outwit Karen. She should give up on that one.   


Giselle was the least relevant person on this reunion and this season as a whole. Time for her to get dumped.


Monique was great in part 1, but was quiet for part 2. 


Karen copping to having her implants out was good because it was obvious. Frankly, smaller breasts suit her. The thing you can say for Karen is that she has a very detailed memory and can recall small details when she wants to - but only when she wants to. She was very kind to Ashley in that production break when they were talking about Ashley's marriage. Karen can be a blowhard but I think she as a basic sense of decency that some of the other women simply do not have. 



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Page Six is reporting that Luann whacked Tom in public & they are already having marital issues...




I don't know how I feel about this Blue Eyes rumor. A lot of people online feel like Karen is starting this rumor herself. 

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 While I love the Grand Dame, I can see her doing it. I just see no one else putting up with Karen but Ray. 


I did not like the disrespect that women aimed at Ray throughout the season, and I am glad he called them on it tonight. Ray is one of the most respectful husbands in all the housewife franchises and he stays in his lane. The shots Gizelle and Charrisse aimed at him were unwarranted. 


While Monique was irrelevant during part 2, I like her and Chris' marriage. Those 2 genuinely love each other. They are one couple I see staying together when this is all over. 


Gotta commend Ashley for being transparent. She might be messy, but she is honest. Her and Michael are to be applauded about sharing their truth and taking control of their own narrative. 


Someone who should learn something from Ashley is Robyn. That whole scene with Juan was telling. Juan is totally over this 'arrangement.' I didn't appreciate Robyn's comment about boys that come from single mother homes having a higher rate of being in unsuccessful relationships. That's bull. As long as a child had a strong parent (or parents) instilling moral and providing them the proper tools for a successful relationship, they don't have to live in a 2 parent home. If anything, Robyn's situation is setting up a p*ss poor image for her boys. She needs to check herself after that comment. 


Cha-Cha... *sighs heavily* 92k on a champagne room? Really? I hope she walks away well in the divorce settlement, but I doubt it. I think God is gonna give her a swift dose of karma seeing as she stayed dissing Ray and his finances. 


Overall, this was a good season. I am stoked about s3 of Potomac as I feel these women are gonna really knock it out the park. Potomac has officially found their footing. However, I still feel that they need 1-2 explosive personalities to be added on with the current 6. 


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I was one of the few who was stoked by the reboot in S5 and pleasantly surprised by the season. S5 NY rediscovered its S1/S2 lightness and humor without forgetting the drama. I was relieved that Kelly, Cindy and Jill were no longer on the show. Jill Zarin had become exhaustingly mean, like a rottweiler who just won't.Let.GO of a child's leg.


Maybe the problem with NY has been the fact that Andy is a little too invested in this franchise. A franchise like the OC is kind of left to its own devices and is all the better for it, imo. Andy has two BFFs on NY (Bethenny, Carole). It is clear that he could not tolerate Jill anymore, and that is why she was fired. Given that she once wore a wire in order to trap him into saying something incriminating, I can see why he and Bravo let her go. No company wants to deal with a walking liability like that! Having said that, I think enough time has passed that Thirsty Jill could return. The problem is: would Andy want her return? Maybe. He's had Jill on WWHL a couple of times already. But would Bethenny? She clearly has power behind the scenes -- and that's another problem, because it is killing dramatic impetus on the show. Everybody but Ramona is too scared to go up against the de facto Exec Producer/Star. And that is probably a big reason why I am Team Ramona this season, as vile and crazy as some of her outbursts have been.

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Karen still posing!  Ugh!  Her comment about "sports money"?!!!!  Too bad Andy didn't let Monique wax that ass.  Sports money is better than no money!  That sports money has Monique living in a $5mil home, which is one of 5 homes and she hasn't creeped out in the middle of the night after selling $1mil below market!  Shut up, Karen!  


Monique - more than eared her place in S3.  She will bring it!  


Robyn is such a miserable low self esteem creep, and @DaytimeFan, I know Juan made you cringe, but Robyn is the one making me cringe.  I believe with every fiber of my being, if Robyn left, he wouldn't care.  Juan must have had such a crappy childhood without a dad that he refuses to do that to his sons.  No one buys Robyn's excuses for holding onto this man but Robyn.  So tired of her being so pathetic.  


Ashley learned the hard way - even tho her man is twice her age, it will take more than youth and coochie to keep him interested.  I believe these 2 are done.  Once one moves out, it's more than likely over.  Ashley's body is insane and she's very pretty, so another millionaire is right around the corner.  Go get him, girl.  Michael is finished.  


The other 2 - meh...

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Isn't it true when Bethenny returnes...a lot of heathers stuff wasn't shown and kristen didn't have a whole lot focused on her till the end of the season?  I admit when season 7 of NY came..i was interested to see Ramona post divorce, and how heather/kristen/Carole would mesh eith Bethenny.  Sadly...the show became all Bethenny...and we hardly got to see Ramona in her day to day life...and come on...Ramona on dates would have been comic/reality gold.  So I get why Ramona is pissed at Bethenny.

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I've never heard that. 


Word was that Heather didn't wanna show a lot of her personal life, hence why she kept latching on to Bethenny. People were saying that she was having marital problems and didn't want it to be a story on the show. 


Kristen was always boring. If Bethenny did spare us from seeing her stupid scene then I thank her. The only time I would've wanted to watch Kristen scenes would've been during the Ashley Madison scandal, which her husband was a victim of. However, Kristen didn't sign on for s8 during at the height of that. 

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