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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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StraightfromtheA is saying that Porsha/Cynthia might've gotten into it over the alleged Peter affair stories. But she too has said that word was that Porsha chased Cynthia down, words were exchanged, and Cynthia punted Porsha's ass. :lol:




She says that Porsha (at the moment) does not want to pursue anything, but I won't put anything past Porsha. I don't think Cynthia is out of the woods yet. 


Cynthia was like: 


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Because she gained a following overnight b/c of her ties to Nene and dislike for Nene. With Nene leaving, they couldn't get rid of Porsha (and possibly Phaedra) too. They had to soften the departure of Nene by keeping Thotlandia for another season. Hopefully, this is her last one. She stays in the middle of conflict that goes wrong and gets physical. 

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Meghan is VILE. She is so inappropriate and bitchy and scumbaggy. Her marriage is doomed. 100% doomed. Shades of Paul and Adrienne of BH in a bad way. She hates Vicki and there's no convincing me that she gives a flying damn about Brooks or Vicki. Meghan isn't a nice person. She's a bitch. And she's a weak bitch. She had to call over Jim Edmonds...which was a mistake since he didn't flinch about Meghan talking trash and had the class to say it isn't any of his business and that he understood why Vicki is upset and then spoke to Vicki and actually listened to her. And then he told Meghan to ZIP IT! Epic! "One time, listen to what I'm saying" - Jim Edmonds. Meghan is demented thinking that Vicki is creating drama with her.


Love Lizzie and it's so clear that once the old broads weren't around for Meghan to be bold in front of and it was just Meghan and Lizzie and Lizzie was calling out her bullsh*t, Meghan checked out. Lizzie is the only one with sense when she said everyone needs to 'drop it.' She's absolutely right. I love how Lizzie wears white at all times - even her wig was white!


Context is everything for Vicki. The discussion about Brooks is life and death. It's as real as it gets so I don't hold any part of her reactions against her. Meghan has overstepped boundaries in a major way. "I've been baptized and it's great"...what a great line! And then for her to give Jim Edmonds warnings about Meghan and her "Call me in 5 years when you're divorced" was prophetic and it's clear he knows when a fellow adult speaks to him.


Shannon and David...good lord. She needs to get a divorce. She wants to redo the past and that cannot happen. She wants something she can never have. 


Tamra: "I love Meghan's outfit. She looks like a slutty version of Heather." <-- sometimes Tamra is damn funny.

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Spot on, as usual. I CANNOT with that cowardly giraffe. She oozes insincerity, from her faux concern about Leanne and her stepchildren (if it's her attempt at appearing saintly for the cameras, it didn't work), to calling her husband over to Defend Her Honor. What honor? The honor of jumping to conclusions based on a 'psychic' with no references whom Tamra Barney met online?


Jim Edmonds impressed me this episode, and this comes after last week when I equated him with that gross human fat deposit, Jim Bellino. He handled the situation like an adult. He came in to defend what his wife actually said without white-washing her role in the drama. He thoughtfully answered Shannon's question about what he would do if he were Vicki. Then he sat down for a drink and told his wife to never involve him in her fake drama again. It was gold because it was real. His dismissive attitude with Meghan (as much as I hate to see couples dismiss each other like that) is understandable now given Meghan's obvious messiness and obsession with fame and causing trouble on the show. He's not interested, he has other things to worry about. I'd be stunned if by this time last year these two weren't separated.


Tamra's attitude this whole show really stunk. I loved her Cut Fitness 'sex tape' and Eddie really is a good sport. But she is still stirring things up -- and against her supposed BFF Vicki, too. I wonder what Vicki thinks after watching this episode in particular... Not least the way she agreed with Meghan after Meghan was all "Vicki's such a f*cking bitch!" (Honestly, Meghan has the maturity of a 14 years old). Let's not forget that Vicki is the one who sicced the psychic on everybody and kept discussing it not two seconds after giving Brooks a birthday cake. Tamra is back to her old covert tricks and I hope she gets called out on it.


Lizzie is awesome. I wish she was a regular HW and not just a friend of because she looks like the only one able to put these hoes in their place.


IA Shannon wants the impossible. David simply cannot give it to her. She either has to let go of the resentment forever or cut ties and move on.

Edited by Cat
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Shannon's storyline is too depressing. Im sick of hearing about cheating this and cheating that. She brings the entire season down and I wish there wasnt so much heavy focus on her being downright miserable. The kids so actively involved in this plot makes it uncomfortable to watch


Vicki's son Michael has grown into quite a good looking man

Edited by Cheap21
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IA, I feel like they are trying to brighten their parents' lives by being funny and pulling little pranks and dinner surprises, but I don't think they quite realize that they shouldn't have to carry the burden of their parents' marriage on their shoulders. I don't think Shannon and David Bedeor have quite realized that life lesson either.


It was cool seeing Michael again. I remember when Vicki used to make him go to her cruise seminars on life insurance and he was all "Yep. See you by the pool!" Personally, I always love seeing Briana or Michael on the show.

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I'm 2 episodes behind on OC, but I'm in agreement about Shannon. I came into this season loving her the most, and now I dread her scenes because they're uncomfortable to watch. Although I appreciate the "real" aspect of this (especially in contrast with so many set up, scripted, and rehearsed other moments on these shows), it's a little too real and not entertaining. I fully expect the marriage to crumble, and it's a shame the kids are brought into this to act up in front of the cameras.

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thats why its too bad they cut Lizzie. Even if she didnt have a major storyline, I think she could have added some much needed balance. She and her husband were good for the light hearted moments as they seemed to enjoy themselves and Lizzie had good energy. Really, Tamara is the only one this season that isnt depressing. Vicki had her mother's death and fighting about Brook's cancer. Shannon has her marriage issues. Meaghan is just bitter and vile. I guess Heather isnt depressing but she's so pretentious and over the top with  her money, that it makes her hard to watch

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It's obvious Cynthia isn't a fighter so I tend to believe or feel I have the right to assume she was defending herself. Especially in light of the fact that this threatens Porsha as a full-time wife again. Obviously production would've seen the entire thing and be able to make a judgement. My guess is that the other ladies are not wanting to film with her after this last stunt. I hope this helps Marlo secure a peach.

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