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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Cheap, I've given up on Jill's version of the Bethenny incident ever being truthful. The whole season literally was Bethenny trying to make up with Jill and then finally as any human would, gave up and moved on with her life. The woman is delusional and a constant "victim"

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Oh Jill Zarin... you come back from Australia and say something like "I'm a new woman and will remove myself from all the catty, petty drama, and gossip"... and then immediately sits down with LuAnn, Kelly, and Sonja and gossip and be catty!!! LOL

Sonja is so evil this season, and I love it. She's soooo horrible to Cindy!

Still waiting for the OC to heat up a bit... just not feeling this season too much.

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Jill really is so deluded. Love watching it, would hate to have to deal with it.

I don't see Sonja as evil. I see Sonja as being haughty, over the top, forceful, funny and no bullsh*t. It also helps that I cannot stomach Cindy, adored watching Sonja put her in her place. There IS a pecking order, Sonja's the only one willing to admit it.

The OC...I can understand why you're not feeling it as much and that it's lacking heat. I would say that's because it's the most "real" in that these women don't have the money and are really playing "Keeping Up With The Jones'" (aside from Vicki but she has her own bag of BS to deal with). To me, The OC is really what upper middle class America is, it's a lot of artifice and a lot of petty drama with a bit of common sense thrown in. They need to focus on how these women's lives are going to hell in a hand basket more, I LOVED watching Lynn's life go Ka Boom last year. They also need to bring back Jeana and Laurie.

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I think the problem with OC this year is the lack of group interactions. I think this is the first season where the women really are completely divided to the point where they don't want to film together and I honestly think the show is suffering for it.

I want to feel sorry for Vicki but I can't. We've watched six seasons of her continuously belittle Donn. Who knows, maybe off camera he's an !@#$%^&*], at least he's smart enough not to show it to America. He comes off as this guy that just desperately wants to make his wife happy and it's impossible. I remember reading somewhere after the divorce that Donn wasn't trying to chase her and make her stay and Vicki almost seemed surprised..I like Vicki more than Jill but she's got similar delusions.


I'm just going to say this every week until the show's over, I HATE CINDY SHE IS POINTLESS GO THE [!@#$%^&*] AWAY! 7 Housewives is too much. This one isn't EVEN a housewife, why bring someone new that isn't even interested in dating or being married. The only reason I can tolerate her presence of my screen is to watch Sonja smack the bitch down...And the women totally know there's a pecking order. The originals on every city of the show especially OC aren't afraid to boast about it.

Edited by Antoyne
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Oh God --- if only we could have a Season 2 of DC:

From RadarOnline:

"Alleged White House crasher Michaele Salahi plans on crashing the clubs next, by releasing her first song, Bump It – and RadarOnline.com has an exclusive sneak peek for you!

According to Michaele's rep, she was inspired by talk show queen Oprah Winfrey to record the single when she claims Oprah told her, “Wow, you have an amazing voice!” while they were together backstage during the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

“I am so excited with my first single! It's an amazing dance song, and it highlights the party animal in everyone!” Michaele said.

“I titled the song ‘Bump It' because I love dancing and bumping it on the dance floor! I got so caught up with the rhythm, that my music just feels like a magical prism.”

Interested in the lyrics?

Here are some of Michaele's deep thoughts: “Like I'm so high and like, you're so not. The speakers on blast, let the techno rock. Everybody in the club make your way to the front, rhythm is the bass that will make the crowd jump.”

Michaele's song will be available on iTunes until Thursday, May 11."


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I hated how Tamra tried to paint Fernanda out to be some psycho lesbian. Honestly her personality this season is horrible and her attitude flat out stinks.

Overall these women are WAY too bitchy and catty for me. Its not entertaining to watch them all be so ugly and nasty. None of them even seem happy with themselves and their lives.

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I just finished watching Peggy's dinner party episode...WHOA!

OC has been my favorite franchise, but this season everyone is so BITTER, resentful and generally full of hate it's uncomfortable to watch.

Each HW show needs their bit of drama, but it also needs HUMOR to lighten things up. That's partly why Atlanta is so successful, because they can make fun of each other without completely hating them and wishing they were dead.

Now that I think about it, the entire HW franchise became trashy drama once Tamra joined. It became complete in S4 during the Naked Wasted episodes, and that, plus the debut of the New Jersey franchise pushed the show to where it is now.

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As much as I like Tamra, because I like mean girls, she really was the turning point of the series as a whole. I'd venture as much as to say she hijacked the series. Without a Tamra, I don't think we would've ended up with a Gretchen and Alexis, and by extension Peggy. I refuse to understand why they've convinced themselves all OC housewives must be blonde, when a lot of the fan favorites from yesteryear were the brunettes....

*Off my soapbox*

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I was curious about Fernanda.... was she suppose to be a full-time housewife and TPTB changed their mind? The reason I'm asking is because I thought her story seems interesting... plus her being a non-blonde helped too LOL I liked that Lynn came back.. she seemed interesting but is Jeana back for a visit or did I miss it?

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I'm not sure with Fernanda. Maybe she wasn't going to be a housewife, but provided them with interesting footage so they included her in promo campaigns, but maybe they felt there wasn't enough footage to justify putting her in the credits? Not sure. It seems if she was an original housewife that they cut they wouldn't have still included her in promo photos.

And yes Jeana is back for a visit. Don't you remember the explosive catfight with Tamra in all the promos? That's coming! I believe there are two or three episodes left now for OC.

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I think Fernanda was an original housewife but cut during the last few minutes of editing. She was in promo shots (which are taken before and during editing). But about a week before the premiere, she was removed from the main website as a housewife (in the main group shot). I think they realized she didn't have enough (interesting) material to be a full housewife, or be on every episode with (interesting) commentary. Also, Tamra might have sabotaged her by not going to her Independence Party (which was setup as a potential big party/storyline for her, but then no housewife showed up). She didn't go to Peggy's dinner party, so she was useless and had nothing to say there. Looks like she goes to San Antonio this week with some girls, but I just don't think she showed up or met with any other housewives during filming (except Tamra) to really be involved in the drama. I think they realized during final editing that she just didn't provide enough and she was demoted.

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I also didnt like Tamra having the nerve to get mad at Fernanda for revealing their kiss to another person. Um hello you are on a reality show! Tamra herself has talked about the kiss on camera. Its not like she was keeping this thing a secret

Another housewife set to divorce. Can you guess who before clicking the link? http://www.dlisted.com/2011/05/11/another-real-housewives-marriage-eats-dust

Edited by Cheap21
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Weird thing about Taylor...I like her husband a lot more than I like her.

He seems reserved, and generally quiet. It's Taylor that's hellbent on living the BH socialite lifestyle, and Russell seems out of place with that crowd.

Re: Fernanda: I don't care either way about her, she's uninteresting.

I miss Lynne. :ph34r:

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