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Hehe. So happy she released that cd yesterday. Will get around to getting it eventually. And guess what I'm listening to right now?  That video of them was a highlight of my summer for sure.


Oh, yes!!! I still see so many clips of Gina as well as Janet. 


Yessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She did!!! And I saw the clip where she also said it to Krissy's face. I respect that.

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Well, it might have taken me forever and a day, but finally have gotten back around to my viewing of RHOM Season 5. Currently made it through Episode 6 and 7 and...


...Lisa continues to be the storyline. And I liked it. I believe I mentioned the last time I watched that I felt like she kinda saw it coming with Lenny, but she assumed that they would work it out. And Production was sure to give the rollback from last year's reunion as well as throughout this season so far, that the signs were always there. Sad to see it, but I respect that Lisa was transparent and showed EVERYTHING. And Lenny's mother being there for her when she has NEVER liked Lisa...is just WOW. Though yes, I know how it ends sadly. And I also loved that regardless of all the fighting during Alexia's latest birthday that they all can band together to support Lisa. 


Speaking of fighting...like a great telenovela, RHOM continues to give so much...and awesome fashion, excellent scenery, and just a great vibe all around. I should have known that in time, Alexia would show up to be 'the star' like she always does. However...her itch to be said star (outside of her organic BFF friend reaction to the Lenny reveal of getting on a plane, fighting the girl and Lenny, and pulling up on them which I LOVE cuz SAME. I'm THAT friend heehee) was ruffling feathers. And it also gave echoes of my favorite RHOM opening...SEASON TWO with New Miami vs Old Miami. Guerdy called it here...and Nicole did the same last season. There IS a pecking order and Alexia and Marysol just expect everyone to fall in line. Uhhhh NO. This ain't high school and they are all grown. So expect pushback. 


But wow!!! Alexia and Julia?? JULIA? Alexia and Guerdy...which was been building since Episode 1 of this season due to Alexia's shade. And now...Alexia and Adriana? Adriana??? Does she not know Adriana DOES NOT PLAY?  I mean even that talk between Alexia and Julia at the stand...all Alexia needed was to be humble pie and grin and nod because she was in the wrong. But...NO. Not a good look on Alexia. But it gave some moments for sure. 


As of right now...


ALEXIA. Girl just can't have a birthday party without any mess, can she? lol. But seriously, it really was not a good look on Alexia to make those comments at Julia...and then DOUBLING DOWN on them. No, ma'am. And then she tried to deflect. First to Adriana. And then Guerdy? I mean...Alexia gives good reaction shots to so...a reach. And then she wanted to get bull-headed when Guerdy called her out on having a big head. Girl, bye. I did like Adriana clocking her with COCAINE COWBOYS though. As 'The Star,' she gotta learn to take her licks too. It's not all about playing victim.


LARSA. It continues to surprise me how well she's fitting in this season vs last season. And to think she and Lisa started the season, silly feuding. I loved her being by Lisa's side during that dinner before Lisa flew home. And while I get what she meant about how divorced people should give advice to divorced people, I was still Team Guerdy in terms of everyone having an opinion. Deal. 


GUERDY. Speaking of fitting in better, she continues to. And at this point, they all should know that Guerdy can overreact. No more different than they do tbh. Alexia's mistake was trying to deflect onto her when Alexia should have just apologized. Cuz that gave Guerdy the floor to gather her later. And since Alexia likes to hold a grudge (and I still haven't seen Guerdy with those awesome bangs from the trailer), I know this rivalry has some legs and I can't wait. 


JULIA. Kitten got claws!!! lol. It was nice to see Julia get into the fray. And it was funny that Alexia would be mad that she came for her and so did Adriana when her and Marysol also do the same to others. Like Guerdy and Larsa, also fitting in nicely. And I love her friendship with Adriana anyway. And Guerdy during the phone call makes three. I can't wait for more. And we are sure to get it given the tea Larsa dropped at the end of Episode 7 about the man. 


NICOLE. Can I just say...in case I didn't...coming to a party in a whole boat. THAT'S AN ENTRANCE!!!! lol. Nicole was pretty low key these two episodes, but I loved her reactions all the same. 


LISA. MVP. I do wish we had some footage from her run-in with Lenny and the girl at the club. I remember that in real time. It would have been so nice to see it. Still...Lisa gave so much over these two episodes. The drama with the girl and the nanny. The call to Lenny. The storming off from Production. Sitting with the Mother-in-Law. I was watching. Just a mess...whether she was deluded or not. 


MARYSOL. Not really doing much except being Alexia's lapdog. Okay, not true. Being there for Lisa just as much as Larsa. That I liked.


ADRIANA.  For a FOH, she was bringing a lot. Comedy. The history about her theme song music. Her trio with Julia and Guerdy. And now she continues to have this drama with Alexia over Theirry. Their rivalry has been interesting to watch cuz who would have thought that with Las Cubas. And that drama...like most of it on this show...is building. 

So...great showing. Can't wait to continue...

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Holy sh*t Erin jumped the shark tonight. She is a younger, dumber, more entitled, and less hard working Ramona. The white fragility is strong with this one.

She was literally crying to her father that Ubah confronting her was the "meanest" thing she's ever experienced. And THEN she talks about the childhood trauma of having a "long jaw" and being called "Long Jaw Silver" in school...this woman hasn't experienced anything bad in her life. Nothing. She really thought she was going to garner sympathy with all of that? 


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While the whole thing was annoying, I guess I'm in the minority as I was Team Erin in this whole thing.  Ubah overreacted and acted like a complete child in her sunglass and timer tirade.  That was so completely ridiculous, and then mid-conversation with Erin, she yet again loses that precious phone of hers.  If it really is that important to you on a vacation, stop losing it every 12 hours on vacation.

This season has flatlined though... the stupid little arguments are petty and childish and the ladies aren't gelling well anymore.  Hopefully they get it figured out for Season 2.

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Sai needs to be the comic relief... she's funny especially in her talking heads.

Jessel keeps a notebook on things people say to her and how she feels about it.  I will say if you're going to hold a grudge, I guess you need to keep things written down for reference.

Erin vs Ubah.. both were wrong.  Twitter seems to hate Erin.. but Twitter (X) usually is the place where the extremely emotional go to vent.

Jenna played the whole retreat and act all shy/innocent... I'm sure Andy and co paid top dollar for her and she needs to deliver or she's a one and done.

Brynn seems likable... but she needs to be herself instead of acting like a Samantha Jones carbon copy.   And I've heard many a people stumble with pre-med once they hit that Chemistry class so she isn't alone there.

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I've been watching a number of old pilots lately. This, with Matthew Broderick and Kristen Johnson, among others, has what may be one of the more random Housewife cameos. About 20 minutes in, when Johnson's character gives a speech about tearing down a rotted schoolhouse, she introduces her preservation committee co-chair...Kelly Bensimon. Kelly grins and shakes her hand.

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Thanks for the head's up, because that, and Jessel's digital Burn Book, was the funniest thing on the episode! I cackled evilly when Erin in her VT started welling up and getting shaky-voiced as she painfully gulped the words "Long.... Jaw.... Silver."

We all have our cross to bear when it comes to middle-school trauma, but in the context of nu-RHONY's wealthy bubble, it's time for Erin and Jessel to give up: Sai and Brynn have pretty much won the Feel-Sorry-For-Me Olympics on this show, lol. Unless Ubah reveals something in next week's episode. 

Like many of you, I think both Erin and Ubah did themselves no favors with how they handled this argument. Ubah dragged out the anger and resentment for much longer than needed. She is super intense, a little anxious, and fixates on issues, making them bigger than they actually are (as a fellow singleton, i can relate to that; we don't have a partner to bounce things off of). However, one reason she was holding onto a grudge was that she never got a straight apology from Erin. Erin demands immediate apologies fron the women, but when they demand one from her, they get dismissed with "It's a joke! Don't you have a sense of humor?" Or "that was 3 months ago, get over it." (Both are like red flags in front of a bull for me).

Erin can dish it out but she can't take it. Since the first episode, she's been picking on people's words and behaviour, looking for a stick to beat them with. (Notice how she and Sai are allied in going after Jessel going in next week's episode). Now that the other women have cottoned onto her game, she doesn't like being on the other side of their scrutiny. 

In the end, though, I like that the two pretty much got over it by episode's end. Until reunion, that is.

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Is it just me or does anyone else not like Sai? I just find her to be dark energy. She stays starting crap (alongside Erin), but she tends to walk away unscathed. I PRAY that they hung her out to dry at the reunion. She and Erin irk my nerves the most out of the new batch of apples. 

Dare I say it, but Bravo needs to add a new city or two because one part of the year can't be top-heavy with shows while the other lags. Yes, I get that Dubai, BH, Potomac, NJ, and Miami are all going to pop up November/December, but they really need another show in rotation at the moment with SLC and NY. Dare I say, but either revive Dallas or DC and just give them a smaller episode count. Bravo just feels vacant right now. 

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I find Sai hard to warm to for precisely the reasons you indicate. During the Anguilla trip, she did show her fun side, which was welcome. But she is definitely stirring the pot -- encouraging Ubah and Jessel to b!tch about Erin whilst getting Erin riled up about them.

I see in the preview that she keeps gate-keeping the 'my trauma is worse than your trauma' stuff with Jessel. This is after her ridiculous meltdown on the boat because she didn't deem Jessel's history authentic.

For the record, Jessel needs to stop with the false equivalencies of 'My uncle was an alcoholic, just like your mom!' (as next week's trailer shows). It is not the same, and Sai is 100% right to point that out. Nevertheless (and I know I've said this before), this very privileged group is strangely competitive when it comes to hard-luck stories. I see it in real life too, especially among connected, wealthy people. It's like they are low-key embarrassed about their wealth and background, and that only with backstories involving poverty/neglect/hard work/against the odds can they somehow 'prove' their credibility or authenticity -- and burnish their brand.

Sai definitely believes she has already won that game, and it comes off as smug. Maybe she is entitled to be smug given all she has achieved in her life! She seems to have worked hard at it and was not handed opportunities on a silver platter -- of that I have no doubt. Sai can be unlikeable, and that's unusual on these RH popularity contests.


"Dubai, BH, Potomac, NJ, and Miami are all going to pop up November/December"

---- Wait, what? All 5 shows screening at the same time?? That's too much! My sweet spot is 3 at a time, in case one of the shows is a dud.

How can I choose between BH, Potomac, Miami?? I'm intrigued by Dubai's sophomore season for sure. (NJ if it weren't for the fact that I am now completely exhausted by the Gorga family dynamics).

It would be nice if Potomac were starting about now, leading into a December start for BH and Miami. I feel like Potomac and BH wrapped up filming some time ago. Dubai too.

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REUNION LOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I agree. Bravo seems at their best when there shows are in threes...with the other Bravo shows flitered around that, giving a great week...especially if you like their other shows (Below Deck, Married2Med, SC franchise, etc.) I loved knowing what day was what...something with my work schedule I don't even know at all now...especially when Bravo does weird things like double booking their shows (2 shows in one night, rushing seasons...great dramatic seasons at that...for lame other shows). 


And BH, RHOA, and POTOMAC  in the fall or NJ, NY, OC  in spring at the same time used to be the 3 combo standard.


Now...yes...all of those shows (especially Dubai) wrapped a while ago.

What happened? 

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Agreed; it's too bad Potomac wasn't ready to fire off right after Atlanta ended.

@NothinButAttitude Besides NuNYC and SLC, we also still have OC!  It's currently just SLC & OC in my house.  I actually just happened to watch the most recent NuNYC and I still can't warm to this group. The flirty drunk reminds me of Molly Burnett from her DAYS days. 

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Yes, please don't forget OC which has recovered its mojo after 5 seasons in the doldrums! It's been an entertaining ride, and this week is the alliance-swapping, back-stabbing season finale.

I don't know why Poromac isn't yet ready, which kind of worries me. However, I had forgotten M2M comes back around this time too! SIX RH (adjacent) shows! I love M2M. Teresa, Dolores, Jennifuh, it was nice knowing you.

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Molly Burnett had a few decent moments in her Days career LOL but I know what you mean with Brynn, and now I can't unsee it. 

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