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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Sounds like Filming for Season 2 is starting soon...and someone (or two...?) might be out.


The rumor at the moment is Lesa though. I hope it is not true if only because I was looking forward to her rivalry with Caroline for Queen Bee. 




Sounds like the trailer might be dropping soon.



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Jackie's in there. She's a friend of this season. Id rather her be gone but at least she got demoted


This looks so good! The cast photo is giving off a Miami vibe



Jackie and the other friend, Jennifer F


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New Jersey looks good!

I don't mind Jackie and I'm glad she's there as a friend-of instead of suddenly not being around. After so many clunker seasons transitioning away from the Caroline/Jacqueline/Teresa/Melissa/Kathy era, they found a great sweet spot these last few seasons with the same cast. Now it looks like we're about to enter another transitional era with 2 new wives, 1 demotion, and a lingering rumor that this may be Teresa's final year. 

Which of course begs the question... if Teresa goes, where do we go with Melissa & Joe on the show? The two newbies seem to have strong personalities, which can be good (i.e. Marge) or trying too hard (i.e. OC's Noella, etc.) 


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Yay for some (if little) downtime!!! I've been busy with work, finishing up the first draft on this novel, and dealing with the usual holiday blues/drama so I haven't had time to write. But like my soaps, I'm actually caught up on my viewing and goodness knows I have thoughts. Especially about these chicks.


So I'm caught up on the San Diego trip to date. And it's been funny picking out the locations. Now I feel the ladies are being housed in the Point Loma location. It's kinda of the military, pier part of San Diego, but not like the BH ladies going to be in La Jolla which is the rich side of town. Of course, it IS a great location to get to just about anywhere in San Diego...and that's what I've observed here. You were in PACIFIC BEACH, Meredith, NOT Mission Beach BTW. lol. And I gasped to see the ladies in Hillcrest a BLOCK from my job. And RICH'S is one of my job's customers. And YES, I've been in the VIP section that they were in. And FLICKS is where the old men go to get the college boys, but their Sunday Funday IS something else as well. And they STILL haven't made it to my neighborhood yet at all per the midseason trailer so probably tonight.


That said...I stick to what I said @Gray Bunny about the Heather takedown. I will say that I'm surprised that the second San Diego trip episode WAS about EVERYONE coming for Jen though. That was just craaaaazy. Not that Jen helped herself by being a little brat...and then not remembering that she attacked Fabulous Ice because she was having fun with Angie K. So Fabulous Ice was in her right to roast her at the dinner table. And then there was Heather spilling tea with Angie H. on HER 'friend.' I continue to see Heather setting up her role as Betrayed Friend and it's just been bad. Moreso because people are clocking her now doing it. But that dinner...Danna, Fabulous Ice, Heather...they did end up coming for Jen. And then Heather had to deflect onto Little Girl. It was mess.


And then there was the third San Diego trip Episode. HOW DARE JEN WEAPONIZE SUICIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was not the first time Jen has pulled that trick (weaponizing her pain). I immediately thought about that S2 lunch date she had with Lisa when Lisa rightfully came for her and was not moving as Jen tried to verbally attack her. Seeing Lisa match her energy, Jen had to resort to crying about HER pain. It was so disgusting to watch. And it was disgusting to watch her do it to Heather and Lisa in order to get them to back up off her when they were in the right to be mad at her. Take some accountability. And then she did it again at the dinner in Hillcrest even though yes, Jen was right and Little Girl was pot stirring. Meanwhile, the beginnings of Jen vs Danna really started growing. 


But that episode really belonged to Heather vs Little Girl. And I am sorry, but I feel someone online said it best. Those cousins continue to act like unpopular girlfriends who get into the In Crowd and then turn on each other to get favor from the Queen Bee. Sadly...I could see both sides of those arguments. Little Girl acts like A LITTLE GIRL, BUT Heather really is not being nice when she speaks to her either. And lest we forget, this all started because Little Girl was being a little girl and being mad her cousin would not back her up on a lie. 


At this point...I love the chaotic mess. I wish the show could find a balance. What I liked about SLC was that it was giving slow burn soap opera its first season and then chaotic mess its second season. None of it is real, but yet its trainwreck quality was awe-strucking to watch. If only, it could balance the two and keep its momentum (cuz it should be about Jen and her coming trial and people coming for her with a petty feud here and there if anything) while being REAL. And I feel Mary managed to get them balanced into that. Now...it's just chaotic. Sometimes too much so.


As for where the ladies. stand..


JEN. Wrong move. That's all she's been doing on this trip. Pouring a drink over Angie K's head. Throwing Angie's K's shoes off the boat. Attacking Lisa a la Kyle with Sutton this season of BH. It's telling that a dinner that appeared to be set up to expose Heather turned into a pile-up on her. Jen's slip is showing and it's not nice to see. 


HEATHER. Speaking of a slip showing, so is hers. Your own friend told on you. Though it felt like Danna was coming from a good place, it does not take away from the fact that Heather does talk out of both sides of her mouth. And for a viewer, it seems like to me, she has been more interested in setting up her exit strategy from Jen by befriending ALL the new girls as well as keeping the peace with the OGs since Jen is out the door. You cannot tell me that is not the basis of her friendship with Angie H...someone she knows Jen is not seeing in a good light. So to see that dinner at the house turn into an expose on Heather Gay was fun to see. It was just sad she was able to deflect. Then she wanted to be sour grapes at the other dinner. While she did not start with Little Girl, her stank attitude was not helping either. You would think she was over her, too. In her pursuit of Queen Bee status, I guess. But given that people are already clocking her slip showing, I do wonder if she gave herself the black eye.


LISA. Flawless. I loved her giving it to Jen at the table during Dinner Number 1. And she is STILL waiting for that apology. lol. She has been a hoot this trip so far. And she must be in the right because Heather is STILL being jealous of her. Not even trying to be in too much mess.


MEREDITH. Is supposed to be in charge of the fun. And there have been brief moments (that Mary flashback was hilarious), but she has kinda vanished this trip. Being the friend to Jen that Heather is supposed to be.




If I didn't have a bday party to get ready for, I would probably watch. While I still miss Mary, it has not been boring due to its trainwreck nature. That said...they better not let anyone down with the Heather black eye reveal. Because the audience is definitely over SLC after that. 

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Ugh. She's so pleased with herself for being coy.

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Jesus Christ. She is so eager to perform her victimhood -- while at the same time pretending she's protecting Jen Shah by not saying anything? None of this makes any sense.

I feel like she's been waiting for an 'opportunity' like this since S1. She probably stepped on a rake.

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Miami is SOOO GOOD! These girls got it going on! This season is so far hands down the best season of Housewives in years. NOTHING rivals it.

Kiki's confessionals are hilarious! Like why didnt they air any of hers last season? I was rolling when she was describing Lenny's head and how you could tell he was up to no good, which she followed up by telling the crew member that he knows he cheats too....LOL

 "Bc I like to swallow" LOL she has so much personality. Like where was this kiki last season? I dont know if its bc editing didnt feature her much last year or she's more comfortable in her second season but she is having a 2nd season glow up. She's earning her paycheck and i wish she was fulltime

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