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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think it would be fascinating to see BH without Kyle. I don't think she'd know how function without it. I did find it interesting that she's apparently in Mauricio's Netflix show a tiny bit...that kind of exposure would likely be enough to satisfy the beast of fame, but I think Kyle revels in her role as the martyr of Bravo. 

I believe Kathy has closed the door on Kyle. The hug they exchanged was one of the iciest embraces I have seen on television. 

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If Kyle were smart, she'd examine why she is constantly at odds with both of her sisters while Kim and Kathy seem close more consistently.

This scene from season 2( I think) showed how close Kim and Kathy were...and once Kyle showed up..it kinda went off the rail.

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If this girl don't quit...


Perhaps it's just the trainwreck quality for me. I still felt like something was missing *cough*Mary*cough*, but this past episode was not totally boring. Watching the implosion of Bad Weather has been fascinating to watch. And sorry, Team Heather on that. If Heather did not hear it, and the trip is about cheering Jen up, that was where their focus should be. Little Girl just wanted to start drama to start it. And just like she has appeared to have some weird obsession with her cousin in terms of having her storyline for the season be about Mormon religion, now she is making this drama about Heather lying. And she went TOO FAR. I mean...coming into Heather's room and ripping up that note. Overdramatic a#$.


On the good side, it appeared that Lisa and Meredith might have come to a truce of a sort. After being icy to each other, the walls might be cracking a little bit due to Heather getting everyone to come together for Jen. So well played. Though I clocked Meredith pot stirring at the dinner so Bad Weather can implode some more. 


Speaking of Jen...pretty much a mute right up until it was time for her to get on a plane to deal with her lawyers and the trial. And I liked the girls discussed some of what to expect...after all, Meredith IS a lawyer. 


It does seem like this new episode is centered on Angie H...who tried to join last season. And it looks like she will be quite messy from future synopsis. Not to mention that Little girl mentioned she started the Lisa rumors. So perhaps things are about to get reeeeeeal interesting.  So 5 cast members is a NO for this franchise if the newbies are about to get some play.


JEN. I continue to be surprised at how mute she is. Then again, we have all talked about how Jen clearly studied how HW shows worked before Season 1. So of course, she would be smart enough to play up being a victim. Or at least be remorseful. Someone else like Erika on BH could take note. At least we saw a lil bit of old Jen aka Fun Jen with her downsized Shah Squad...complete with twerk instructor. 


LISA. Wow. I still cannot believe that she and Meredith made up a liiiiiitle bit. Other than that, there was very little from her.


MEREDITH. I SEE YOU, GIRL!!!  lol. I'm still in awe at her stirring that pot at the dinner as soon as Heather went to the restroom when they had all agreed to not even mention the Bad Weather fight on their last night. While I loved Heather dragging Little Girl, I'm aware of who got that ball rolling.

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  But I liked a lot of her this episode. She even tried to twerk. And I like that she and Lisa appear to be trying to mend fences. I really loved her lawyerspeak on Jen's upcoming trial to the others. 


HEATHER. GURRRRRRRRRRRRL, YOU BETTA READ!!!!! I loved every minute of Heather being activated and reading Little Girl for flith. I love that gif of her saying 'You...Lost...Me...BIT#H. You lost me' is already circulating. And then she did it again at the dinner. Heather...drunk AND sober...has been very clear on the rumor. And she don't like being thrown under the bus BY FAMILY for said family's amusement. She also got Lisa and Meredith talking again.  She was great.



I can't with her. I didn't even care that Heather tossed her into a wall. She was nothing, but annoying...trying to make everything about her. I know you are traumatized, but STOP. It's not about you. And when you got read, you want to sit there and be victim. Let me quit.


Looking forward to seeing more than five girls...



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See what happens when you mix in more people.

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SLC just is not a strong enough show to be held up by 5 people. They need to mix it up more. So this week, Heather's ski trip introduced the newbies. Angie K, Danna, and Angie H. Angie K for me was just there. Danna as expected had some presence, but has done very little as of yet. And then Angie H...Angie H...


She's coming in hot.


Angie was the one that Little Girl said was behind the Lisa rumors. We rememeber her from last season's CaterGate. And next week, her husband starts some mess with Jen. And she even got a shady confessional when she was talking to Heather about the Bad Weather breakup. So...she's ready to be a lightning rod of drama. And since Mary is no longer around to be there...I guess I'm game. 


I actually liked this episode because it felt very 'let's check in on everyone and how they are doing' kind of an episode. Old school HW. And it was interesting.


JEN. It's kind of funny. You would think Bravo would be on it with Jen's storyline. But so far it's been very light on her court drama. It was part of the reason I liked last week when Meredith was explaining how things might go in Jen's trial with the girls. This week Jen was with Coach Shah discussing what was going on. Mock trials. Worries. A husband standing by his woman. It just felt...real? And it was at this point that she found out the trial was pushed back. Hmmmm...a possibility of old Jen coming back? In any case, Jen continues to play the innocent role.


LISA. Just what Fabulous Ice needs. What? A feud. It looked like she did stop talking to Angie H after CarterGate. And now Angie H is popping up everywhere. And she is not having it. lol. I love Heather owning that she invited Angie H on the ski trip. And I love even more Lisa given her the benefit of the doubt that it was to be messy. 


MEREDITH. MMMMmmmm...Seth. That said...I don't like seeing Brooks, but I do like how his parents are supportive of him. Though they sure do came across as swingers in that scene. 




HEATHER. Continues to pay Little Girl dust. And I don't blame her. It's the same thing she was doing with Mary last season. Girl just likes being read I guess. *shrugs*


I thought it was a good episode and a nice start to Angie H kicking off the coming drama. 




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This episode was a filler. Robyn needs to NEVER host another event again. I have never seen such a piss poor event in my life. She didn't even try to plan something. It was painfully obvious this was a set up to bring the cast together. If I were production, I'd dock her pay for that crap. 


Next week, the group needs to start addressing the aggressive behavior of Robyn. I've been calling it out since s1 at the reunion when she got aggressive with Katie. 


And I get why Karen does not fool with Cha-Cha. She sat back and watched how that woman tried to come for her married with the Blue Eyes rumor and helped Gizzy try and bring up the lie that Monique was cheating on her husband. Cha-Cha is desperate to be back on this show at all costs. 

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On today's Radio Andy show he clarified that Rinna brought receipts to back up that she and Harry were invited guests to the Elton Party, and Sutton's only role was that she asked them to sit at her table.  However, the discussion was cut for time.

Talk about getting lost in sauce

Sutton's point was that Rinna never said thank you, which was was in defense of Garcelle not saying thank you for the sauce.  Regardless of who paid for the seats (which seems very dé·clas·sé to bring up), it never justified Rinna not thanking Sutton for having her at the table.

It seems like a classic housewife move that they work so hard to prove they're right that the forget the point of the argument.

Edited by j swift
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