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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ya I understand Harry’s been on a career high.

I hope Rinna doesn’t ruin it!  But I don’t think they’ll have anything to worry about financially—they’re the only ones basically on the cast who don’t overspend and Harry’s had that beautifully situated house (that’s not in The Valley!!) for forever.  But I suspect Lisa’s issues will get worse once she’s officially fired because she has clearly always been addicted to fame.  She’ll get even wilder to hold onto it.  She may spill some piping hot tea, though, because you know FFF know where each others’ bodies are buried!!

Btw, I actually don’t think anyone on the cast is behind the Jax bots.  Unless Diana is more of a Dr. Evil than I’m giving her credit for.  Maybe Erika is depraved enough?  But I can’t see Rinna doing it—she doesn’t know boundaries but she’s seemed to basically follow the kid one.  I’m at a loss for who’s responsible but it’s so scary.  I’m thinking an obsessed fan with lots of $$??

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Rinna has always been known for doing those demented texts and threats... going all the way back to season 5 with Kim Richards.

From what I could understand.. Garcelle was explaining that some words/phrases can be a trigger for her and other POC due to the history associated with those words/phrases that non POC people wouldn't think had a horrible meaning attached to them.  And that she said that once she realizes that soeone doesn't mean any ill intent, she basically would move on and not hold it against the person.  Sadly, Crystal chiming in later also railroaded the point Garcelle was making.

Also, is anyone really surprised that Andy basically focused on the shallow topic of recycling instead of what Garcelle was trying to say? He's had a history of doing this going back to the season 4 reunion with Joyce.  The difference was that no one on the cast supported Joyce during that reunion.. while Garcelle had Sutton/Crystal to speak with back stage.  And Andy even admitted he fantasized about firing a housewife during the reunion whenever Joyce spoke.

So why Andy is allowed to moderate a reunion when he doesn't understand the job description involved with being a moderator will always baffle me.

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Last week I said that Part 1 of the Reunion was akin to Part 1 of POTOMAC's Season 5 reunion as Garcelle was kicking butt and taking names, not unlike Monique using the binder. I also disliked that Gizelle was allowed to recover due to Andy Cokehead's interference. 


Well...guess how I feel about Part 2?


Yep. There was Andy trying to be a kiki with EricFake (who has shaded him every chance she's gotten) and Ex Soap Opera Star. There he was glossing over the point that it was Ex Soap Opera Star who threw Garcelle's book in the trash...something those of us online already knew. Glad she OWNED it for once. And then all that filler? This could have been two parts. But we know I have always said it's time for Andy to stop hosting. THIS would be why.


Not that there were not good moments. Kyle vs Crystal is what good feud are made of. Crystal has her point of view. And while her way of articulating herself has a way to go, when she clocks in...she's fire. And best of all, she's doing something that I want to see done...keeping that heel on Kyle's neck, resulting in the return of Season 1 Kyle!!! That's an accomplishment. I also loved Sutton using that Southern nice nasty shade on Diane. I did like that more and more the Coven was exposed as well...I mean...THEY HAVE A GROUP CHAT??? Which DOES NOT INCLUDE half the cast. Add on to what has been shown on screen and off (like that deleted scene discussing the divide in the cast with Dorit...knowing there is a GROUP CHAT among the Coven)? Juicy information to be used against them next season or in Part 3. 


That said...This part was too triggering at points to me. Garcelle got some good licks in, but the playing in her face. The fighting back of the tears as Andy was being glip. Yeeeah no.


KYLE. Well, looky, looky!!!! lol. Kyle is at her best when she has a feud going on. I don't know if it has to do with Teddi Terra WayCoCo Mello someone but it's been fun to see her claws out again. And she has them aimed at Crystal. And Crystal has been holding her own as well. They drag each other well. Fingers crossed that Crystal is back next season because a feud might be what Kyle needs to stay relevant. 


DORIT. smh. She misstepped a bit this time as her fence walking took a slight stumble. The 'evil vs CUNextTuesday' debate was a no-no. She came across a little better when Andy (shockingly) reminded everyone about Sutton's past and why she might have a disconnect over Dorit's robbery. And then owning her error during the Jax curse out. Just whiplash.


ERICFAKE. What does she have on Andy Cokehead that she can keep biting the hand that feeds her literally? Allegedly. She was taking pot shots at him as if he is not the Regina George in that group. Girl, bye. Another fail? Andy's attempt to paint her as the victim in Bookgate. Or worse...as a heroine. Whatever, hoe. 


DIANE. Lint.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. OOoooo thank you @DaytimeFan for the tea. Monday looks like it will be a mess. I even recognize that account from being under other people's tweets. And that is looking more and more like it was her? So it now becomes plausible...who's to say it is not her behind the Bot attack after that. And given what we know from last year's reunion, too as well as Bookgate? Things are not looking good for Ex Soap Opera Star. Not that they were looking good this week. Bookgate...smh. I give her credit for owning it. But her hatred for Garcelle was very clear. And that tea about the book edit...I did not know at all that Garcelle had changed that part or that Ex Soap Opera Star even had lawyers. With what money? hehe. I have not had time to sit down yet to watch the RHOA reunion but I know of the damage control they tried to do for Marlo. If it was anything like how Andy was trying to do damage control this episode for this hag...yeah, I'm going to feel annoyed, angered, and triggered. How could he sit there after she revealed she threw a cast member's book in the trash and let someone else take the blame and kiki? How could he laugh at her social media antics when he was just attacking Candiace on RHOP for hers? I LOVED Sutton let her know they ain't friends. And I'm ready for REAL Kathy to get her together on Wednesday. I only hope Andy doesn't continue the Season 5 POTOMAC reunion theme of saving Ex Soap Opera Star from Kathy's wrath like he did Gizelle from Monique and Chris's. 


SUTTON. As expected, she was more of a presence this episode than she was in Part 1. And I cannot help but say it again as a Southerner...loved that nice nasty shade she gave Lint. I giggled. And I loved how she handled Ex Soap Opera Star as well. And then the horse glue...lol. I like her humor, and again I like she owned her reaction to Dorit's robbery. 


CRYSTAL. GUUUUURL, YOU BETTER DRAG THAT TRICK!!!! lol. While she has been problematic, I have loved that she appears checked in right now. And her ire has been aimed at Kyle. She might have needed Garcelle to get her point across, but she did have a point. That point? That if it doesn't have to do with Kyle (or the Coven to some extent) than of course Kyle could not understand it. The only difference between her and Garcelle's situation...was that Crystal DOES feel that it was a case of willful ignorance more than genuine ignorance. I feel it's the making of a good feud and I hope, hope, hope she's back next season to see it play out. And THANK YOU for the co-sign over the group chat.


GARCELLE. Been there. Done that. Have the book. Sums it up for me. I believe that I've discussed my work environments over the years so I felt that whole episode for her. The lack of empathy from Andy when she has just explained what microaggression is. Grrrr. And then the ki-kiing and the cameras on Garcelle's face. The fact those hags still tried to defend Lint at the beginning of the episode. Just disgusting.


Ready for Part 3. 

Edited by Taoboi
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  • Wendy really is sitting there, calling Robyn names, and then expects an invite to an event? Girl, no. Bye-bye!
  • Mia seems only slightly less fake... but I still don't like her, and believe Askale would have been a better fit as a housewife.
  • Karen & Ray seem so nice doing their manicures together. I'm dying to see the finished product.
  • Ashley's confessional glow-up is nice... it's better than her momma's wig from previous seasons.
  • Gizelle & Karen's reignited friendship is adorable. I love it.
  • Seeing Gizelle & Robyn's friendship crack is disappointing, because I adored them together.
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Robyn was passive aggressive as hell and deserved to be called out. She wasnt planning anything for the kids. She pulled that out on the spot specifically to hurt Wendy. Her sons are 12 and 14, Ashley's are under 3 and Gizelle's are 16. These kids are not hanging out or doing anything together. Robyn was spiteful and if she really wanted a get together with the kids, she could have done so later in private. She did it in front of Wendy to exclude her and that was so childish and petty

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Well this one might be a doozy. 


So it looked like by the time I wanted to watch last year's reunion before the new season started...the whole series had been wiped off my tv system. I assume to get people over to Peacock.

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HOWEVER, that was also the day that the reunion was airing LIVE. lol. So I got to see all of it...except for the Nicki Minja one. Cuz my TV system decided to THEN go down. So it took me a while to get around to watching. My tv system LOVED to go down during Potomac last season so it better not be planning to do that this season.


The takeaway I took from the last Potomac reunion that Candiace was in danger, girl!!! She had really did a good job last season turning over a new leaf and showing growth. That is right up until Messy Mia and the salad toss. And people were gunning for her at the reunion. Most interestingly (or not) Gizelle who was on her side during the drama with Monique. And now...she was doing the same to her that she did to Monique. So coming into the new season Candiace had a target on her back.


Speaking of targets...Season 6 always felt like a transitional (a good one mind you) season for me. After the messy darkness of Season 5 due to the Monique/Candiace fight, it needed a nice light season. And people had to get used to new cast members like Askale and of course Messy Mia. Now that we more or less know how the individuals and group will gel a lot better, I expected Season 7 to continue the build it has been doing since at least Season 3. 


So far...so good. Except WHERE ARE THE TAGLINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That said...I have seen the first two episodes and...




A good preimere. 


The girls were back. And boy had some things changed. Ashley and the divorce. Robyn with a hint of a backbone and pot stirring. Wendy appearing more like her Season 5 self than Ms. Too Much Wendy from Season 6. But...then the drama around Mia and her maybe-cancer started. 




SEVEN YEARS...STILL HERE. There had been changes for sure...but it warms the heart to see a HW show where the majority of their OGs are still there and had a moment. And moreso...the OGs who are no longer there can STILL appear and fit in perfectly like a glove. Like or hate her...Charisse is back again to try to take La Dame's throne. Good luck with that.  And she felt in with her connections and history as well. And Episode 2 had a brief appearance by Katie who also fit with her wild energy. Neither skipped a beat. And that was good to watch.


RED HAIR DON'T CARE. Kandi is the same way. But what is it about red hair that makes a girl on these shows so fiery. Robyn was definitely clocked in. While I'm used to her having Gizelle's back. It really was usually in some dumb and dumber/pinky and the brain sidekick kind of a way. I felt she came across much different than she ever had when she backed up Gizelle with Mia and said Ashley and La Dame talked behind her back about the post, too. And she was giving LOOKS, too!!! Meanwhile, this might not be the year she marries Juan, but she suuure is guarding herself. Just in case. Can't say she don't have a brain. 


HADES FROZE OVER??? Candiace and Ashley getting along. Candiace and Ashley...being...friends??? They haven't gotten along since the days of Team Young Bucks in Season 3. Given their way of being the center of drama and holding their own, these is a dream messy team in the making. 


PRODUCTION. I saw what you all did with Jacqueline's name card.  




CHARISSE. Why? And wearing the same outfit as La Dame. She is really going to try La Dame's patience and my own. But...clearly it is Production's way to get La Dame in the game after flying a little toooo easily last season, perhaps? 


CANDIACE IN THE CAR. Yeeeeeah, that fight with Chris in the car was not nice. And that's before what's coming. For all the good points Candiace has been making, I was sad to see that she has continued to still not know how to come at Chris without coming across as a spoiled brat. smh.


MESSY MIA. Like La Dame, I want to see how it plays out first. HOWEVER, I'm scared that Mia is going to get hit with the second season curse. That video she dropped on her 'best friend' Jacqueline the day of the perimere. The off screen family drama (she broke, ya'll!) that I'm sure we will get into at the reunion. The fact that everyone was on her neck at Bravocon...EVEN her friends. I fear that this will be Mia's falling from grace. For now...I still like Messy Mia, but sounds like this will be a hard season for her and me as a fan. 




Surprisingly I found the episode lacking. lol.


It did not have much of the groove as Episode 1. I loved the cameo of Katie and La Dame putting everyone on notice that LA DAME GRANDE was back in the MFing house!!! And the shade at the party was on point. But then the episode just felt like it muddled a bit until the end with the most fabulous breaking of the 4th wall ever. 


But that breaking of the wall...WOW. It was a thing of beauty. The look on Candiace's face as she realized what was going on. As if the words of Monique was coming back to haunt her. And she looked at the camera. And I loved the growth. Old Candiace would have cursed Gizelle right then and there. The fact she calmly got up and walked away was a revelation. I felt for her. 




WHO IS THIS? 2 FOR 2? What do I mean? Robyn was NOT co-signing Gizelle's attempts to trash Chris. Her looks. Her disagreeing. Wow. How times have changed. 


KATIE. It was nice to see her. I didn't even think we would after the tea about Season 4. 


RETURN OF THE DOCTOR. While I loved Too Much Wendy (aka Zen Wen) last season, I did miss Dr. Wendy fron her first season. So it appears that Wendy has found a nice balance. I'm not hating it either. 


THE GROWTH OF CANDIACE. I had hoped for it for a few seasons now. But though were more like false starts. So it was nice to see it this year. Her getting along with Ashley. And then the lunch with Ashley when Ashley told her about Chris and the messages...which sound totally innocent if you know the industry btw ...and she gave Ashley the benefit of the doubt. Mind blown. And then Candiace dealing with Gizelle...THAT was how you do class. More of this please. And yes, her tongue for shading still works. 






Good start to the season.



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IA. Robyn has always acted like the stereotypical bully's sidekick. She targets the weakest link (Wendy, who as @Soaplovers said, is unlikeable. And, i would add, is always policing people's conversations). Robyn gets cocky when she has back-up and a crowd. Even though I'm not a fan of Wendy, it was spiteful of Robyn to invite everyone there except for Wendy and her kids, right to her face.

I will say I gasped when I saw Robyn in the final scene having a sit-down with Candiace & Chris behind Gizelle's back and pledging her support. I'm not sure what is motivating this independent thought, but I imagine it must be years of fans saying she is nothing but Giz's lackey.

Other thoughts: I don't think Karen should get too close to Gizelle, who is radioactive right now. There is only so much you can defend with her.

Mia is so messy and contrived. She's just bringing up Chris sh!t to remain part of the fray. I'm glad production countered her 'accusations' with footage of Chris pointedly NOT looking at Mia's dancing boobs.

Honestly, as co-dependent as Candiace & Chris are, I think he is overall an ok guy, and very much doubt he would ever look for an opportunity with Candiace's frenemies Ashley and Gizelle. He said something to Robyn about never initiating a hug or a handshake with the women, he waits for them to choose how they want to greet him. That resonated with me because I know a lot of guys who say the same. They don't want to cross any uncomfortable or misconstrued lines.

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She didnt do anything behind Gizelle's back. They do a podcast together and are still cool to this day. Im pretty sure they got together before the season and decided to plant some seeds that there was friction between them to help save Robyn's job and give Gizelle something to do. Robyn is still running on Gizelle's orders

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