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No worries!  I figured you meant me. 

I would agree what Brandi said to Taylor and about her situation on her first season on RHOBH was bizarre and completely out of line.  I kept waiting for Brandi to clarify the season was hard for her because of her own personal issues, but she was making Taylor/Russel about herself?  Completely disrespectful talk, but I think Brandi was completely black out drunk.

Here's the thing about Brandi-I don't think she's evil or calculating.  I think she deeply insecure and anxious about things and drinks/uses substances to excess and starts saying crazy, out of line stuff.   This isn't to defend her words or actions completely, but I suspect Brandi's a very different person when she's stone cold sober.  

I think many of the ladies came on here with a very clear agenda to get back on their housewives show and it's obvious.  Eva and maybe Taylor seem like the only two pretty content without it.  I think it's also clear Tamra/Vicki came in to immediately be at war with Brandi and gain a willing Taylor on their side and figured everyone would fall in line and that's what bothers me.  Brandi will most likely sabotage herself.  It was the fact those two were deliberately trying to set her up that put me more on Brandi's side.

Anyhow, I really liked the first few episodes more than the Original season.  It just feels so much less fake and Phaedra is still hilarious!

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The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip


  • The New York flashbacks really should've included "MENTION IT ALL!" because that was iconic.
  • I'm not a Vicki fan.. but not using her "I'm the OG of the OC" tagline was a mistake.
  • Vicki is such a negative f**king Nancy, and I'm already over it. She complains and she is two-faced... I'm over her already.
  • I'm surprised Taylor has not joined Orange County for a crossover event, but, I guess since Tamra isn't there it won't happen, which is a shame.
  • "It's very Brandi & Denise." Iconic line. Haha. And is the pullout couch going to be the new Shark room? Haha.
  • Bluestone Manor has never looked more stunning. I'm here for it.
  • "This tree has been here 120 years." Girl.. that tree ain't surviving this season. I'm calling it.
  • I'm sorry.. we are on STREAMING... why are we censoring words?
  • Dorinda feeding Phaedra is iconic. Ha. A long time coming from Sonja making out with everyone in Mexico and discussing anal sex. "No. I don't do that."
  • Everyone trying to make out why S2 was horrible for Brandi because Taylor's husband committed suicide. And the voiceover to add Russel's name? Hilarious.
  • Brandi's face is distracting. That is work gone WRONG!
  • Now we know why this season got an extra episode.. this first night is so jam-packed with sh!t going on.


  • Ah. The anti-vaxx episode. Here we go. This would concern me, too, not going to lie.
  • The Dorinda flashbacks are ICONIC! We are HERE for IT! Iconic.
  • "You need anal." CHILE! Iconic!
  • Brandi, by episode two, has broken every single rule. No shoes upstairs, no food upstairs. And I eat in my bedroom... just not in my bed, haha.
  • Here comes JILL!!!!! And, of course, the ladies are getting pampered. History repeats!
  • And now Tamra has broken the no-eating rule.
  • The infamous "How'd you know the lady's a lesbian?" moment! Yes!
  • Taylor needs to leave the dark lip to Bette Davis or any other woman that can pull it off, because she cannot.
  • Jill is living her life with Brandi, and I like it.


  • NGL.. Marco is cute. Am I the only one crushing on Marco?
  • And Eva LIVING for her dispensary trip has me living. I'd love to hang with her! Haven't seen her since Top Model, and I am loving her vibe.
  • Vicki's negativity is as off-putting as Ramona's overall attitude to the first season.
  • This Field Day is one I am LOVING!!!!
  • Brandi's Lasagna looks like sh!t. I would never put that into my mouth. Honestly... no one is going to top my mom's Lasagna.
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Having heard the rumors, I was trepidatious about watching a show devolving into a hot drunken mess. But I was pleasantly surprised by the structure to the HWs' days. And by some of the HWs themselves.

Love Eva, Phaedra and Taylor. Eva surprised me: she has the right positive energy and strength to hold the cast together. So does Phaedra. If Phaedra returns to ATL, I'd be down with it. She has the right mix of kooky with reasonableness and humor. Taylor also had this calmness, strength and sensitivity that I always felt grounded BH. TayShana was let go too soon and BH wanting to prioritise wealth and fame has never recovered. 

On the fence: Dorinda, Jill, Tamra. Dorinda wants to return to RHONY triumphant, and that is clear. Not sure she has reflected enough on her behaviour though I do like her hosting the show. We will see if she goes full pantomime with her RH persona. Jill always worked best as a pot-stirrer one on one. She can't marshall a group, or maybe she has mellowed since RHONY. Tamra is too cautious and wedded to Vicki who drags her down.

I wanted Vicki to return to OC, but now I'm not so sure. Negative Nelly.

Brandi, I wanted to dislike, and it's early days still. But grudgingly she Is winning me over. When she's not an evil drunken crazy person, she can be charming, winning and funny. A natural heroine almost. I miss that energy from BH. But not her other hang-ups. We will see.

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Since we know it'll be a minute before I watch, I'll be living the life through you.

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Out of all of them, I've been curious about Taylor. It seems everyone has been taking to her in a way that I don't feel they were before she stopped appearing on BH around Season 3. 


Speaking of OC, did you see the rumors about how next seasons appears to be taking the current BH season approach of overstacking the cast to see what sticks? 

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the finale? It was a 12 episode season. I guess TV has me used to 13 (or even 10) seasons now. Wow. lol.


That said...it was a good finale. Poor Alexia. I knew it was coming. But that did not stop me from feeling some kind of way about her losing her mother. And yes, I was mildly triggered. She always has something happening with her. And as this season was over, there was the drama going on with Peter's latest (?) arrest. Le sigh.


I thought it was a nice finale. It managed to close out all the stories that they had going on during the season. They had a strong sense of sisterhood among all the feuding. So I would put this right below Season 2 which is my favorite season of Miami and one of my favorite seasons of all time. It was that good. And I cannot wait for Season 5. My only problem was that they started strong with the recurring characters which was a hallmark of Miami very much. Not that the girls needed them, but it gave that extra telenovela flair. 


Like POTOMAC, I miss them already. Though I look forward to the Reunion. 


ALEXIA. Alexia, Alexia, Alexia. I was feeling all that drama with her mother. She thought she was going to have her wedding day after all the mess to get there. And then...life threw another curveball. One really cannot make this stuff up. And she had so much grace dealing with her mother's passing. And just as she was over that ordeal, here comes Peter again with some new mess. She was a standout during the season and I cannot wait for her telenovela life return. 


LISA. Hehe. 'Hello, Green.' It was unintentional humor, but I guess I can get it. She must have been happy when someone else showed up at the mourning in a color not black. That said...she understood the assignment at the end and dressed properly. Still it feels so weird seeing her and Lenny together knowing what was going on. And seeing him smile and seem happy so le sigh...


GUERDY. Had a good season and her company has grown. And I loved that she was the glue to keep everyone together during this. After all, she knew loss.


NICOLE. I cannot believe that Marysol and her were able to put their differences (and shade) aside. Says a lot about Marysol's friendship with Alexia. Says a lot about Nicole as a person as well. I doubt any truce won't last.


LARSA. Yeeeah, she won that one. I was shocked to see her tear Adriana up. Usually it would be the other way around. But she did. Other than that, it was nice to see her go off in a new direction. And I loved the house shopping she did. 


JULIA. Julia ended the season like she began it: happy with Martina. I was not hating that at all. 


ADRIANA. SMH. I expected so much this week. She got good licks in at Larsa, but Larsa got her good. 


MARYSOL. WOW at Mama Elsa and Alexia's mother in the same cemetery.


Bring on the reunion. 

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I have no problem with OC packing the cast, as long as they pack the cast with quality. And for God's sake, bring back Tamra and perhaps someone else (Alexis? Gretchen?) from back in the day, because newbies on OC can't seem to tell their ass from their elbow.

As for TayShanna, I think there was a feeling that she brought a lot of darkness onto BH, and that everything in her life had an aspect of questionability. Certainly in S3 she was viewed as the weak link: Brandi and Yolanda targeted her (she was BFFs with Linda Thompson, so Yo was triggered) and Kyle threw her under the bus to make herself look good. I remember Pam/Dana telling her "These women will never love you because they are too busy loving themselves" (ICONIC moment). Given the dark mess of S4 which followed, yeah, I would have kept Taylor as she struggled with going from Kyle's pawn to finding her own voice and strength. Instead, it felt like 'Oh, Russell is no longer beating you? OK, you can go.'



I admit back in the day, I was part of the problem. I didn't know what was good for the show. I thought Taylor and Russell were grifters in S1-2 (with good reason). The social-climbers trying to get in with a fancy social circle and pretend they were something they weren't. Taylor asking Adrienne to be 'godmother' to Kennedy exemplified this.

However, in S3, as she started being phased out, I was like 'oh wait, no!' I realised that having a vulnerable yet determined social-climber on the show wasn't such a bad thing!

BH was -- and should have stayed being -- about the haves and the wannabes. The feel of the show had a touch of the original 90210 that way. When it got into glam squads, fake TV wealth and scripted talking points in place of power dynamics between women -- that is when the show went wrong. Clearly, cast members were renting fancy clothes and Ferraris to pretend they were a lot richer than they actually are. It's fine to be middle-class in Beverly Hills, you know? It's still better than 90% of the country, and there's no need to pretend to be ostentatiously Super-Rich all of the time. Apparently, according to her PR, Diana is the richest person to ever be cast on BH? And yet she is giving me zero energy and zero taste!

Anyhoo, in conclusion, i would love to see Taylor back on BH or OC, lol.

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@Cat, I don't know why these women keep coming at LVP. I am not surprised she provided receipt. And of course, PK's fat a** would response by being an ageist twat and saying she was sitting in the old folk's area. B*tch, you're not spring chicken your damn self. Just admit you wrongly spoke and move on. It is painfully obvious LVP reached out but to no avail. It ain't that serious. This just further strengthens what when LVP comes back, she's gonna come back with vengeance. 



Yet another great episode. I don't get why fans aren't getting into this season. This season is fun and easy to watch. 


I like Monyetta. She provides that light energy that this group needs since Cynthia left the fold. 


Marlo... Yeah... She is definitely the villain this year. She was too much at the event getting in Kenya's face. Kenya spoke nothing but the truth when it came to Marlo speaking poorly of Kandi. 


I am excited to see Lisa Wu next week and it appears that Fatum returns yet again to tug at Drew. 


This is the perfect cast to build on IMO. They can go many directions. Simply re-add Porsha to the mix, which is what many (not me) want. I'd personally probably bring Lisa back into the fold along with Monyetta and give them both peaches while bringing back Latoya and making her the official friends of the show with Fatum.

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I'm sure Robert Earl and the iconic Mr. Chow -- both of whom have built billion-dollar companies and with whom the Kemsleys would die to do business -- LOVED hearing that. 

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PK always runs his mouth without thinking, and now he has insulted 3 important people at once. And let's not pretend PK isn't in LVP's decade. He was born in 1967 and she in 1960. Only 7 years separate them. (FYI, Robert Earl was born in 1951 -- PK & Dorit were desperately kissing his ass in Season 10 -- and Mr. Chow in 1939! So Mr. Chow is 83 years young and STILL very much thriving. It's a boomer world and we just live in it).

LVP just needs to not say a word and live life well, because that is the best revenge. The campily-grifting Kemsleys will, I am sure, trip up yet again.

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So watched Episode 3 and 4 in one sitting. 


First...Nina. It just occurred to me that Nina is from Dallas, right? And when she was sitting here talking to Caroline about her friend Claudia...it clicked? Wasn't Nina casted in what was going to be RHOD's reboot with Claudia Jordan???? Which of course made me go...does that mean Caroline knows Claudia Jordan, too? And then given who is showing up this week...it's not far-fetched either. Things that make me go hmmmm. And I agree with @NothinButAttitude...I like Nina's Zaddy. He could get it. 


These two episodes have been interesting to watch. I feel like everyone is giving so much to play with. Sara's background. Lesa's fashion show and watching her building her brand, the whole time we see her friendship with Ayan shining through. Brooks also working to build an empire and honestly showing so much for someone who is so messy. Nina brings the wealth that I would expect Caroline to have brought back in the day on LoL. 


But...that is probably why I might have to disagree with everyone else on her. Yes, on LoL, Caroline was the HBIC and ran everything. She knew the game in that world and how to play it. But it's becoming clear here this is a new world and a whole new game. She is NOT the only Alpha anymore. The tricks...like icing out someone...that would work on LoL are not going to work here. And like EricFake's current tagline on BH, that makes her even more dangerous. 


And dangerous...is STILL interesting. She is still somewhat transparent like she was on LoL with her losing her business. You can see that in this actual organic storyline about what happens when your young husband wants babies and you...are older and in a different stage of your life. However like I said...her attempt to ice out Ayan...yeah NO. She is too much the star, too much connected, and there is no way to do that when no one is going to bow down to her over Ayan. However...her targeting Lesa next...another move Caroline learned on LoL is also going to end badly for her, either. Nice attempt to keep herself relevant on a show with alphas, but she has miscalculated. And the plot twist of Sara being the one to tell on her to Ayan and Lesa was truly a chef's kiss. 


Outmatched? Time will tell. Outclassed? From what I've seeing of Lesa...YES. 


Sorry, Queen Bee.


CAROLINE. Like I said above, Sergio asking for a child while she is long pass wanting one, like Sanya and Ross over on RHOA, is some organic drama. And it would be fascinating to watch because they are going to have some hard talks as well. Speaking of hard talks, it would be nice to see Caroline dive more into her work life post-LoL. Like I mentioned, she lost her company on that show. So she's...an influencer now? Seems like a downgrade to me. Though given what she is an influencer on, that does explain her face. Outside of that...who is Caroline Stansbury in this world? Sadly...no one. She needs to step it up. I do not think feuding with Lesa is the right move, but it should be fun to watch if COLLEGE HILL proved anything.


AYAN. THE STAR!!! The last two episodes have continued to soften her nicely. And I love seeing it. Like I said, I love seeing her friendship with Lesa and her being a boss at the fashion show and having her back was great to watch. I even liked that she can be feuding with Caroline, but still able to have a conversation with her husband. See? She ain't all bad. And her frenemy relationship with Brooks is a hoot. Will her truce with Caroline stick? Probably not. Especially since Lesa is feuding with her. Should be fun to watch.


MILAN. Over the last two episodes, all I saw was a real businesswoman and that was fascinating for me to watch. She was so sound. She was so motivated. And STILL being a mom. I am single and have always found it hard to get a work/life balance so especially lately as I appear to be at a crossroads, I liked to watch it. And in these episodes we got a little bit more of a picture of her husband. He seem plain to me tbh. But watching them have a disagreement...God, he loves that woman. And...he has a nice bubble.

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Okay, he's kinda foine with that accent. Just seeing Milan in her element at the fashion show was dazzling. There's just something about someone living their dream. It's...inspiring. And she also has an element of being able to feud *cough*collegehill*cough*. That mess that Caroline started...not a good look since Lesa has been trying to make peacemaker I felt between her and Ayan. And Lesa looked like she's good to go toe to toe with Caroline. 


BROOKS. Speaking of businesswomen, it sounded like Brooks had a sound business plan. That said, all she really brought was messiness. And I live for it. But she did not do much this past two episodes.


NINA. I admit that the RHOD thought is making me side-eye her. That said...that party was the biz-ness!!! And the scene with her Zaddy and that license plate. WOW!!!!  She most definitely screams wealth. And I LOVE her obsession with french fries. SAME.


SARA. This lovely enigma. I loved getting more of her backstory in Episode 3. So she literally not only changed her personal life, but her professional life as well. And she did not even have to. She just followed her bliss. Le sigh. Again, given my own life this week that is just awe-inspiring to me. And her at the photoshoot...GIRL, YOU BETTER FLIRT!!! LOL!!! And she looked breathtaking in the red. No need to doubt.  That said...Ooooo at her being messy by telling Lesa and Ayan what Caroline said about not going to the fashion show. Spicy.


And this week brings Shady Phae Phae. Can't wait. 

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Only time I liked Ayan was when she and her hubby were walking hand in hand remembering how they met..how her family didn't approve of him.  She was being human and not that exhausting parasite she's portrayed elsewhere.

I'm going to be honest and say the reason she and Stansbury don't click is because both of them are too much alike to appreciate the positives in one another.  It's why both Nina and Sara are friendly with both because both of those women are less likely to want to be HBIC.

Lesa was upset when she thought her husband was talking down to her..but he was giving her sound business advice.  She tends to talk down to him.  Her sons are adorable though.

Caroline B is messy...but she does love her son and is ambitious about building a brand.


This show is so interesting with the different backgrounds of all the women along with their family lives, that the petty dramas aren't needed.

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Vicki is easily the worst. She is a negative succubus with a disgusting level of ignorance and entitlement. I had thought Vicki might need to return to OC...but no more. I don't love her or love to hate her. I just do not want to see her on TV again. Zero maturity or grace. She acts like a highschool mean girl bully. She is a bitter old hag who needs to disappear from any and all relevance. 

Dorinda is high on her own fumes. When Dorinda is given control, as she has here as hostess, she gets a bit mad with power. However, I still love her. She doesn't have a bad heart.

I LOL'd at the idea of Dorinda going 'full pantomime' with her RH persona. 

Agreed about Tamra. She is letting herself get dragged down by awful Vicki. 

Jill is surprisingly overwhelmed by the other personalities on this show. I think once Jill got fired from RHONY, the air permanently left her egotistical sails and she got wise and decided she had a great life without it. 

Loving Phaedra the most - she is absolutely hilarious. Give her back a peach and light a fire under Kandi. 

Eva never had this energy when she was on ATL.

Taylor has found her voice and a sense of calm. I just wish she'd throw away every dark coloured lipstick someone has foisted on her. 

Brandi is a mess and her face looks like a melted candle. 

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Nene and Bravo are in negotiations to settle her lawsuit: https://pagesix.com/2022/06/28/nene-leakes-negotiating-lawsuit-with-bravo-andy-cohen/

Everybody laughed at her, but she's about to laugh all the way to the bank! Also her new show (which premiered at almost midnight) was #5 for the night and beat RHOA in the ratings. It shows there is still a demand for her. It's actually a good show as well and she's coming off very well.

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