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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I just binged the three most recent episodes of RHOC and I still am enjoying this season. It's not super fast and drama packed, but I feel they're giving us enough and I enjoy the personal storylines. The only HW I have an issue with is Dr. Jen. I don't like her, I don't dislike her, I feel nothing. I often forget she exists if she's not in a scene. She adds nothing and I can't retain anything from her, she is just there. Noella, on the other hand, is flawless. She is a total mess and I love that she's one of the few that has Heather's number. Gina and Emily are clearly kissing Heather's ass to be in the "in" crowd and I've seen nothing to suggest they like her on a personal level. When it comes to Noella's sit down with Heather, I believe every word she said. Based on what we actually saw and various interviews Heather did, we know she threatened to quit the show if they went forward with the lawsuit storyline. I absolutely believe that Heather threatened Nicole off camera, threatened production and everything else Noella suggested. Where Heather's genius comes in, she's good at manipulating situations and an EXPERT with her words, so it'll be interesting to see her make Noella look crazy so her claims aren't taken seriously.

On another note, I wanna give props to the Queen of Miami for getting a regular, in person episode of WWHL, when the actual official cast all got smushed together in a group episode. I'm curious how they'll handle the reunion considering Adriana is central to all the drama. The first seats should be Alexia and Adriana based on content, but I'm sure it'll be Alexia and Larsa. I also think Adriana needs to be out there the entire time and can't be brought out later as a friend. She is too central to the show not to be on the couch the entire time. They made an exception for Luann in season six of RHONY and they should do the same here.

As for Salt Lake City, I'm very shocked that Andy says there are 5-6 episodes left. This is a looooooooooooong season for a second season. On one hand I feel it's too long, but since this is Mary's swan song, I'm glad we have a few more episodes with her. I'm very curious about this "shocking" moment he's teasing in the next couple episodes. From Twitter insiders who are aware, the twist apparently will be worth the wait. 

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Wait -- my pot-stirring drama queen got an individual guest spot on WWHL?! I must watch immediately! I hope this means that Bravo/Peacock are going to give Adriana a mojito next season. And yes, I am desperately hoping for a S5 of RHOMiami by Peacock. It has been so good! (I have no idea what the streaming numbers look like, though

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Reunion looks for SLC. Honestly, Heather looks by far the best. That dress, the cut, the navy velvet, is perfection on her.

Meredith looks the worst. Brooks needs to stop dressing her because this is giving me Kermit vibes.


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Those SLC reunion looks are shocking. Why did so many go for that cheap crushed velvet?! Lord. 

In happier news, starting January 15th, Real Housewives of Cheshire, Melbourne and Johannesburg will be debuting on Discovery+! 
Link: https://deadline.com/2022/01/discovery-library-deal-nbcuniversal-biggest-loser-american-ninja-warrior-1234912345/

Why this isn’t on Peacock I’ll never understand, but I’m happy I’ll have an easier way to watch! Can’t wait to do a full rewatch of Melbourne!

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Heather is not a genius, she's a Karen and what's wrong with humans.  We need a Lydia to call out Heather's delusional narcastic ass.

People tell Gina not to trust Heather, but has anyone stopped to think that maybe no one should trust Gina.


Reunion looks are a hot mess...Heather's dress looks the best.

Whitney's dress is as cheap as she is.

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RH of Miami

Season 4 is so like the original format of the show.

Adriana gives me bunny boiler vibes..and I'm sure her son is relieved not to be around her.

Alexia is a bridezilla lol. Her life is a telenovela and a movie of the week.

Marysol and Kiki are perfect friends of housewives 

Larsa is trying to be a single mom..but her jewelry seems non descript.

Lisa having no nanny lol. Now she gets what most middle and working class moms go through.

Julia...hmmm..not sure about her.

Nicole seems almost normal.. even with her issues with her dad.

Least fave part was the contrived pajama party.  Show doesn't need this element....that element actually has harmed the franchise 

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While nothing much happen, I enjoyed this one so much better than last week.


Noella continues to be a strong newbie housewife. For better or for worse. Petty feud? Check. Intriguing story on her own? Check. An ACTUAL feud with someone fans also like? Check, check, CHECK.


Love her or hate her, Heather is the Queen this year for her return. And she has given wealth, but she has also given controlling the narrative. Bow down or bow out. Noella...is doing NEITHER. And this season gets a little more juice and Heather gets some drama to keep her relevant whether she knows it or not. And given whom Noella's ex friend was *cough*Brownwind*cough*, she will climb on anything to be relevant for another season. And if Heather is the Queen, someone is always going to try to take you out. So this could be feud for next season IF it gets that far. 


Meanwhile, look at Shannon. Banished off to the side for the last few episodes. Who would have thought it? At least she was invited to the cast trip. 




YOU MET YOUR MATCH, BITCA. Now I knew from the preview that Heather would confront Noella over what she had been told by Nicole and Gina. However, I did not expect Noella to be throwing shade in her confessionals...or holding her own...or being a stoolpigeon for Production for how Sushi Night might have actual gone down. It was written all over Heather's face that she did not expect Noella to not bow down OR bow out. She let her know what time it was. And Heather sent her away...being the very definition of a fake bitca as Noella left. Because what did she do? She started to try to ice Noella out. BUT...Noella was like a gnat, showing up, being civil, keeping her energy when people wanted to be rude. Go, her!!! Next week should be interesting since Noella was not invited on the trip.


DRUNK EMILY. She was a hoot. And *raises hand* I've been guilty of that. Good to see she can be messy. 


HEATHER'S NEW CONFESSIONAL. It was giving me ANGEL SEASON 3 Cordelia Chase and I LIVE for it.


BYE, FELICIA. To think. All of this was started because Noella kept having Nicole's back. And now Nicole iced her out. That says a lot about Ms. Forgetable. Speaking of...




THEY ARE AT IT AGAIN. Last season of RHOA was by far the worst offender (so far). And there was a little bit of it in POTOMAC this past season and NY as well as BH. What do I mean? When Production cuts out key scenes and show it later on as a flashback. And these are usually scenes that would great to see in the episodes and give understanding to what is going. Porsha's scene with Kenya and Kandi over the rights. Some Bershan's intro scenes. Sutton offering Erika money. So IMPORTANT. And they did it here with Nicole falling out with Noella. That would have made the party so much more dramatic. What's up? There was another scene that also stood out as being too important to just be a flashback. We need and deserve the whole scene. Oh, wait...stuff from Heather's party. Moreso with Heather and Noella feuding online and bring receipts. The reunion should be fun.

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 Not liking it. 


Til next week...

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Agree with @Soaplovers: the pajama party was painfully contrived. Larsa couldn't even be bothered to show. Since the whole thing was basically an ad for Faena and its show, they could have kept it as all the women go out to dinner, see the show, and call it a night.

Lisa is realising that she needs to actually do something this season, so she's decided to steal Adriana's kissing-Julia SL.

Lisa also clearly spends very little time with her children. She probably had nannies working around the clock, because when she is with them, she comes off as stiff and has no clue how to get them through feeding times like lunch.

Nicole seems nice, but if this were Bravo, I'm not sure Nicole would ever be chosen as a RH. She is just too normal. For three episodes straight, the key takeaway from her scenes has been "we are foodies." The arrival of her clearly-drunk dad may shake up her SL a little.



Star of the episode was Seth, for perhaps all the wrong reasons. The boob obsession seems a bit much. I feel like Seth & Meredith are about to induct Little Girl & Justin and Jennie & Duy into their exclusive swingers club.

Kevin and his Black Van are back! Black Van needs to be featured with its own tagine in the opening credits at this point.

I see Jen Shah is screaming abuse and jabbing her acrylic nails in another woman's face again. And had to be forcibly restrained by a female producer. Is anyone going to call her out her behavior? Certainly not Heather and Little Girl, who seem to crucify anybody who doesn't invite Jen to their events. This is why!

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